When & Where wikk Isarhell Tucson be?


By Jesse Bacon
By rights it should have been in 1995, when Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated.
But the  man  who  took  over  for him  as  Prime  Minister after appearing at
a rally where he was depicted as a Nazi is Prime Minister  again. And Rabin’s
party was just split into its final tiny segments. And the current mania doesn’t
just target politicians, it targets human rights activists, as in this U.S.  
comic comparing Palestinians and their allies to vermin. I got this email from 
Anarchists Against the Wall,

Right-wing demonstration today outside the home of Rav. Arik Ascherman,
director of Rabbis for Human Rights. The demonstration has been licenced
by police. There  is  a  call  also  now  for  a  solidarity  presence  of  left-wing
activists to support Arik”

. In this country, Rabbi Michael Lerner’s house was vandalized. I am glad AATW
will be there to counter the protest and hopefully prevent such acts from occurring.
Assaf   Sharon   blogged   here   about   Israel already being Arizona,   meaning  with
discriminatory laws like  Arizonan’s  anti-immigrant law.  How long before bills like
one  calling  for  the  expulsion of anyone who “harm’s Israel’s image”  encourage an
Arizona-style shooter to take the lives of Israel’s last defenders into his or her hands?


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