Washington Shooter Identifies Jewish Supremacist SPLC as Trigger

Washington D.C. shooter Floyd Corkins II has named the Jewish Supremacist Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) as his inspiration to carry out the August 15, 2012 shooting spree in which a security guard was injured.
Corkins’s statement was released this week when he pled guilty to a federal firearms charge and D.C. terrorism and assault charges in court. Corkins entered the offices of the Family Research Council (FRC) with a 9mm handgun, two loaded magazine clips and a list that mentioned the FRC and three other organizations that oppose homosexual marriage.
Police also found15 Chick-fil-A sandwiches and 50 more rounds of ammunition in Corkins’ backpack.
When Corkins was interviewed by FBI agents, he acknowledged that he went to the FRC to kill people and smear Chick-fil-A sandwiches in his victims’ faces, prosecutors said.
Corkins said that he wanted to do this “to make a statement against the people who work in that building … and with their stance against gay rights,” according to a court document.
Corkins told the agents that he identified the FRC as an “anti-gay organization” on the SPLC’s website.
“The Southern Poverty Law Center can no longer say that it is not a source for those bent on committing acts of violence,” , FRC President Tony Perkins said in a statement after the news broke.
The Jewish Supremacist SPLC works in the usual manner of their co-religionists’ ilk by lying and smearing anyone they do not like and relying on their Jewish Supremacist controlled media to carry these falsehoods to the general public.
Just a few years ago, Jewish Supremacist SPLC “senior fellow” Mark Potok declared that there should be “no exoneration for people who use rhetoric that inspires violence.”
Speaking during a January 9, 2011 NBC Countdown interview shown following a shooting in Arizona in 2011 by Jared Loughner, the hypocritical Jewish Supremacist Potok blamed “right wing rhtetoric” for inspiring Loughner in this way: “I think there is no exoneration for the people talk about, you know who make these, who… make these kinds of falsehoods on the air and the public squares all over this country. While the people who make those statements obviously do not intend directly for people to be harmed or murdered, I think it is entirely natural that some people out there who are disturbed, you know actually act on these things.
“Obviously that is a tiny sliver of those who hear these kinds of statements but we’ve reached a point, as the sheriff suggests where the vitriol is so white hot out there that some people who are disturbed go out there and commit these kinds of acts.”
Potok also later compared the FRC to the Ku Klux Klan on television—and it is now clear, from Corkins’s own testimony, that this rhetoric was the inspirtation for the attack on the FRC offices. By any measure—but especially theirs—Potok and the SPLC should be held firmly responsible for inciting the attack which had murderous intent.
* In another infamous incident, SPLC “spokeswoman,” the Jewish Supremacist Heidi Beirich blamed radio talk show host Alex Jones for the 2009 shootings of policemen in Pittsburgh carried out by Richard Poplawski. Not only did Beirich blame the triple murder on rhetoric, but she was dead wrong. Poplawski however had earlier posted messages on the internet attacking Alex Jones—but this fact did not deter the Jewish Supremacist fron engaging in her tribe’s usual bout of lies and hatred.

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