China, Russia, Iran and some other countries in the region are beginning to realize that their future lies in stability and trade amongst themselves and keeping these imperialists under control.”
Press TV has interviewed Dr. Kevin Barrett of the Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance in Wisconsin about where the UN stands in Middle East issues; the Russian and Chinese influence; and where the international community and UN should be focusing their attention to increase peace and stability in the region. What follows is an approximate transcript of the interview.
Press TV: What our guest Sukant Chandan indicated was how the UN is getting involved in international issues and we saw Sergey Lavrov say in his comments just a few hours ago that it is important that we understand the principles and the Charter of the United Nations; it can’t be the view point of just one member or that several member states prevails.
Basically, when there is this kind of criticism… When we’re not seeing UN action or that kind of pressure on what’s happening now with Israel targeting the Gaza strip, but at the same time this pressure is so much increasing on President Assad in Syria – Are these members in a position to give the Assad regime the proper solution?
Dr. Barrett: Well, that’s a very good question. It does seem that Russian and Chinese support is still there for the Syrian government and that side of world public opinion and world power wants to resolve things peacefully in Syria. And I do think that’s the right approach.
I think it’s too bad that the Western governments led by the US, which is dominated by the Zionists, have managed to highjack world public opinion to a certain extent and even a certain segment of public opinion in the Arab and Muslim world by diverting them through this Arab spring rhetoric to basically disguise the whole program of destabilization that’s being implemented to essentially turn the region into a series of banter-stands that can easily be controlled by the US Zionist Empire.
I do hope though that they’ve realized that they’re kind of at the end of the road there and that future regime change really needs to happen at the other end of the Arab world namely in the Persian Gulf states in Saudi Arabia and dare I say Qatar that has the US aircraft carrier over there in the Persian Gulf.
Saudi Arabia is the country that when it becomes democratic the region will genuinely change for the better.
Press TV: The UN Security Council meeting in New York, Western foreign minister’s demanded that Russian and China stop blocking UN action in Syria. What basically is the reason for Russia and Chinas concerns that they refuse the UN’s intervention in Syria?
We have comments made by our guests about the efforts of regime change, the efforts for military intervention – Is that what the UN is actually aiming at and is that why Russia is concerned?
Dr. Barrett: Well, yes. The UN has been largely a tool of the US and its allies since it was formed and we certainly saw that when Israel was created. And today, Russia and China are the forces of stability; they are the forces of the future that stand to dominate the Eurasian continent if the North American entity doesn’t grab the center of the grand chessboard that Brzezinski talks about.
So, clearly the US and its allies are essentially globalist imperialists who are trying to maintain their imperial positions. And China, Russia, Iran and some other countries in the region are beginning to realize that their future lies in stability and trade amongst themselves and keeping these imperialists under control.
So I think that’s the larger context of this struggle for Syria and I do wish that my Muslim brothers and sisters around the world would wake up and realize that this sectarian card that the imperialists are playing is one that is only to our disadvantage and to our detriment.
The one thing that we as Muslims need is solidarity in resisting this kind of imperialism and working with the forces for peace and stability around the world and in this case I think that means trying to work things out peacefully with Syria rather than allowing the American terrorists to destabilize it.
Press TV: The Syrian information minister has accused Qatar and Saudi Arabia of funding the terrorists. How valid do you find these accusations?
Dr. Barrett: Well, it’s clear that al-Jazeera is acting as a propaganda tool of the anti-al-Assad forces in Syria. And Saudi Arabia has been on and off, mostly on, a pure tool of American Zionist forces in the region.
I have to agree that in the big regime change that the Middle East really needs is the democratization of Saudi Arabia and I believe there is this effort to orchestrate the Arab Spring and turn it away from that and that’s why we’ve seen the world’s attention directed to these manufactured insurgencies to some extent in Libya and even more so in Syria.
I think they are trying to essentially re-colonize the region; keep it in the hands of the West and by framing it as a struggle for democracy in Syria when in fact, the real problem is the Persian Gulf States, which are using oil to prop up the petro dollar – this world system of REBA currency usury – they’re trying to build a world Empire out of that.