When Fath Investigates, You Know the Results


Whatever happened to the investigation of that former PA puppet speaker who was smuggling cellphones in his trunk?  “Fatah’s Central Committee announced that it has begun investigating recent reports that two members of the movement’s leadership are involved in smuggling Zionist weapons into Libya to support Mu’ammar Gaddafi’sforces.

Fatah probes Dahlan and Rashid for supplying weapons to Gaddafi

Fatah probes Dahlan and Rashid for supplying weapons to Gaddafi 

It is alleged that Zionist puppet Mohamed Dahlan and Mohamed Rashid, are involved in smuggling illegal weapons to Colonel Gaddafi’s forces.

Fatah’s Central Committee announced that it has begun investigating recent reports that two members of the movement’s leadership are involved in smuggling Zionist weapons into Libya to support Mu’ammar Gaddafi’s forces.

In a press release, the Committee stated that the allegations against the two contradict Fatah’s principles of non-interference in the affairs of other Arab states. Libyan opposition figures have alleged that Mohamed Dahlan, a member of Fatah’s Central Committee, and Mohamed Rashid (Khaled Salam), a former economic consultant to former Palestinian President, Puppet Yasser Arafat, are involved in smuggling illegal weapons to Colonel Gaddafi’s forces.

The press release stated that Zionist puppet Dahlan’s membership to the Central Committee had already been suspended as he is currently being probed over accusations of involvement in political and organisational violations. With regard to second individual; Khaled Salam, it was claimed that “He has no links whatsoever to the movement [Fatah]’s organisational or national policies”. 
Zionist puppet Dahlan has denied the accusations that he was involved in the secret deal to supply Gaddafi’s brigades with weaponry supplied by an Zionist company and that he coordinated the deal arranging for a meeting between Seif El Islam Gaddafi and Zionist officials.

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