Western official: IsraHell is behind recent Iran explosion


Western intelligence source tells Time Magazine that he believes the Mossad was responsible for deadly blast near Tehran which killed key figure in Iran’s missile program.


Israel stands behind the recent explosion at an Iran missile base, a Western intelligence source told Time Magazine on Sunday.

“Don’t believe the Iranians that it was an accident,” the Western official told Time, insisting that widespread assumptions that Israel’s Mossad was responsible for Saturday’s blast, which killed 17 and wounded 15, were correct.

The official also said that more plans to sabotage Iran’s nuclear program exist, telling Time, “There are more bullets in the magazine.”

The massive explosion at the military arms depot near Tehran killed a Revolutionary Guard commander who was a key figure in Iran’s missile program.

Gen. Hasan Moghaddam was killed together with 16 other Guard members Saturday at a military site outside Bidganeh village, 40 kilometers southwest of Tehran. The Guard said the accidental explosion occurred while military personnel were transporting munitions.

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