WATCH: From Holocaust to revival – shaping Zio-Nazi future conscripts

Militaristic discourse, speech and codes of behavior do not start and end with military service. Preparation for military service in Israel is structured into the education system and begins in kindergarten. The preparation gradually grows as children approach the age of mandatory army enlistment by way of school curricula and even deliberate annual trips. The culmination of the process is the journey 17-year-olds take to death camps in Poland.
Militaristic discourse, speech and codes of behavior do not start and end with military service. Preparation for military service in Israel is structured into the education system and begins in kindergarten. The preparation gradually grows as children approach the age of mandatory army enlistment by way of school curricula and even deliberate annual trips. The culmination of the process is the journey 17-year-olds take to death camps in Poland.

Israel Social TV is an independent media NGO working to promote social change, human rights, social justice and equality, and to mobilize its viewers towards activism.

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