Watch our meeting to celebrate the 105th anniversary of the October Revolution

Speakers included Cuban ambassador Barbara Montalva, Nicaraguan Minister Comrade Whittaker and adviser to president Daniel Ortega. Joti Brar and Ella Rule speak for the CPGB-ML. Watch and share on Rumble  or YouTube.
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An inspiring celebration of the 105th anniversary of the October Revolution, and the establishment of the world’s first socialist state. The Bolsheviks not only overthrew Tsarism, capitalism, and exploitation, but they built and defended socialism against the vanquished internal exploiting classes, and the bitter hostility of global finance capitalists for 70 years – in all their many “democratic” and fascist guises. Those Years of workers government are rich with experience that is both inspiring, and from which we must learn. Comrades from the embassies of China, Cuba, Nicaragua, Vietnam, Laos, DPRK and Venezuela were in attendance, as well as our party comrades and supporters. Speakers at the meeting were:

1. the Cuban ambassador to the UK and Ireland, Barbara Montalvo. Cde Montalvo updates us on the progress of the Cuban people and the ongoing struggle against the criminal and illegal blockade enforced by US imperialism on the people of Cuba, escalated since the trump administration, and now in its 60th year! The blockade costs the Cuban people an incredible 50 million dollars a day, and some 80% of Cuba’s population have lives their entire life under its burden. The US seeks to destabilise and overthrow Cuban Socialism, but the people and its leadership, the Communist Party of Cuba continue to grow, develop, educate themselves and struggle to build a decent free and culture life for themselves, and to render crucial aid and support to the working people of all countries.

2. The Nicaraguan minister Valdrack Ludwing Jaentscke Whittaker, advisor to President Daniel Ortega on international relations. Comrade Whittaker delivers an inspiring message that the people of Nicaragua are the sovereign agents of their country and masters of their own destiny, thanks to their heroic and popular anti-imperialist struggles, lead by an effective and militant communist movement, and inspired by the example of Augusto Cesar Sandino. In their 100 years of independence, the Nicaraguan people have successfully fought the US imperialists occupations and their armed and financed local mercenaries and agents during four major campaigns, from Sandino resisting the original monroe doctrine, down to the current revolutionary administration of the FSLN. Our struggle is an internationalist anti-imperialist struggle. The soviet union fought and vanquished fascism but the threat if imperialism and its fascist agents remains with is today.

3. Joti Brar for the CPGB-ML reminds us that since the successful Bolshevik revolution of 1917, imperialism has been on the back foot and decline, and that despite its apparent position of world hegemony since the fall of the USSR, the inherent contradictions of its global system of profit driven production are shaking the US and the collective western imperialist ruling class to their foundations – and it is this that drives their incessant warmongering, notably in Ukraine against Russia, and their escalating anti-China rhetoric . Only the party and working class equipped with scientific socialist understanding will be capable of ending the senile and parasitic rule not just of the Bidens, Trumps, Trusses and Sunaks, but of the entire rotten edifice of Capitalist Imperialism. Subscribe to the communists, follow our analysis. Educate yourself. Join us and learn to wage successful struggle. Subscribe! Donate! Join us in building a bright future for humanity!



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