Warning: All activists: Kimberly Amatullah

  • All Points Bulletin:

    There is a woman who has appeared out of nowhere claiming to be a Palestinian human rights activist implying she has worked with REAL activists and organizations in the past. In addition, she claims to be a Muslim. Furthermore, it has been brought to our attention that has posted nude pics of herself on the internet and claims to be a relative of the Prophet Jesus and Eleanor of Aquitane.

    (If anyone wants proof of this, please ask, I have copies of it in my possession).

    Despite her claims she has engaged in a vehement campaign against Ken O Keefe without valid evidence, over-generalizations of facts available to the public on the internet, and worse…attacks upon anyone’s character or morals for not falling behind her bugle call of hate. In addition, she has also threatened many other Palestinian activists who have simply had the unfortunate fate of crossing her path and disagreeing with her, by threatening to call law enforcement and by threatening violent acts of retribution for responding in self defense to her attacks or for the tiniest nuisance she feels done upon her regardless of the fact she has done much much more nefarious acts such as post pictures of dead miscarried children of her victims. She has also had people attempt to engage in a physical altercation with her targets.

    There have been reports by others that she has posted a good game in her support for Palestine but have not done anything of material and significant value for the cause. There are also other reports we are investigating of her friendship with the other side of the conflict that we can not release as of now without a plethora of evidence to avoid libel against her. We respect that she DOES have rights despite the witnesses who have made these reports.

    She also works in liason with a Julie Berger and Scott Hall.

    I ask that if anyone can forward names and phone numbers of people who can verify her claims to be a Muslim and Palestinian activist, please do so to Collective Consciousness in order to augment and support a current investigation. We want names of Sheikhs, masjids, organziations, etc. Please feel free to contact her and ask her to provide these names and numbers to validate her credibility. We just want the truth!!! Too much harm has been done for us to accept her own words as credibility and she is one of the best smooth talkers in the business when it comes to Facebook posts. That is before she asks you to bash another activist for supporting either a one-state or two state solution or for not bashing Ken O Keefe or for not helping her in a confrontation with another activist on facebook, etc. I call this a bully!!

    We want to get to the bottom of a Facebook identity that has continued for several years to wreak havoc upon the Palestinian movement by augmenting conflict within the movement with her cronies. I understand this can not be done without her threatening people with violence and law enforcement every time someone challenges her credibility. Asking for one’s credentials is not the equivalent of endangering one’s life and this is a lesson that Kim will have to learn herself. She put herself out there as the real deal former and latter identities, we just want her to PROVE IT!!!

    This message is not only a warning to activists, but a statement of fact by me in order to express to everyone my aspiration to protect myself in anyway I can if this woman continues to harrass me and send people to fight me. I want to also say that please be careful of ANY information you share with this woman or her colleagues. Especially about Palestine, our beloved. Whatever you share may be going directly to the other side. It happened with me unfortunately.

    (Before anyone dismisses this post with doubt, PLEASE ask for evidence as we, Collective Consciousness, have evidence to prove any and all of our claims)


    Siraj Davis

    Founder and president of Collective Consciousness Human Rights Organization
    Clemson University Student Human Rights organization and beyond
    AAPER Coordinator
    Amnesty International Organizer
    Asian Student Association Co-founder
    American Families United Constituent

    US/World History teacher Modern American School
    ESL English and TOEFL/IELTS instructor
    Dedicated human rights activist


    Scarface – G Code


    Scarface Geto Boys Facemob Houston TX Texas H-Town HTown
    Aseel Atif [email protected]
    21:48 (8 minutes ago)

    to me

    GOD!!!! people ur supposed to be HUMAN RIGHTS and PEACE activists!!
    wts with the threatening and the harassment!!!! seriously actions speak louder than words! i dont care if one CALLS him/herself a muslim or Palestinian! all i care abt is his/her actions to prove it! i refuse to be presented or defended by anyone who uses inappropriate language and/or violence instead of logic with those who don’t have the same ideology as mine!!! i wonder if their goal is peace or something else! Palestine doesn’t need such ppl!
    Mr.Siraj has been an honest and very respectful person yet attacked!!!
    may God show the truth soon

295 thoughts on “Warning: All activists: Kimberly Amatullah

  1. I know Kimberly in real life. She is in fact a muslim. And in fact she is a very kind person

  2. It’s interesting that this is posted by the same person who has a personal problem with Kim. Whether she is a muslim or not is entirely her business. She is. If she is or isn’t is no justification for this attempt at character assassination.

    The fact that this has been posted publicly gives Kim a clear right to sue you. If you, Siraj, had been happy to just keep gossiping about Kim, there is little she could have done legally. Now you have solved that by having the audacity to post this piece of garbage.

    It’s remarkable to me that you are immersing yourself in the exact same offences that you are accusing Kim of. Shame on you.

    Leave her alone and try to find something interesting in your own life to focus on.

  3. If Kim is legitimate, what is the phone number and name of her Sheikh and Masjid? in addition, what organizations or who has she worked with in the past for Palestine?

    I think Some Arabic Guy is Some Kimberly’s Guy – Scott

  4. Now, seriously, Siraj… Don’t you have better things to do than this? Involving whole activism thing in personal revenge is a very low kick. And doesn’t really flatter you. Even if all that you’ve said is true, you should be aware as a Muslim, that calling someone kafir is a very heavy sin, in case she is a Muslim. And only Allah knows what’s in her heart, it’s not up to you to judge. Again, in case she is a Muslim, there is a hadeeth saying that whomever covers a shame of his brother (or sister), Allah will cover his shame.. If you wish to keep some dignity, I suggest you refrain from such posts. Allah swt will make truth be seen anyway.

  5. Why did you mention Julie Berger in this post? She’s reporting to people that you sent her random harassing messages on Friday before this post went up. It seems clear that this is all some sort of irrational and *personal* emotional issue which you are involving Shoah.org.uk in as well as others in the activist community. I hope that SHOAH will see that you are not representing their interests in good taste or anything close to a professional manner and take this post down. It’s an embarrassment to the community.

  6. @some honest guy…How you people jump to conclusions…I am not Scott…Even though i HAVE met SCOTT IN PERSON as well…He too is a muslim..My name is Fadi Ayat..I was born in Homs, Syria.I am NOT a muslim …Does that matter??? Stop bashing peoplme damn ree…Try to do some damn research before opening your mouth…

  7. A friendly warning!!!!…If I EVER see you threatening to KILL, SHOOT, or otherwise hurt Kimberly…You will have to go through me first…

  8. A someone who met Kimberly online through Facebook, I will say that she is pure of heart. She seeks peace, not revenge or malice. She is fair and wise, a woman who wishes to see the best in all good people.

    I cannot imagine what sort of person would need to publicly degrade her character, but would say it says volumes about yours.

  9. I am not an activist. I am a friend. I have known Kimberly for a long time, and feel that I know well of her character and morals. Much of what you say smacks of falsehoods to me. I’m not deeply involved – I know she is an activist of sorts. She has shared some of that information with me, but has never coerced me into anything or threatened me – though we don’t always see eye to eye. We have found common ground though. None of us are perfect – you, me, Kimberly, or anyone else. Somewhere we all need to find common ground with each other. We have just this one life, one earth, one Higher Power (whichever you name it) and each other. Which battles are worth fighting for the common good? Let us all keep trying.

  10. Siraj, I have seen your “evidence” about Kimberly on your Facebook Timeline. It’s quite obvious that this is all a figment of your imagination. In one piece of “evidence” you show a “forged email” …. But, if one reads the “to/from” section of the email it’s obvious that Taiyo Davis sent and email to a student at Clemson university. You blamed this email on Kim harassing you??

    *YOUR* GIVEN NAME IS TAIYO AND *YOU* WENT TO CLEMSON UNIVERSITY. You are sending emails to yourself and blaming other people for harassment??

    SHOAH.org.uk — if you are screening your comments at all — please take down this blogger as he is obviously not a sane and reliable journalist or activist in any manner.

  11. @Linda

    If Kim gains friendship through her false credentials as a Palestinian activist and Muslim, then anyone has every right to call her out on it :)Especially when she is attacking and assaulting so many people on Facebook with her mindless zombies who know only her flattery as opposed to the truth.

    Anyone falling in defense of Kim, has no idea who she is or what she has done. They are a poor judge of character themselevs because they have no character.

  12. I also love the posts by Siraj where he shows how Kim demanded money from a TWO YEAR LOAN when Siraj refused to join in her slanderous campaign against Ken O Keefe!! WOW!!! The NERVE!! I have heard of Indian borrowers, but this is something new, maybe blackmail. Also on his pics, is this mysterious Pat McDonald character, one screenshot shows Kimberly, one year ago, asking Siraj to contact him. Then a screenshot from this month shows the same Pat McDonald threatening Siraj’s life. WOAH!!! Furthermore, is Kim really a prophet of Jesus like she claims!?

    GREAT screenshots Siraj. EXPOSED HER and the people who supported her!!

  13. Now for all of Kim’s cronies on this board…please give the contact details of the organizations and masjid she attends so we may verify her credentials she abuses to join the inner circles of Palestinian activists. Waiting….. No excuses….Just give them and shut all of the critics and victims up….

  14. Doctor Siraj You are the moon you r the right your Pure we love you and love what do u write and be sure we all hate Kimberly Amatullah
    Long live Sweet Siraj and may god ruined Kimberly Amatullah

  15. Really? Kimberly is “fair and kind”? Despite the screen shots of her true nature being posted on Facebook showing her clearly threatening people? Calling them names and saying she is going to cause them harm? I have asked her myself some basic questions about Islam which she couldn’t answer, specifically about the prohibition against backbiting as Allah specifically instructs us in the Quran. I also reminded her of the prohibition against gossip. And by the way, someone ought to tell her that tattoos are haram, and that a Muslimah does not post nude photos of herself on the internet.

  16. GOD!!!! people ur supposed to be HUMAN RIGHTS and PEACE activists!!
    wts with the threatening and the harassment!!!! seriously actions speak louder than words! i dont care if one CALLS him/herself a muslim or Palestinian! all i care abt is his/her actions to prove it! i refuse to be presented or defended by anyone who uses inappropriate language and/or violence instead of logic with those who don’t have the same ideology as mine!!! i wonder if their goal is peace or something else! Palestine doesn’t need such ppl!
    Mr.Siraj has been an honest and very respectful person yet attacked!!!
    may God show the truth soon

  17. Why is Kim friends with Reuven Kossover, a known Zionst!!!?? If anyone looks on Kim’s walls, there are two very flagrant and flaming ZIonists who have been known to speak horrible about Palestinians, Kossover and Julie Berger. Check out Kimberly MAatullah’s and their conversations. I DID!! I recorded them… BUSTED KIM!!!!!!!!! THat one is for Palestine Zionist traitor!!!

    May God forgive you and trust me, that was not for your conscience, you have NONE!!!

  18. Kim and Julie as a pair? What kind of fairytale is this? I haven’t seen Julie’s name show up in any thread or group discussion in years. It seems strange that you are pairing Kim with that woman. Are you just picking random names to write about?

    I can’t believe this post has any truth to it at all. Very weird Siraj Davis.

  19. How can Shoah consider itself a legitimate news publisher when it publishes libel like this and not do any background checking? Siraj Davis and Shoah are advertising for attacks on a muslim sister, condeming her without any proof. In fact you are soliciting for someone to prove your lies. If Siraj Davis and Shoah had any legitimate proof they would have published it instead of abusive allegations calling for violence against a falsely accused woman. This is a malicious act of cowardice by both Siraj and Shoah. Do you think you are not seen?

    1. Hi Scott
      Your are welcome to write about Siraj or Kimberly we are free press we dont know Siraj or Kimberly we do not have any link to them but as free Press we can write to us we will publish. So please do not link Shoah with siraj or Kimberly.


  20. i would just like to say that i know Siraj and hes is a very kind hearted person and he will go out of his way to help anyone… He is NOT the BAD person that people try to make him seem with their comments… He will fight for what he believes in and for what is RIGHT!!! Hes a good brother, friend, and person…. Keep on going Siraj!! Dont let anyone get the best of you!!! and i know no one will 🙂

  21. Who actualy Kim and Scott are?they were in my list on facebook but nt anymore.anyone can explain?

  22. Admin for Shoah,

    You are a Palestinian blogging organization and a free press for that topic, correct? You should pay attention to the complaints about this post.

    If you take a minute to follow your own link to Siraj Davis’ Facebook page you will see that ALL his “evidence” is twisted around to make up this story. If you reading all of his photo “evidence” the descriptions that he writes about them are mismatched (the email mentioned by Mary Weather — that he wrote to himself and then blamed on Kim — is only one of many examples). The descriptions of the “evidence” shows that Siraj is in a personal delusion or tirade against these people. The reason for the tirade is obviously not political either.

    The letters from Kim and Scott Tucker which Siraj uses as “evidence” are talking about him PAYING BACK A LOAN TO THEM and then he starts making up defensive accusations, attacking and they follow by TELLING HIM TO STOP HARASSING THEM. Please look at this “evidence” before you try to defend this article and the personal vendetta and harm that it’s supporting. It has nothing to do with activism or journalism or Palestine.

    This may be a free press, but you should be aware that Siraj’s article is the Ranting of a person who’s lost in a rage over a personal financial issue that he obviously doesn’t want to take responsibility for. (In its most mild form, this type of interaction is called ” narcissistic defense mechanism” and can lead to “narcissistic abuse.” In its worst form this could be a form of psychosis). Certainly this is not anything having to do with Politics or Palestine or even Kimberly or Scott or their friends. It’s obvious that Siraj is disturbed and the financial issue between him and Scott and Kimberly set him off on a tirade which he’s now included other activists and Shoah.org.uk in. Is that why you keep this blog as a “free press”? For allowing delusional personal vendettas to get air time?

    Are you making this website available as a free press for creative writing projects of the mentally ill? If one of the missions of your website is publishing work by the mentally ill (skitzo? bipolar? borderline? narcissist?), then I understand why you would continue to post this on your blog. I guess I mistook this website as press for Palestinian activism.

    1. DEAR SIR


  23. This is my exchange with Siraj when I loaned him money. Two years later, when asked if he will pay it back he decides to go on a violent abusive fraudulent rampage against my sister Kimberly. We are not the first activists that have been taken advantage of by Siraj Davis.


    Scott Tucker
    love you brother
    Dear brother Siraj,

    Kimberly just told me of your need for help and I want you to know I take it as a blessing to me to be able to help you any way I can. If you can send me the info for transferring to you via Western Union I can do it online as soon as I have your information.

    My love and prayers are with you my brother. Any time you need assistance of any kind please call on me.

    Thank you for this opportunity you have given me.

    Love, Salam
    your brother

    September 14, 2010
    Siraj Davis
    My name is Taiyo Davis and I am in Amman, Jordan. I love you and Kimberly . You are my family. I want you and her to know that when the time arises I am always be here for you both.


    Scott Tucker

    Western Union is not accepting my transfer online saying they can’t identify me…this doesn’ make sense, I have the money and have used this credit card and information for years online. They also don’t have an office in Oregon…none of this is making sense to me.
    Do you have a bank account I can transfer the money to directly? I know this will work. If not do you have a friend I can transfer money to who will send by Western Union? I promise I will get the money to you somehow, I’m sorry for the delay.


    September 15, 2010
    Scott Tucker
    Brother Siraj, please do not worry, I have found a western union here and will be able to send money tomorrow. They were closed when I found them. Their website and the person i talked to were very unhelpful but I came upon one by chance tonight in a grocery store close by HamduAllah. I’ll send you a note as soon as I can complete the transaction tomorrow morning. I hope you are well


    September 15, 2010
    Siraj Davis
    Thank you Scott. I love you bunches and I hope you enjoy Indonesia. Let me know anytime in the future if you need help, I promise I will be there. Seraj

    Scott Tucker

    I”ve made the transfer, but I could only do next day to Jordan.

    The western union card number is 206837649
    $160 US dollars or 113.04 Jordanian Dinar

    Please let me know if you have any problems and as always anytime you need help. I hope you are well


    September 16, 2010
    Siraj Davis
    I will check on it now. Thanks so much Scott. I love you and Kim bunches and look forward to seeing you in the future.

    I told Kim that I feel you both are my family , we just have not lived together in our past lives. I am always here for you brother.

    Take Care and stay in touch please

    Here is a link to the Western Union receipt of my loan to Siraj.:

  24. Scott, the gig is up. Siraj has posted massive amounts of communication between you and him and Kim!! Did you know every effort of defense you try to hide the truth, people are able to look at his posts and see you are blatantly lying!!? You are making yourself look worse, aha!!! Siraj and his team are brilliant!!! Here let me show you what he posted of yours and Kim’s conversations with him:

    For example: He has shown that you and Kim demanded a one year amount of aid to him because he did not protect you and Kim from people you accused you of stalking ya. Ironically, you claim Siraj is stalking you!! But here in his posts, we ALL saw why you asked for the loan. ….

    Are these your words because everyone on Siraj’s Facebook page can see them!!! They can see you are using the excuse of a loan to attack and stalk Siraj.


    Obviously you don’t take my sister seriously. I take personal offense that you considered my help of $160 “measly”. It doesn’t matter whether it was extending my hand to $1million dollars. I offered you my help because you are my brother when you asked for it.

    People (minions) who support Ken O’keefe are attacking my sister, her family and myself. We’ve just finished talking with the police to report them. There are threats of violence to people I love and must protect.

    please consider this

    Do as you like in regard to the money. I don’t ask you favors for helping you, but do not on one hand say it’s insignificant and on the other tell me how important it was.

    All I ask is that you help Kimberly and myself against slander and fraud. Think what you will about Ken O’keefe. I am concerned about his followers who have called me a pedophile and a pimp, Kimberly a prostitute and both of us zionists. You know better than that Siraj.

    I see you clearly now Siraj. Daniel Mabsout lies and creates fake screenshots. I am aware that you know Kimberly is being harrassed and stalked and slandered. I will add you to the list of people to talk to the FBI is requesting.

    If you are not my friend and brother then all we have left the $160 you owe me.

    all I have done is help you. After owing me money for a year, I’ve never asked you to pay it back…you admit you know people are attacking Kimberly. How have I done anything to you?

    If you owe your friends money that’s one thing, but we are not friends. You’ve made it clear. All I asked is that you report someone using a false profile to impersonate and attack my sister. If you want to live comfortably and owe all your friends money that is your choice. I help people friends or not without expectation of any return. I do expect friends to stand up to attacks against me. I’m not talking about Ken O’keefe. I don’t care what you think about him. I do care when someone is pretending to be my sister and putting a small child at risk, and doing everything they can to distract from helping Palestinians. I am sad that you are somehow taking this as personal insult and blinding yourself to contributing to the destruction of what you are working so much for.

    Siraj… let me make this abundantly clear. I don’t care about Ken, I have my opinion and that will stand. I have seen the evidence and I am making a decision to my loyalties. I will not support KOK. I realize you are identifying with him, and that is your choice… but this isn’t about you. Kimberly has been viciously attacked and her children have been publicly stalked now. If you support this and deny this you are NOT my friend and never were. I do not loan money to anyone but friends, that means I would like you to pay me back. I don’t care what you do in your life, it was never a gift and I have been unemployed helping others like you and KOK so please do not miss the point.

    My family is threatened.
    This is not about KOK.

  25. Scott, these words of your and Kim’s are ALL OVER THE INTERNET ON HIS PAGE AND OTHER FACEBOOK GROUPS!!!

    Did you realize that your blackmail attempts were being seen right through? lol

    OMG !!! You did it to yourself!!!

    Would you like me to post Kim’s comments about the money?

    And why are you and Kim BOTH pouring your heart out to Siraj the first time you meet him with divorce stories about a guy named Firas and your gay lover?

    Dude, its all over the internet bra!!! Wowsers!!!! Whatever you said or did to Siraj, thank God it wasn’t me. lmao

    Fight injustice with truth. Amen



  26. Admin,

    And what if Michael Langston is an alter-ego of Siraj Davis on Facebook? (This is my belief from having seen the various posts) What if you are feeding the fury of a man who is having a mental breakdown? (I believe your organization is only making this situation infinitely worse)

    It is my understanding that Kimberly Amatullah is pregnant. Your page and these Facebook link reaches thousands of people who now know this woman’s name. Are you willing to take responsibility for the harm that will happen to this woman if you appease someone who is trying to get her attacked and hurt? Are you willing to risk hurting a (potentially) Muslim woman and an unborn Muslim child by continuing to keep this post up? Why would you work with the mentally ill to continue this?

    The wise publisher would take down this article and get their blog out of the middle of a personal and irrational financial fight. If these people get physically hurt by the fury caused by this false information, the guilt of their injury will be on SHOAH’s hands. Remove this post.

  27. Admin,

    And what if Michael Langston is an alter-ego of Siraj Davis on Facebook? (This is my belief from having seen the various posts) What if you are feeding the fury of a man who is having a mental breakdown? (I believe your organization is only making this situation infinitely worse)

    It is my understanding that Kimberly Amatullah is pregnant. Your page and these Facebook link reaches thousands of people who now know this woman’s name. Are you willing to take responsibility for the harm that will happen to this woman if you appease someone who is trying to get her attacked and hurt? Are you willing to risk hurting a (potentially) Muslim woman and an unborn Muslim child by continuing to keep this post up? Why would you work with the mentally ill to continue this?

    The wise publisher would take down this article and get their blog out of the middle of a personal and irrational financial fight. If these people get physically hurt by the fury caused by this false information, the guilt of their injury will be on SHOAH’s hands. Please remove this article from your site.

  28. Some Honest Guy, who is probably Siraj, thank you for posting my conversation with Siraj. It only supports what I say. Everything else is libel. Both you Siraj and Shoah are responsible for this libel. Shoah does have the responsibility of what is published on their site. They have the ability to delete or screen what is posted and have taken no responsibility whatsoever. Siraj, none of what you say is true. Both you and Shoah now have a libel suit on your hands.

  29. Wow!

    How shameful, Siraj. I trusted you and thought you were a decent guy, but honestly this is disgusting. So you borrowed money, never paid it back and then desired to use Ken O’Keefe to launch yourself and garner his attention? I hope Ken is smart enough to see through this pile of bologna.

    The death threats and solicitation for those to submit (ie stalk/harass) information to serve your personal vendetta is clearly insane. Your posting that this woman is not a ‘true’ Muslima, incite the anger of Muslims across the globe with this hate campaign and you want them to believe you? Meanwhile, you forgot to trim your screenshots and anyone any mind will see your multiple porn tabs open. so you are stalking this woman and claiming she isn’t Muslima while you are seeking online porn? What kind of a monster are you?

    I find this particularly alarming. That coupled with your siding up with Ken OKeefe to what can only appear as a cheap plot to ride somebody’s coattails. Do people really fall for this? If so, I have some reevaluating to do myself; I do not see this as helping anyone nor does it a Human Activist make!

    For example; Mary Shepard, long known for her anti-Ken rants, now sides with what can only be seen as a misogynist and psychopath (Siraj) in order to defame and solicit violence on another woman? All the while, now claiming she believes Ken’s innocence? And you believe her?

    This is disgusting.
    I am forwarding all evidence and screenshots, page, groups and other to the authorities in Jordan, the United States, the United Kingdom and Canada. I have more information on all of you, you should be ashamed every one of you. You all have mutual friends in common and you take for granted that some among you don’t see through your games. And you most of all take for granted the very need the people of the world, namely Palestine, have. This is unacceptable.

    On a final note, to the student’s of Siraj… don’t believe in heroes, become them. If Siraj was such a great teacher, he would be able to write and if he was a hero, he wouldn’t be spending time harassing pregnant women, borrowing money he can’t or won’t repay, and soliciting for others to die while watching porno online. You kids, merit a lot more. And to Siraj, this has been forwarded to all your affiliations, your sheikh and the schools wherein you work. You should be in a padded room, Brother.


  30. Admin from Shoah,

    I did some quick browsing on the internet and Scott Tucker seems to have a solid reason to sue your organization if you do not take responsibility for your publications and remove this post from your blog.


    Can You Sue Someone for Public Humiliation? | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/info_8706347_can-sue-someone-public-humiliation.html#ixzz1yS7zt2Gu

    “You can file for libel if the statements released by the individual or an institution are false and have hurt your reputation.”

    > individual = Siraj Davis
    > institution = Shoah.org.uk


    Defamation Law Made Simple | http://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/defamation-law-made-simple-29718.html

    “Private people who are defamed have more protection than public figures — freedom of speech isn’t as important when the statements don’t involve an issue of public interest. A private person who is defamed can prevail without having to prove that the defamer acted with actual malice.”

    >Private people = above mentioned:
    Kimberly Amatullah; Julie Berger; Scott Tucker


    Regarding he legal responsibilities that a blog has to address defamation of character….

    Online Defamation Law | https://www.eff.org/issues/bloggers/legal/liability/defamation

    “Is there a difference between reporting on public and private figures?

    Yes. A private figure claiming defamation—your neighbor, your roommate, the guy who walks his dog by your favorite coffee shop—only has to prove you acted negligently, which is to say that a “reasonable person” would not have published the defamatory statement.”

    >Reasonable = Shoah.org.uk is getting complaints that this is a publication on the site included in a major case of harassment by a mentally unstable person. Your organization has a legal responsibility to remove the material from your site given the abundant information about the personal and financial trouble between Siraj Davis, his suspected other internet egos (Some Honest Guy/Michael Langston/William Shakespeare) and Scott Tucker.


    You are quickly setting up your organization for a Libel suit which will surely shut down the “free press” that you are working so hard to maintain. Is it worth defending the mentally ill Siraj Davis and sacrificing your entire organization which is working for justice in Palestine? I can image that it is not worth this fight and a wise publisher would remove the above article, and the other defamatory post about Scott Tucker, before any further actions towards solidify Scott Tucker’s case for a lawsuit against your institution.

  31. Admin,

    Looks as thought my above question about whether you are a blog for the creative writing projects of the mentally ill has been answered.

    Thank you for the clarification.

  32. Admin,

    I see that you have removed the link about Scott Tucker by Michael Langston (aka Siraj Davis’ alter-ego). If I was not clear in the above post, I will clarify that all individuals mentioned in this article have enough evidence to win a Libel suit against Shoah.org.uk and shut down your institution. Because the title “Warning: All activists: Kimberly Amatullah” includes Kimberly Amatullah’s name, there is no possibility that your free press would survive a defamation suit by Kimberly Amatullah. The subsequent attacks on her religion and character in the core of the article only solidify the case. You will quickly loose your URL if you continue to have this blog post up on your site. (At a minimum you will lose your URL. They can also sue financially for damages to their reputation caused by the publication.) Is it worth defending a mentally ill Taiyo “Siraj” Davis and his mental breakdown induced tirade?

    Do you understand?

    Let us review: If this article stays up on your blog, Kimberly Amatullah has enough legal evidence to shut down Shoah.org.uk for defamation of character due to negligent publishing. See links to Defamation Law and Online Defamation Law, above.

  33. @M Yes you are absolutely correct. That is the obvious recourse that anyone mentioned in this slander campaign should take; especially Ms. Amatullah, lest we forget the death threats alongside the criticism of her faith be ignored as well.

    There are other consequences as well. It is clear that the editor in charge of this publication, John Phoenix, is part and parcel and has minimal understanding of journalism to begin with and about ethics overall.

    I won’t list the consequences; but I will say this, I will use my information to make this schism among the Palestinian Solidarity Movement center stage and assist in anyways to bring to light the sordid characters among the movement who seek to do such incredibly dangerous and unethical campaigns.

    No honorable Human Rights Activist would ever participate in something as weak and banal as this; and if they do they merit the full extent of the law and public condemnation for such actions.

    Shoah has permanently tarnished, if not outright disabled, any possible good they could do, have done or will attempt to do at this point… one would ask, was it worth it? Let’s wait to ask after we see what remains to be seen of this shameful debacle worthy of outright ridicule.

  34. I’m very concerned with the well being of Siraj Davis and his family after seeing all the many screen shots that show the evil threats made by Scott Tucker and Kimberly Amatullah. There are legitimate death threats that have been made against Siraj Davis.

    If anything happens to Siraj Davis or any member of his family, guess who “the law” will be coming for first?,…Not Shoah or Shoah’s editor.

  35. @ Carolyn

    Apparently you missed the death threats on Amatullah? And seriously woman, you have a lot of nerve. You quote the Qur’an and act as a God-fearing Christian and ignore the FACT that Siraj is a pervert stalking women and abusing them, defaming them and soliciting violence against them all while seeking online sexual gratification from online porn movies?

    Your blog and such about your mysterious history of kidnapping is suspicious, Lady. You are part of this joke-troupe who spend ALL your time elevating fear for other activists and not doing a damn thing save sit at your computer waving around a big ‘talk’. You are simply put, not credible.

    If you were concerned for anyone’s safety it would have been apparent at the first sign of ANY death threat and that so happens to be from Williamm Shakespeare to Ms. Amatullah; yet you pretend otherwise? You have quite a spiel on lying, Ms. Hamlett… perhaps you should be reviewed as to why you participate in that vice so often?

    Personally, I think you are a fraud and you history as well. Too many holes and far too much incredible illusions. Just another psychotic lunatic with a demon inside… perhaps more than one.

  36. I’m concerned with the well being of Siraj Davis and his family if he does not get treated with anti-psychotic medication soon.

    To anyone reading this who is acquainted with Taiyo in Jordan: Is there a psychiatric emergency hospital or ambulance unit to call? Even before this issue with Kimberly, I noticed that he had been posting at all hours of the day and night. He had obviously not been sleeping at night for over two weeks. I interacted with him over a week ago and noticed that his ideas were jumping around and not making sense. Now he started this insane rant against unimportant people. He is getting worse by the day.

    This man needs help. Somebody who knows him in real life: please get him to a doctor. Please.

  37. Contrary to “M’s” false statement, the link that Michael Langston posted is still active.

    Just scroll up to see Michael Langston’s very first comment. Click on the link to see Michael’s note “Scott Tucker & The Art of Lying” to see Scott Tucker’s words and actions, and those of the person who calls herself Kimberly “Amatullah,” speak for themselves.

  38. Carolyn,

    You are referring to the Facebook note. I was referring to the removal of Shoah’s publication of that link.

    You won’t be able to see it because they wisely took it down to avoid a clear Libel suit.

  39. I reiterate: In regards to Siraj Davis and if ANYTHING happens to HIM or HIS FAMILY family: evidenced by all the screen shots, there is NO doubt whose doors “the law” will be knocking on.

  40. The “Michael is Definitely Gay” fake identity that can be seen posting comments above is a prime example of the sort of lying, malicious slander that “Amatullah” (another fake name and fake identity), Tucker, and those who arise to defend them engage in. Again, their lying words and their despicable actions speak for themselves. I am definitely NOT “gay,” but the truth means nothing to these lying scoundrels.


  41. Well, it’s obvious to me that the gay “Michael” is Ms. Amatullah herself. The writing style is identical.

    Funny how people start talking “lawsuit” and thinking they’re lawyers without realizing the facts. Number one, you do not have a libel case unless you can prove you have suffered a loss of money, reputation and social standing as a result of the alleged libel. I don’t see that here.

    Second, I’d love to know how wealthy all of you are, to be able to run to a courthouse, file the complaints, wait a few years for the case to come to court, and then pay a lawyer to argue one of the hardest types of tort law to prove.

    Third, if you’re going to harass people on Facebook, be prepared for the fallout. Discussing private matters in a forum where people can throw your words back in your face is rather foolish, to say the least. “Cover your ass” speaks volumes.

  42. what? he has a family? which one? does his wive(s) know he is online looking at porn? what is the connection between his wife’s claim of domestic violence and online porn addiction? and also abusing women? what women are supporting this? what woman would support this? Gotta ask ourselves these simple questions from time to time.

    Maybe the alien sexual abusers whispered something in her ear and, because of all the heavy breathing, she heard it wrong?
    What an amazingly insane cast of characters Ken has surrounding him. Too bad really. He COULD have been a potent activist. He has guts and the ability to give a spiel – but ego, that insideous corrupter…

    Instead, he is going to be looking at his aging years as a failure and surrounded by real idiots, clowns and alcohol no doubt, a few agents too.
    I actually feel kind of sorry for him. ..
    THIS is what it has all come to?

    Either way, yeah Shoah is a disgrace, Siraj is a serial predator and these people targeted have more than enough to make quite a lawsuit on the people involved with this. It would stand to reason that some of those participating haven’t been reading up on the landmark cases that have been brought forward and won based on even less than this… pays to keep yourselves informed!

  43. @Um Jihad… so can we presume you endorse porn, as well as violence and slander? I see no proof of anything outside of a loan unpaid, some private emails, and a man who wants to prove this woman a fake but is seeking online porn. And he has some weird Muslims ignoring the obvious, does beg the question.

    Does Allah condone and endorse porn?
    Please explain… I’d love to hear how you spin this!

  44. @Um Jihad… do portend to know these people slandered claiming Libel? If you do not then what make you think you would be privy to any substantial loss or consequence? Sounds presumptuous at best.

    Mostly, please explain Allah’s views on Pornography, if you would not mind so much.

    Please explain how Allah endorses Pornography, death threats and backbiting?

    If you can.

  45. Um Jihad,

    You are incorrect. Please view the above link to Online Defamation Law. There is a libel case exemplified there where someone was the defendant was penalized for calling someone a “dumbass” online. This blogpost is clearly a more severe defamation of character than that.

  46. I have viewed the Facebook timelines of several of the people mentioned and Um Jihad’s writing style seems similar to Mary Shepard’s style.

  47. @M

    “It is my understanding that Kimberly Amatullah is pregnant. Your page and these Facebook link reaches thousands of people who now know this woman’s name. Are you willing to take responsibility for the harm that will happen to this woman if you appease someone who is trying to get her attacked and hurt?”

    If Kim is pregnant and CONCERNED about her child’s welfare, then leave the whole affair alone. If you have ANY proff of Siraj initiating hostilities against Kim, please have her or Scott or you to post them. We are challenging your credibility M. We have our screen shots and recorded phone calls.

    “Are you willing to risk hurting a (potentially) Muslim woman and an unborn Muslim child by continuing to keep this post up? Why would you work with the mentally ill to continue this? ”
    Great post. I agree with you on this. Kim is a “potentially” Muslim woman. She can not prove she is a Muslim after so many asking this of her. She is not a Muslim. She ahs no masjid nor sheikh. She can put to rest a lot of these queries upon her credibility by answering those simple questions. Fill in the missing blanks please. We are waiting….

    “If these people get physically hurt by the fury caused by this false information, the guilt of their injury will be on SHOAH’s hands. Remove this post.”

    I consider this a threat on Siraj’s life. Screenshot and reported!!

    “What if you are feeding the fury of a man who is having a mental breakdown?”
    No one has made any posts about Kim’s husband? What are you talking about? We respect and feel pity for him. Please do not bring him into this debate!!

    “Can You Sue Someone for Public Humiliation? | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/info_8706347_can-sue-someone-public-humiliation.html#ixzz1yS7zt2Gu

    You are NOT listening are you M. Everyone on Siraj’s Facebook page have seen Siraj’s posts. THE GIG IS UP!! If you have access to his page, check out the album on his collection of over 50 photos that is untitled. It is the first one on his page. BLAM!!! Got you Scott and Kim!!!

    “You can file for libel if the statements released by the individual or an institution are false and have hurt your reputation.”

    “You are quickly setting up your organization for a Libel suit which will surely shut down the “free press” that you are working so hard to maintain. Is it worth defending the mentally ill Siraj Davis and sacrificing your entire organization which is working for justice in Palestine? I can image that it is not worth this fight and a wise publisher would remove the above article, and the other defamatory post about Scott Tucker, before any further actions towards solidify Scott Tucker’s case for a lawsuit against your institution.”
    admin says:
    June 21, 2012 at 6:38 pm


    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! OMG, this is priceless. I am going to screenshot this and send it to my friends. lol! Pricelss ballsy move by SHOAH 🙂 Now THIS earns respect by viewers and readers. I think SHOAH has access to more information that the plaintiffs know to say this. Good job SHOAH!!!! We love you!!!

    “I see that you have removed the link about Scott Tucker by Michael Langston (aka Siraj Davis’ alter-ego). If I was not clear in the above post, I will clarify that all individuals mentioned in this article have enough evidence to win a Libel suit against Shoah.org.uk and shut down your institution.”

    All of us in Palestine pledge $15,000 for rebuilding this website, the legal defense , ANd countersuit.
    “Warning: All activists: Kimberly Amatullah” includes Kimberly Amatullah’s name, there is no possibility that your free press would survive a defamation suit by Kimberly Amatullah. The subsequent attacks on her religion and character in the core of the article only solidify the case. You will quickly loose your URL if you continue to have this blog post up on your site. (At a minimum you will lose your URL. They can also sue financially for damages to their reputation caused by the publication.) Is it worth defending a mentally ill Taiyo “Siraj” Davis and his mental breakdown induced tirade?”

    SHOAH posted the article JSUT AS Siraj posted it on his Facebook. It was NOt a creation of SHOAH. Good luck proving otherwise!! Also, there were not attacks on Kim’s religion. Just a strong request of proof of her identity. She fialed in that!!! Obviously for known reasons.. I do no think Siraj is mentally ill, he is doing quiete fine the last time I saw him 🙂 Perhaps you should stop making accusations without evidence or logic yourself, you are starting to sound like Kim!!

    Do you understand?

    Let us review: If this article stays up on your blog, Kimberly Amatullah has enough legal evidence to shut down Shoah.org.uk for defamation of character due to negligent publishing. See links to Defamation Law and Online Defamation Law, above.

  48. Scott Tucker:

    “Some Honest Guy, who is probably Siraj, thank you for posting my conversation with Siraj. It only supports what I say. Everything else is libel. Both you Siraj and Shoah are responsible for this libel. Shoah does have the responsibility of what is published on their site. They have the ability to delete or screen what is posted and have taken no responsibility whatsoever. Siraj, none of what you say is true. Both you and Shoah now have a libel suit on your hands.”

    Woah now, don’t start trying to sue me as well. Next thing you will start doing is claiming I am a Ken O Keefe supporter because like the Israeli government and the US government, we ALL are terrorists, innocent and guilty alike, right?

    I am just stating what is common knowledge to everyone now. It is published on the internet!!! The fact that you yourself are quoted as asking Siraj to become involved in slandering Ken O Keefe and those who you claim to be associated with him. Then, demanding money from a friend because he refused to do so. It is called blackmail!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Did you do Robin McLaren like this too or was it Kim that did this?
    SHOAH is only publishing a portion of what they have been and can be provided as evidence. Trust me, SHOAH is only publishing what screenshots and other svidence can prove. They would not publish anything with your name on it bc all of FB knows you and Kim. They all know your past victims. They all know your inuendo. It is out!!! The victims have come together and they are chanting ENOUGH!!! Scott, you and Kim are just awful for attacking Ken, Daniel, Vixi, Sandra, Carolyn, Mary, Siraj, Pamela, Sara, Michael, and more!!! You have left a trail of victims AND the world can see now. You reputation precedes [not proceeds like Kim mispelled in her correspondence with Carolyn] everywhere you both go. You are not welcome in Palestine. Go to Jeruasalem with your Zionist firneds, but NOT Palestine!!! We know about you now!!!!!!! No on in Gaza wants Kim or Scott!!!!!!

  49. Michael Says:

    “How shameful, Siraj. I trusted you and thought you were a decent guy, but honestly this is disgusting. So you borrowed money, never paid it back and then desired to use Ken O’Keefe to launch yourself and garner his attention? I hope Ken is smart enough to see through this pile of bologna.”

    Wow this guy is talking about a year loan that was never asked for in return as if it was the World Trade Towers being blown up!! Good overemphasis.

    I hope Ken has access to Siraj’s wall. He will see more than just through Siraj 🙂

    “The death threats and solicitation for those to submit (ie stalk/harass) information to serve your personal vendetta is clearly insane. Your posting that this woman is not a ‘true’ Muslima, incite the anger of Muslims across the globe with this hate campaign and you want them to believe you?”

    LMAO!!!!!! Good thing Kim and Scott are in Amerikkka where their words have less impact on the security and welfare of REAL human rights proponents like Siraj in the Middle East!!

    “Meanwhile, you forgot to trim your screenshots and anyone any mind will see your multiple porn tabs open. so you are stalking this woman and claiming she isn’t Muslima while you are seeking online porn? What kind of a monster are you?”

    Wait, Siraj masturbates!?
    I have to get back to you on that one! No comment.
    I am going to discover how many strokes he has committed and by golly, I have to admit he deserves to be charged with an account for each upward and downward stroke!!! i am with you on this!!!

    “For example; Mary Shepard, long known for her anti-Ken rants, now sides with what can only be seen as a misogynist and psychopath (Siraj) in order to defame and solicit violence on another woman? All the while, now claiming she believes Ken’s innocence? And you believe her? ”

    Wait, people are leaving your side to go to Siraj’s. That makes sense 🙂

    “This is disgusting.
    I am forwarding all evidence and screenshots, page, groups and other to the authorities in Jordan, the United States, the United Kingdom and Canada. I have more information on all of you, you should be ashamed every one of you. You all have mutual friends in common and you take for granted that some among you don’t see through your games. And you most of all take for granted the very need the people of the world, namely Palestine, have. This is unacceptable.”

    Wait!! This looks like Kim’s writing style! Michael is Kim!!!!!!! Kim, contact the whole world and wait until you explain the screenshots of Scott and you. Perhaps in America, where DHS is looking for ANY reason to investigate Muslims, REAL MUSLIMS, will your words hold weight. Now in America, any wackos with a vendetta like Scott and Kim can make false claims and be trusted because of thier pale European skin and Christian values. But here in Muslim country, Islam promotes equality and truth!! Here , the fight is equal. You can not make phone calls to the DHS and have the wives of innocent Palestinian activists deported based on false charges with a snap of your fingers!!!

    “On a final note, to the student’s of Siraj… don’t believe in heroes, become them. If Siraj was such a great teacher, he would be able to write and if he was a hero, he wouldn’t be spending time harassing pregnant women, borrowing money he can’t or won’t repay, and soliciting for others to die while watching porno online. You kids, merit a lot more. And to Siraj, this has been forwarded to all your affiliations, your sheikh and the schools wherein you work. You should be in a padded room, Brother.”

    From what I have seen, his students hate you. They all love Siraj and Kim’s claims in her facebook posts as we have seen in the screenshots that Siraj pays his students to say that they like him is ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous!!! Shame on you to make such assertions without ANY evidence Michael. Shame shame shame on you!!!

    Siraj is a human being like all of us. We all see what Kim and Scott have posted. We know the truth. Shame on Kim and Scott!! Shame on them!!!! Blackmail an innocent human rights activist and revered teacher. My God, how can the world produce such filth and associates!!!!! I never thought I would see such people!!! I am truly sad!!
    Get over the SMALL $100 that you GAVE to Siraj. not loaned , but gave!!!! We all see it. no mention of a request to pay it back until Kim and Scott DEMANDED that Siraj attack Ken and others on Facebook.Shame on you!!!!! Trolls!!!!! Then you tried to use this tiny $100, which is not even 10% of what Mr. Siraj makes a month as a reason to harrass, libel, and stlak him!! Shame on you.. Mr. Siraj has the screenshots!!! File your court papers!!! I will gladly GIVE HIM the money to file a countersuit along with criminal charges!! How dare you with no conscience after the truth is posted on the internet!!!

    I consider your last statement the same act in which you condemn Michael. You have nothing to complain about…..now do it!!! I have Mr. Siraj’s side!!! We all do!!! God help us to reveal your evil side Kim and Scott. He will NOT forgive you!!!
    “@M Yes you are absolutely correct. That is the obvious recourse that anyone mentioned in this slander campaign should take; especially Ms. Amatullah, lest we forget the death threats alongside the criticism of her faith be ignored as well.”

    Give us the proof that Mr. Siraj threatened you right here and right now and we ALL will condemn him!!! We are challenging your credibility right here and right now. Waiting…… If you do not provide this evidence, you are ALL liars!! Just give us a snippet, ONe snippet please!!! Otherwise, SHUT UP PLEASE!!!!!!!! Wahhh wahh wahh like a baby.

    “There are other consequences as well. It is clear that the editor in charge of this publication, John Phoenix, is part and parcel and has minimal understanding of journalism to begin with and about ethics overall.”

    I suppor tthe editor, he or she made the right choice and you all should be exposed for what you are, a pack of Zionist hyenas.

    “I won’t list the consequences; but I will say this, I will use my information to make this schism among the Palestinian Solidarity Movement center stage and assist in anyways to bring to light the sordid characters among the movement who seek to do such incredibly dangerous and unethical campaigns.”

    Go ahead. You might as well. Mr. Siraj posted so much about Scott and Kim. it is only fair 😉 If you are speaking about Mr. Siraj liking someone’s post about shooting Kim, well.
    1) Everyone can testify Siraj LIKES any video on Facebook. It is a way to show appreciation for someone posting in support of him. It doesn’t mean he agrees with what the person says or does. I think you have taken the “like” function of Facebook and extrapolated it to such lengths that space travel would pale in accomplishments. Mr. Siraj sometimes LIKES videos that show Palestinian suffering, it does not mean he supports the suffering of the Palestinians, it means he appreciates the person bringing awareness to the issue or supporting the person’s efforts to show they care. GET A LIFE!!!! A Facebook like? lmao

    2) DID Siraj threaten you directly from his own words or through email? Did he say he would make Kim disappear like he said to Carolyn or to destroy Sandra and more? Hello, those screenshots are up!!!

    3) You mean to tell me a facebook like is credible proof?

    “No honorable Human Rights Activist would ever participate in something as weak and banal as this; and if they do they merit the full extent of the law and public condemnation for such actions.”

    This did not make any sense to me. No human rights activist would do this, but if they WERE a human rights activist, they should be punished equally as everyone else. Who assumed anything different? Did you?

    “Shoah has permanently tarnished, if not outright disabled, any possible good they could do, have done or will attempt to do at this point… one would ask, was it worth it? Let’s wait to ask after we see what remains to be seen of this shameful debacle worthy of outright ridicule.”

    SHOAH is AWESOME!! It is a publication that brings the truth, no holds barred and without fear of repercussions. It protects the weak against the most opulent and despotic of the tyrants today. It takes the responsible decision to act against a vehement and compassionaless group of Zionists who use the full weight of their resources of Irael and America for a disinformaion campaign and COINTELPRO tactics. It is without doubt that the people of Palestine and its TRUE heroes applaud with tears and hold our head sup high for the near future for a change that will go down in history. We love you SHOAH, you are Palestine’s newspaper, from now until Palestine is FREE. Viva Palestina!!!!
    “Apparently you missed the death threats on Amatullah? And seriously woman, you have a lot of nerve.”
    @Carolyn M is talking about when Siraj liked one of MANY posts by one individual on his page who happened to suggest to anyone in the public to shoot Kim for saying she was the family relative of Jesus. Apparently Siraj’s habit of liking all posts in support of him caught up with him. M wants you to believe Siraj directly threatened Kim. Poppycock!!!!!! A facebook like. WOW!!!!

    Now , prove Siraj was even looking at what was written at the time when he liked the button.
    “You quote the Qur’an and act as a God-fearing Christian and ignore the FACT that Siraj is a pervert stalking women and abusing them, defaming them and soliciting violence against them all while seeking online sexual gratification from online porn movies?”

    Who are Mr. Siraj’s victims? Name them……You do not have them!!!! Kim has a LONG list!!! You all are liars. You speak such a good game, but you ALL are liars!!! God punish you for ALL of your lies because he only knows how much damage you have done to innocent Arab Palestinian activists in the past and now!!! It was Kim, who posted to Michael Langston that she would contact the FBI and they would believe her over Michael and Daniel because she was more Euroepan looking , right? That screenshot is on Mr. Siraj’s wall too 😉 So you are taking the side of a racist? A Zionist? A FBI and DHS informant?

    “Your blog and such about your mysterious history of kidnapping is suspicious, Lady. You are part of this joke-troupe who spend ALL your time elevating fear for other activists and not doing a damn thing save sit at your computer waving around a big ‘talk’. You are simply put, not credible.”

    I do not understand why you began attacking Carolyn, then switch to giving a description of Kim and Scott. Can you explain please ?

    What are Kim’s and Scott’s credentials? This is the BIG question!

    “If you were concerned for anyone’s safety it would have been apparent at the first sign of ANY death threat and that so happens to be from Williamm Shakespeare to Ms. Amatullah; yet you pretend otherwise? You have quite a spiel on lying, Ms. Hamlett… perhaps you should be reviewed as to why you participate in that vice so often?”

    Did William send Kim an email? We would like to see that please. I think the spiel is by ALL of the slow minds and low self esteem creeps that follow Kim’s lies and promises and praises they so desperately need. It is enough to hear this Kim belly and moan to the world how everyone threatens her despite EVERYONe giving evidence of her antagonizing the arguments!! She is a lunatic. Scott is a lunatic as well. They both have problems with reality, I think they would probably be committed to a mental health institution eben in the real of Harry Potter. Please!!! Any woman who brags on her OWN wall about having friendships with Zionists, threatens to kill people, lies about being stalked by several people when she initiates the hostilities, claims to be a relative of the prophet Jesus and Eleanor of Aquitane, brags about submitting information to the FBI and DHS on Palestinina activists who have angered her in the past, posted naked pictures of herself on the internet, has been selling information to the other side for favors and money, and more!! Are you serious!! And it is all copied and pasted. Have you no shame!?


  50. Too funny all the knee-jerk, no thought statements here. Michael is not Kimberly. He is real. Spoke to his mother. Gay? – who cares. Carolyn a wacko – Oh, yes, definitely.
    Kimberly, a Muslim? Ha, give me a break. Have seen the nude pics. How come she has all those Zionists men that she cries to about all the ‘threats’ to her, her child, her family. Bogus drama play.
    For Kimberly, being a Muslim is an affectation. Palestinian activist? Where, when how? All I have seen is her fighting with people. Dangerous? – more to herself and her children.
    Threats: Kimberly has issued more than have been issued at her. She is famous for the FBI, police, Homeland Security and even her Mother’s connects(real?, probably not.) We should have a body count from all the ‘danger’ people have been put in and threats issued.
    Scott Tucker: Scott is not her ‘real’ brother. Randal Scott Clark of California is her brother. Am sure it has been a trial for him to have her as a sister.
    Jesus Blood: Wacko !! Kimberly, Decedent of all prophets is her latest claim. Bizarre !!!
    Ken Nichols – aka, O’Keefe the Thief – Has anyone looked on you tube or the internet on his other convoys and ‘activist’ activity? Takes a few minutes but has volumes of information. Hawaii – He was a small time scoff-law, not insuring his car or getting a license. What if he hit you or your family? You loose. His mummy bails him out. Military – Marines don’t verify anything of what he alleges. Court martial? cant verify. Combat? – cant verify from his battalion. The medal everyone gets.
    Hijacking and misuse of funds are not new allegations against Ken the Thief. Practice due diligence. Find out who you are being swayed by, supporting, lies, truths……Stop being SHEEPLE

  51. Some Honest Guy who has the same writing style as Taiyo “Siraj” Davis,

    Why do you spend so much time and attention on these people? If they were such liars and you were sane, I believe that you would drop the issue. Yet, you have posted articles with increasing fury and seeming desperation to the point where I certainly don’t believe that you are a legitimate activist. Those dedicated to a cause do not allow so many distractions from their mission to happen because of one person, or even two or three. A real activist would avoid a distraction like Kim and, when they couldn’t, they resort to legal defenses, not slander and character defamation.

    You are ruining your own image by continuing this and it’s unfortunate that you have decided to provoke a law suit rather than drop the issue.

    Now let’s take an imaginary journey for one moment:

    You are accusing these people of being Zionist conspirators and do not expect that they have abundant finances, corporate and legal connections to sue you or have you fired or get you arrested? You are either telling the truth that they are the perpetrators you say they are, in which case you would understand that a huge law suit is the price to pay for exposing them. Or these people are nobody important in the Zionist world and your insistence that there is no grounds for a lawsuit is true.

    To say that they are important Zionist conspirators and simultaneously so powerless that you can taunt them on the internet without legal repercussions is illogical. It only points to a man who is living in an irrational world.

    Either way, outside of the imaginary journey we just took, Shoah.org.uk and Siraj Davis are certainly setting themselves up for a substantial libel suit in the real world where everyone else lives.

  52. Admin for Shoah,

    Please view the following photograph posted by Siraj Davis. On the lower right hand side you will see Hebrew advertisements. Internet IP addresses in Jordan and East Jerusalem do not set Facebook’s automatic advertisement settings to HEBREW.


    Only someone living inside of Israel – also known as occupied Palestine – would receive an automatic preference setting of Hebrew advertisements on their Facebook profile. Siraj Davis is not the person he claims to be.

    You are putting yourself at risk for a libel suit in order to keep publishing the rantings of someone who is certainly not a real activist for Palestine in any manner.

  53. SHOAH, gotta thank you dude for giving such comic relief, but then after the laughs, I see the big down side of when you decide the issue is settling these fights in public and if you got to do it, you choose a fight like this, where you can see some obviously idiotic dude who wants to get at some woman in public and hopes he is gonna get a whole mob to follow him, and of course, you gonna get some stupids who do. And it is the way that the editors or whatever play stupid and blind to what is happening. Maybe you think this gives you big traffic? Yeah Dancing with the Stars gets big traffic too, but you’d be hard pressed to think it is intelligent. Really man, it is normal (I never saw it except for now) that the author of an article goes on for days (escalating and getting even more ridiculous) in real long and childish answering back using some fake name? it don’t make you look serious at all and you can say you just print shit up that gets sent to you, well, that sure is a stupid policy if this is some blog about Palestine, you got to use some brains and some intelligence, not this shit here! It gets funnier when the whole article is just some big private grudge that the guy found an outlet for it because he says he is some big activist so he goes to the first place that admits it just prints whatever it gets sent. That does say something about you, never mind this clown making the post. I been activism for a while, I know the names that get tossed around, even met and did stuff with alot of em, a lot of em not what they say they are, and anyone who say they are something 9 times outta 10 is nothing and here is one making a spectacle of himself on some site. Like I was saying, I been in activism probly longer than you were mostly cuz I’m older, but this Siraj guy I only ever heard of cuz he makes this big stink about how he don’t wanna pay back money. Note to Siraj Davis/Some Honest Guy- don’t ask for money if you ain’t some day gonna be able to pay it back and don’t bitch when someone asks it back, they got that right until they live, so turning that into some issue, you got a problem too big to handle and it ain’t our job to teach you nothing about money! I can’t figure this whole thing out except this guy got some big issues that make him more than a clown but alot worse and Palestinians sure don’t need worse than clowns, they got enough activist clowns sucking on their blood and they just too nice to say as much as they want, we don’t like you, quit hanging on our struggle cuz you think you know what we want but it is all about what you want. So this guy uses a fake name as funny as Real Honest Guy and then thinks nobody notices that even when he says “we got this and we got that”? I don’t know but it don’t seem so big on integrity to act in that way. The guy wants to make an idiot of himself on facebook, then let him,that’s what facebook is for. Lots of people have lives outside of facebook and shit like this on a news site is funny at first, but mostly just shows the level activism activism got turned to when we got all these white guys and western guys telling us they need to lead and they need teams and all this shit. Palestinians got leaders and they got teams and they don’t need some guy who got followers, cuz they had that and it always blew up in their face. The sooner the Palestinians get liberated from these heroes who blow their own horn and pimp themselves so much, the better.
    I don’t know about lawsuits and that shit, but who needs a lawsuit when anyone stupid enough to defend this Siraj Davis guy says alot about the level of shit going on. When you all get your heads out of your own asses and forget about your own egos, maybe some day you can do somebody some good. Right now, if i was a Palestinian, this dude would be on my black list, and not only for the porn (who cares if he watches it, but if he claims his page is so popular on facebook and all these screenshots prove that in between his masterbation he fantasizes about being some heroic activist everybody gonna follow, he too stupid to make a clean screen shot instead of a dirty other kinda shot). Does he really think some places letting him near their families and girls gonna accept this dude? He’s so set on doubting the religion of some woman he don’t want to pay back that he lets his weenie do the work and go into full drive. That he advertizes it- It is proof he is either too stupid to think or too horny he can’t control himself when he supposed to be serving their struggle. All them screenshots and he misses what he got on them? I guess it is true, masterbating so much does make a guy go blind.

    I never heard of Kimberly in my life, but you know what, I feel sorry for her and if she’s bein attacked by a guy like this, she got my sympathy. I don’t see any proof she is a Zionist, all I got is proof that some jerk with a loud mouth and sex drive so big he can’t even hide it when he thinks he showin how dedicated he is to exposing someone to activists (TO A MOSTLY MUSLIM COUNTRY, that’s what’s so funny at the top of it) and all he got to show for it is some fight they had. It’s high school drama and bad high school drama to boot. So this comment’s long, but ADMIN, you really should use your brains too and not let any old shit be posted and if you can’t help it, you gotta at least tell your writer he gotta respond in his real name. Some Honest Guy, did you ever once say you was Siraj? No, he don’t but even a baby could see through that. ADMIN, you pretend he someone else! You must think we are all as stupid as you.

    What bs.

  54. Why is it that Grey AND M begin their comments the same way “Um..”?

    This Kim really has multiple personalities 🙂 WOW Freaky!!!!!!!

  55. Maybe it’s cuz they responding to somebody called Um Jihad that they start their comment UM? I know it’s kinda hard for you to figure that one out “Some Honest Guy” but try it. Man, you so obsessed with yourself everything looks like a conspiracy to you. Just fess up, you are Siraj. Somebody might be able to forgive you for it. I think most folks gonna just realize you just point the finger at others for what you yourself doing. That’s why we don’t need folks like you, you’re a disgrace and nothing much else.

  56. @Grey

    “what? he has a family? which one? does his wive(s) know he is online looking at porn? what is the connection between his wife’s claim of domestic violence and online porn addiction? and also abusing women? what women are supporting this? what woman would support this? Gotta ask ourselves these simple questions from time to time.”

    Hmmmmm…. I am thinking here. Why is it that you contuously claim that Mr. Siraj defending himself from Kim’s and Scott’s attacks is abuse against women? The only one to purport such nonsense is you and most likely the zombies who support Kim and Scott from close proximity relationships built on drug abuse, tattoo fads, and low self esteem. Also, why are you bringing his family into this? You yourself are dragging Siraj’s family into the argument by mentioning them. Would it be fair to make comments about Kim’s Republican Zionist mother who hates Islam? NO, she has nothing to do with the argument!! However, I posted this cmment in order to demonstrate yours, Kim’s, and Scott’s age old tactics that we ALL are tired of being abuse by!! Also, I wanted you to know how it feels to do so!!! Doesn’t feel good, does it? What is justice?

    It is perhaps another problem of yours to put words into people’s mouths. How do you know ANY of Mr. Siraj’s wives, former or current or in the future? What are their names? Where do they live? Can we speak with them too?

    No one has mentioned the abuse Firas went through with Kim at the hands of a sociopathic bully and Zionist, Kim. Should we ask MR. Siraj for the screenshots of that convo betweeen him and Kim to verufy his claims? I personally do not care, but it would be interesting to show if it is in fact KIM who has marital problems.


    What about Scott? Does he have problems with his marriage?

    I think these posts are self explanatory. Sometimes the assailants project their own qualities upon their victims…….

    Here is Scott pouring his heart out to Siraj about his gay lover.

    Your screenshots?

    “Maybe the alien sexual abusers whispered something in her ear and, because of all the heavy breathing, she heard it wrong?
    What an amazingly insane cast of characters Ken has surrounding him. Too bad really. He COULD have been a potent activist. He has guts and the ability to give a spiel – but ego, that insideous corrupter…”

    Alien sex abusers!!!???? Now you see that is absolutely one of the MAIN reasons no one likes Kim, Scott, or any of their cohorts. It is because they use unorthodox, immoral, and despicable acts of bringing everyone into the foray of gunshots at a shooting range of debate. They have no conscience to show compassion or restrain their fury. Here is an example, they accuse others of sexual moral turpitude but claim someone has alien lovers and is abused. Simultaneously claiming THEY are abused!!! Also they bring Ken O Keefe’s name and OTHERS into the argument who want NOTHING to do with all of it!! Shame!!!!! No shame by them!!!!
    No one mentioned Ken, why are you bringing Ken O Keefe into this argument? I thought the arugment was NOT about Ken O Keefe? You are starting to sound hypocritical here.
    Ken is a decent hearted person, and we all do not appreciate being targeted and attacked because we see his inner heart and vision. We do not like being attacked because we see the truth!!! Do us all a favor, leave Ken, Siraj, and everyone else alone.

    “Instead, he is going to be looking at his aging years as a failure and surrounded by real idiots, clowns and alcohol no doubt, a few agents too.
    I actually feel kind of sorry for him. ..
    THIS is what it has all come to?”

    We all feel sorry for you Kim and Scott. Youa re the agents!! We have known this for two years, collected the evidence, and now we are glad people know!! Ken has the support of God and the people. That is all he needs!! Now go crawl back into your little hole please.

    “Either way, yeah Shoah is a disgrace, Siraj is a serial predator and these people targeted have more than enough to make quite a lawsuit on the people involved with this. It would stand to reason that some of those participating haven’t been reading up on the landmark cases that have been brought forward and won based on even less than this… pays to keep yourselves informed!”

    SHOAH makes a stand for REAL human rights activists!! You, you just have too much time on the internet 🙂

    File your suit, others will follow on your behalf. When it is all said and done, the truth will be more valuable than any CHEAP amount a court room sets on it!!!

  57. I had to go back to what this Um Jihad says so I can know what she’s complaining about and so I stumbled on this comment here-
    Um Jihad says:

    June 19, 2012 at 7:27 pm

    Really? Kimberly is “fair and kind”? Despite the screen shots of her true nature being posted on Facebook showing her clearly threatening people? Calling them names and saying she is going to cause them harm? I have asked her myself some basic questions about Islam which she couldn’t answer, specifically about the prohibition against backbiting as Allah specifically instructs us in the Quran. I also reminded her of the prohibition against gossip. And by the way, someone ought to tell her that tattoos are haram, and that a Muslimah does not post nude photos of herself on the internet.

    Where to start with the hypocrisy of that?
    I’m Muslim too, was born that way and that’s why these folks who’s got some grudges but who’s obviously reverts always stands out cuz they get like they gonna teach other reverts the ways of our faith but they are doing the exact opposite of what they preach. So Um Jihad says that Islam is this and that and mostly says now what’s haram and focusing on this woman’s body as if it were her business instead. If I bet money I’d say this Um Jihad got a problem with this Kimberly too cuz she takes it as a fact that this woman is posting nude photos of herself. But if Kimberly don’t pimp herself as some leader or some boss of some organization, why does it matter if she did that (IF she did that, and anyway, what is this revert tendency to be more strict than a Taliban. I know lots of good Muslimahs who are models and dancers and athletes and they so used to being judged by small minds like this Um Jihad who for sure is not displaying good character). It gets worse if you keep reading, this Um Jihad thinks the point is what shit goes on internet with people’s fights being put up for public consumption as if she says this is some kinda argument or proof of something, and then talks about the prohibition against backbiting and gossip when that’s only what Um Jihad’s doing. You better quit it, you give a bad name to all the good reverts who only focus on their own deen and wud never get involved unless they were some gossipy old fools who don’t know right from wrong. And I don’t see no condemning of Siraj’s porn obsession that he himself proudly puts on display in the same space as what’s supposed to be activism for Palestine. So all of you telling this woman she can’t be this or that with exposition of her body ain’t got nothing to say about a guy who is addicted to the porno industry? Then mixing the two together, this is the one my mind tells me is the person to warn activists about, especially the women.

    We all know some people is fair and kind to their friends and their enemies think they not fair and kind. As long as they don’t tell me to follow them and don’t act the sanctimonius, let them decide how they want to live their own lives and don’t judge them. Something tells me it’s all about some couple wanting to get some revenge on some other couple and how surprizing, they using the Palestinians to do it and they using some site that thinks it has some credibility to do it. If a person is a real danger, we got to know it. This ain’t the case. If anything the danger is these self-obsessed moralists who can’t even stop being hypocrites enough to try to convince anyone who didn’t know the story before. If there was some unsure, they all figured the story out now. This Siraj Davis is the one activists gotta better avoid and anyone who takes his shit seriously!

  58. “@Um Jihad… so can we presume you endorse porn, as well as violence and slander? I see no proof of anything outside of a loan unpaid, some private emails, and a man who wants to prove this woman a fake but is seeking online porn. And he has some weird Muslims ignoring the obvious, does beg the question.

    Does Allah condone and endorse porn?
    Please explain… I’d love to hear how you spin this!”

    Jihad is standing up for the character of Siraj. This has no relevance to her endorsement of porn. This is a far exaggeration of facts into dictums that Grey is claiming. This is immature and skewed logic.


    A boy is caught sticking his hands in a cookie jar. His hands are smacked with the imperative “NO, NO”. Then later, the kid is attacked verbally by a wicked and unruly girl on the street. The parent asks what happened? The boy says , she slapped me and chased me down the street!! The girl responds, “don’t believe him! He hit me first!!! You can not trust him!!!! Remember, he stol from the cookie jar!!”

    We are grown-ups!! So Grow up Grey!!

    Can you prove that no one else uses the laptop that Mr. Siraj uses? Can you prove he does not have roommates? You can not prove anything Grey. And therein separates the libel charges you have made. MR. Siraj has proven everything in his screenshots, you HAVE NOT!!!

    Where is your evidence Grey? Waiting………

    According to Mr. Siraj, he has already paid you!! Why are you still mentioning some insignificant and tiny loan!?

    I will pay you this change just for you to SHUT UP and leave Siraj alone!! Wow, talk about loan/beggars!?? You all should work for a collection agency, every cent counts!!!

    You seriously expect us ALL to believe you spend so much time attacking Mr. Siraj because of $100!!!??? Who does that!???

    You are attacking him because you are jealous of him, like you are of Ken. The only reason that anyone has returned that attention is because you have some connections to people helping you that are more than suspicious, some of them have been proven die-hard Zionists!!

    When we say Zionist, we do not mean Jewish people. NO!! Many of us many great Jewish friends! We are talking about those die-hard Zionists who believe there is NO Palestine and that Israel deserves to have ALL of the land!! Those are the types of people you associate with Kim, Scott, M, and Grey!!. We all know Kim has called DHS on innocent Muslim victims just to curve popular opinion by them to her side, just to receive help with certain personal problems, and for the most damning of the determinants for sin…….money!!!

    Worse, she brags about it!!!

    You became enveloped into providing false information to DHS about Mr. Siraj! Consequently causing his former wife to be asked questions about Siraj!!! You snitch!!!! The worst of them!!!

    In regards to Islam, you nor anyone has the right to claim Mr. Siraj is not Muslim. It is within his own heart!! You do not make Fatwas or anything else.

    Kim claims to be Muslim, but refuses to give the credentials to augment those claims while simultaneously befriending Muslim activists for Palestine, only to use and abuse them by garnishing information from them, selling it to the highest bidder, demanding that they participate in her attacks on others, spreading lies and rumors, and then attacking those who have no use for her.

    This is a repeated cycle we have ALL came to despise. Enough is ENOUGH!!!

    Her credibility is in shatters NOT from this post or anyone else’s, her credibility is in pieces because all of what she has said has come back to haunt her. She can demand screenshots be taken off Facebook or file suits, but in the end, the people will see that all of what she complained about CAME from her own words.

  59. M says:

    “Um Jihad,

    You are incorrect. Please view the above link to Online Defamation Law. There is a libel case exemplified there where someone was the defendant was penalized for calling someone a “dumbass” online. This blogpost is clearly a more severe defamation of character than that.”

    I say:

    If this be the case, Kimberly and Scott have an short and finite number of sense and an infinite number of accounts against them!!

  60. If I thought this Siraj was just a weird guy with who’s got a limitless ego, it could stop there, but looking at his above comment, I see he’s got severe issues and he ain’t got integrity. I don’t think anybody in their right mind is gonna believe the argument, “his roommate was looking at porn on his computer”. That one is just so comical you gotta wonder what other good stuff this guy got cooking up. He uses the catch words of Zionists so that the more gullible ones think he’s on the right side. We got enough problems to help our brothers in Palestine without the latest of the series of transplanted westerners and reverts who think they are Moses gonna lead the people or Salahudin saving civilization from invasion. Want some advice Siraj? PAY THE DAMN MONEY BACK if someone asks you to and quit making excuses and bringing out all your dirty laundry. If you had any decent friends, they see thru you now! Someone here say they gonna raise Shoah money like 150 thousand dollars for a lawsuit for THIS idiotic fool? Save the money and send Siraj 100 dollars so he can pay his own debt and then STFU!

  61. And i gotta laugh out loud! Siraj instead of admitting he is a sinner and is trapped in an obsession and uses the porno industry, he makes up a story no fool, no matter how fool he is, gonna believe! He really think some roomie gonna go to his computer, masterbate to porn then give the computer back to the activist to save Palestine? If he believe this, I feel sorry for him, but if he believe anybody gonna believe it, he got problems and gotta be avoided by smart people who want to do good things for Palestine without it being about themselves. He maybe think porn is ok sometimes maybe? I know that it is bad not only because my faith tells me this, but I know it exploits women-and it don’t matter if they ain’t Sisters, that ain’t no justifying that they used in this industry where men’s making all that money on the weaknesses of other men who lower their pants and their morals every time they feed that industry even if they gotta do it free and amateur-. Cuz I looked at this guy’s screenshots he so busy promoting as if they are something real good and important and I see he is addicted in a big way and to some real out there shit, Hot Moms and shit… sorry if I’m laughing, but if he can’t see how hypocritical he is, it’s funny!

  62. Kimberly, I wrote the message that is below. Amazing that printing the truth about you can bring the threats of a law suit. But that is your usual pattern – Lies, un-truths and half-truths. The reference library of your lies must be huge.
    I will keep writing the truth….As I do about O’Keefe the Thief.
    Mary Lou Chellman

    Wrong brother – Not Brother says:
    June 21, 2012 at 11:06 pm

    Too funny all the knee-jerk, no thought statements here. Michael is not Kimberly. He is real. Spoke to his mother. Gay? – who cares. Carolyn a wacko – Oh, yes, definitely.
    Kimberly, a Muslim? Ha, give me a break. Have seen the nude pics. How come she has all those Zionists men that she cries to about all the ‘threats’ to her, her child, her family. Bogus drama play.
    For Kimberly, being a Muslim is an affectation. Palestinian activist? Where, when how? All I have seen is her fighting with people. Dangerous? – more to herself and her children.
    Threats: Kimberly has issued more than have been issued at her. She is famous for the FBI, police, Homeland Security and even her Mother’s connects(real?, probably not.) We should have a body count from all the ‘danger’ people have been put in and threats issued.
    Scott Tucker: Scott is not her ‘real’ brother. Randal Scott Clark of California is her brother. Am sure it has been a trial for him to have her as a sister.
    Jesus Blood: Wacko !! Kimberly, Decedent of all prophets is her latest claim. Bizarre !!!
    Ken Nichols – aka, O’Keefe the Thief – Has anyone looked on you tube or the internet on his other convoys and ‘activist’ activity? Takes a few minutes but has volumes of information. Hawaii – He was a small time scoff-law, not insuring his car or getting a license. What if he hit you or your family? You loose. His mummy bails him out. Military – Marines don’t verify anything of what he alleges. Court martial? cant verify. Combat? – cant verify from his battalion. The medal everyone gets.
    Hijacking and misuse of funds are not new allegations against Ken the Thief. Practice due diligence. Find out who you are being swayed by, supporting, lies, truths……Stop being SHEEPLE

  63. The fact remains that the screen shots that Siraj Davis AND others have provided clearly and undeniably prove that Scott Tucker and Kimberly Amatullah are guilty of multitudes of threats and harassment toward Siraj Davis and many other people.

  64. @Strummer Fan

    A lot of accusations but no proof as well. How do you know the whole situation behind the animosity behind Kim and Siraj and Scott. I can say we saw all the posts and it is convincing!!

    Where do you come in? Did someone promise something with you or is your self esteem of such low capacity that involvement into someone else’s conflict is a way for you tom express your false sense of superiority. PLEASE!!!

    In regards to your claims of activism, if you are associated with Kim or Scott, enough can be said 🙂 No credentials. No work. Just talk!!

    As if your statement is enough alone. Provide details, give names, provide contacts , or are you just as fake as those whom you defend Strummer? What is it that you and Kim have worked on in the past to benefit others?

    Now, in regards to your comment about Mr. Siraj not wanting to pay back money. You seriously expect us to think that all of this was over a small and insignificant $100!? Really? Are you that inclined to make yourself look that atrophied in the mental faculties of reason?

    It is to my understanding too that the money was paid but your Zio buddies over there do not want to admit it. If we were to provide you the truth, irrefutable truth (I know you and your friends wo not know anything about that), what would be your reaction?

    You seem to hate White or European leaders of Palestine Strummer but you are speaking in what language? Where did Mr. Siraj say he was a leader? As far as I am concerned with the status quo of Palestininas losing more land as the years continue, Palestine could use all of our help. Not you!!! That is for sure.

    And do you really think nay of us are fooled by the fact that you come whomping in with castigation against Mr. Siraj withhout ANYTHING to criticize Kim or Scott for? You definitely ARE low in the mind functions buddy!! It was more apparent that clear blue sky whose side you were on from your first post. PLEASE!!!

    i am not going to comment on your sexual analogy. It seems you can not even spell “going” or “are not” correctly 🙂 gonna ain’t, wow, the brilliance of southern language at its best!!! Now what part of the South are YA’LL from? 🙂

    Mr. Siraj has devoted his whole life and sacrificed a lot to these issues here. Trust. Your words have no influence on anything. You jumped on the wrong side SON!! Thank God you ARE NOT Palestinian!! We would have more problems from incompetence and stupidity then could be repaired!! Go back to your little bed room and live out the little sexual analogy you posted. It seems your whole team suffers from projecting their own weaknesses and faults on others. Try more fiber in your diet 😉

    If masturbation does make a person blind Strummer, your blindness to the truth and facts demonstrates where all of your time is spent, or should I say something else being spent. PUN INTENDED 🙂

    Before calling anyone an activist or a wannabe hero, try providing your own credentials, which we see is a very common stigma, a deserving one, of all constituents of Kim’s and Scott’s team 🙂

    Why do you come to rescue Scott’s reputation with such alacrity Strummer? Was it he who taught you the true heuristics in which your marathon of closed room acrobatics should reach in far as the length you both want to achieve:) Do not get me wrong, I believe gay people should have rights, even you Strummer 🙂

    Scott Tucker speaking about Strummer, his gay lover 🙁


    I think Strummer is another Ziobot , called to defend Kim and Scott, when the truth can no longer hide it. Mr. Siraj was wanred he had to take down all of his screenshots because Kim and cott’s Ziobots were at work hiding the truth. So! We moved them elsewhere, and we will continue to move them until the truth is told!!

    Now Strummer, please crawl back in Kim’s BIG hole and do not come out until she calls or tugs on the leash again. PUN intended!!

  65. @Strummer Fan

    What is wrong with you paragraphs buddy. You came out with a strong entrance of essay lengths , then all of a sudden you dampened down into short stories 🙂

    It seems that perhaps you are the one lacking in stamina :)Trust, if your attempts to woo Kim by making this stance for her gives you the false impression that she will forgive your weakness within the confinse of her velvet dungeon, consider this advice when I say , DONT DO IT!!

    Here is some advice for Scott: Do not give money you can not afford to live without OR you are willing to end friendships over. However, this is not what this whole argument is about , is it? It is about Mr. Siraj refusing to attack Ken O Keefe and others at the demands of Kim and Scott. We have seen those screenshots and even posted Scott’s words on the intenret 🙂

    Scott has not returned a negative or positive response as to whether those words were his or not. So maybe it would be wise to help him out 🙂






    WOAH… It seems Scott blackmailed Siraj. See with your own eyes!!!

  66. Kimberly “Amatullah” is only a part of a much larger and far more pervasive problem, exemplified in the previous post by the person referring to Ken O’Keefe as “Ken the Thief.” This despicable and cowardly individual hiding behind a fake identity (Wrong brother – Not Brother) is a part of the problem also, a highly organized defamation and slander campaign that has been waged against Ken O’Keefe for over a year.

    When one carefully examines the precise nature of the controversy involving Kimberly “Amatullah” and Siraj Davis, what one finds is simply this:


    It is as simple as that. That’s what this whole thing is all about.

    Watch now as these truly despicable and cowardly ANONYMOUS individuals hiding behind their fake identities try their best to distract our attention away from what the REAL problem is, by focusing our attention on the supposed “sins” of Siraj Davis, which are trivial and inconsequential in comparison to the sin of maliciously LYING in a vicious attempt to destroy and harm.

    Make no mistake. Ken O’Keefe is not the problem. Siraj Davis is not the problem. Carolyn Hamlett is not the problem. Daniel Mabsout is not the problem. And I am not the problem. We are a part of the SOLUTION to this problem of malicious lying when we take a firm stand against it.

    THIS is what the problem is. THIS is what poses the real threat to the Palestinian cause:


    When honest and effective activists such as Ken O’Keefe and others are maliciously attacked in this manner by people such as this, then we know without a doubt what the problem truly is.

  67. In reference to Some Honest Guy/Siraj Davis who is the author:


    To all who are reading this strange article,

    I am not surprised to find that the link to Siraj Davis’ Facebook screenshot album has been taken down since I posted about the issue. In that album he showed that he is obviously receiving automatic Hebrew advertisements from Facebook because of an IP address from inside of Israel. This was album of screenshots were either removed by Siraj himself to cover his tracks; or removed by Facebook for violation of terms of service, since the posts were also about Kimberly Amatullah. It doesn’t matter either way because I personally downloaded copies of every photo in that album in anticipation of their removal. I hope to find a way to repost a public link of these pictures to verify Siraj’s false identity to any and all who are reading.

    It has become obvious to me that not only is this man on a personal vendetta, slandering random people and acting illogically, but he is entirely an imposter in the activist community. I do not understand what his intentions are, but he is obviously acting from inside of Israel and has subversive intentions towards Palestinian liberation. I do not trust anything he writes.



    Put simply: Beyond the libel suit you are headed for, your editors are acting recklessly towards Palestine and all who are fighting for her by continuing to keep this post available on the web.

  68. The fact STILL remains that the screen shots that Siraj Davis AND others have provided clearly and undeniably prove that Scott Tucker and Kimberly Amatullah are guilty of multitudes of threats and harassment toward Siraj Davis and many other people.

  69. @Strummer Fan,

    Wow. You really are an objective poster with the plethora of posts you have made against Mr. Siraj and FOR Scott and Kim. Good job!!no one needed to expose you. And for you to be asking about the identities of others on this board, we are sure interested in yours or does equality escape your moral compass? Wouldn’t surprise me, they say those who hang around howling wolves tend to catch the flea and howl themselves 🙂

    Here are Kimberly Amatullah’s blackmail too:

    Awe they make a great couple, S & M. NO Strummer, this was not an intended pun, I know what you are thinking!!




    We have more Strummer :p

  70. It seems Michael Langston hit it RIGHT on the button!! THe whole website, No One in Gaza Wants Ken O Keefe is the culprit of all this mess!! Its proponents were invigorated by the fact they could spew all of their hate onto the internet with impunity against Ken. It did not suffice!! Instead, this seemingly unchallenged victory has them running around claiming more victims like Mr. Siraj!!

    Michale Langston HIT it right on the button.

    Get rid of that website Facebook or we will begin a letter campaign expressing what occurred involving numerous DEATH threats, stalking, harrassment, and more to be the direct result of Kimberly Amatullah and Scott Tucker, along with their other colleagues who have started this whole debacle and riot which are overflowing past the digital borders of Facebook!!

    Be responsible, take that HATE page about Ken O Keefe down !!! Punish those who made that page and are still running around causing hate to grow exponentially like a plague!!!

  71. Michael, Get up to speed —- No fake identity. The title was used to garner interest for people to read the TRUTH. I posted my name a few hours ago. And you know who I am.
    Definitely NOT a flap-jaw like the rest of you posting un-substantiated garbage on people/events that you have NOT researched and attack people who do have first hand experience in the area of interest.
    ….Ever think you might are being manipulated by some of those you support? You have no idea with whom you are speaking and being used by as their minion/puppet……..Mary Lou

  72. Siraj, thanks for posting what you call my conversation with my supposed “gay lover”. I welcome everyone to read it. It is my conversation with you about my experience in submitting to Allah and becoming Muslim. I also told you about how I felt directed by Allah to not only go with you to the protest for but to continue on with you to help you find your wife. Now you use my calling to Islam, my submission to Allah and my offer to help you find your missing wife to attack me with your distorted perception of reality. May Allah forgive you for allowing yourself to become so lost.

  73. Carolyn,

    In the world of logic and consensus reality (where most of us live, but obviously there are minority opinions) taking a picture of something and simply writing a story about it is not enough to be considered a legitimate truth. That is called “spin.” Did you ever watch the movie “Wag the Dog?” Most of us in consensus reality have watched this movie and we understand how media can be distorted when the author only provides partial information with a narrative of their choosing. If you are convinced by this partial information, then I feel that you need a better education in Media Literacy. I will see if I can find some links to bring you up to speed.

    Here is my perception of the situation. The screenshots (which are now, mysteriously, unavailable) clearly showed me that Kimberly was upset about something and fighting with Siraj at the time that the picture was taken. I saw nothing about a threat to Siraj specifically, since most of the conversation was cut off. I did see Kimberly call him “delusional” and ask him to stop “slander” against her before she started cursing. She also insisted that Siraj pay her back the money she loaned him. I believe, from my gleaning of the conversation posted, that Kimberly was reacting to a much more serious offense that Siraj committed earlier in their interactions. Siraj did not post the earlier part of the conversation which made me suspect him. People censor their conversations like that when they’re trying to hide something. I do not defend Kimberly’s use of foul language and name calling in the shot that was posted. Certainly, her reaction written to Siraj was lacking respect and poise and was mildly threatening in manner. My opinion is that an individual has every right to curse at someone in a private conversation. The receiver of the cursing and name-calling doesn’t have to continue an interaction if they are ~receiving~ abuse and threats. Siraj could have simply blocked her at that point in the interaction. Instead, Siraj continued interacting with her. He not only messaged her on Facebook and wrote about her on threads, but decided to post a slandering article on the web as well.

    Do you know anything about the “Abuse Cycle”? The cycle of Abuse starts with one person initiating abuse. Then if the Abuser doesn’t stop abusing, the ~Victim~ resorts to an attack as the ~Victim~ becomes desperate for the Abuser to stop attacking them. It seems to me that Siraj initiated the original attack and Kim committed a more mild form of attack to defend herself. Otherwise, if Kim were the abuser, I do not believe that Siraj would have continued the interaction by posting private conversations to the web and writing a slanderous article against this woman. His behavior is typical of the sort of control/abuse/distortion/dismissal cycle that one sees with Domestic Abusers. It is the typical psychological makeup and typical interaction of someone who is a “narcissistic abuser” at a minimum. Unfortunately it’s also very typical for a man to take out this sort of issue on a woman, which we see here in this article and in this strange fight.

    I believe that Siraj’s issue is more severe narcissism. I think this because: 1) Siraj’s has responsed to comments with increasing irrationality. 2) His screenshots are entirely mismatched to the narrative he writes about them (ex. He wrote himself an email from his G-mail account to his Clemson University email and then wrote that this was a photograph of an email from Kimberly). I now believe that he is delusional in some manner and is suffering from a very serious form of mental illness.

    If he were a sane individual, we would see a fully constructed, linear and cohesive narrative that did not resort to tactics which are typical of abuse.


    See “Cycle of Violence” graphic at this link:

    Cycle of Violence | http://www.mchenrycountyturningpoint.org/cycleofviolence.html

    > Kim’s mild threats to Siraj fall under the category of “Acute Explosion: Victim’s Response.”

    > Siraj’s behaviors regarding this Shoah article would fall under “Acute Explosion: Abuser” because of the first item listed which is ‘verbally abuses & humiliates.’

  74. @M

    Dear M,

    The photos were taken down because Kim’s Ziobots reported it. It was Facebook’s decision to bring them down , no doubt as a result of the same Zionists who support your friend Kim and are hiding on Mr. Siraj’s Facebook friend’s list. However, they have been moved 🙂 As we have demonstrated above.

    It is clear that you and your associates have engaged in a very convincing campaign to paint yourselves as victims AND to do everything to tarnish and damage a former Amnesty International, American Families United, and AAPER rep. The sophistication could have been a better effort on your part, but I can agree the tenacity of your efforts to push the false belief that you could place a blouse and lipstick on the ugly truth, is commendable :)However, the screenshots and the oinking from Kim and her Ziobots had DHS written all over it!!

    You even ruined your own credibility by claiming Mr. Siraj was not in Jordan. Hist students are not only flabbergasted, but speechless in Mr. Siraj’s ability to travel back and forth to Jordan in such short time everyday 🙂 It is without doubt, these are the efforts of desperate liars when all else has failed and it is now time to make the lies bigger 😉

    It is without doubt Mr. Siraj’s colleagues, friends, and family are seeing through everything, in fact, they are right now, with the screenshots on this website and the ones sent to them in the e-mail.

    Truth can not be hidden but for so long. God has this beautiful way of allowing his instrument, TIME, to make the end results far worse of a shame for the assailants of truth and their posterity than if the truth was told in the first place.

    Here is an e-mail by Kim to Mr. Siraj. notice that she asks Mr. Siraj to contact a man in 2009 with the abbreviation,

    Pat McD.


    In a Facebook message that recently surfaced during the conflict between Mr. Siraj and Kim in June of this year, a man by the name of Pat McDonald makes this death threat quote “Your existence is hanging by a threat!”


  75. @M

    Are you blind. The screenshots speak for themselves?

    You all are done!!

    You are the weakest link, Goodbye 🙂

  76. Now on to Scott. After being outed for the blackmailer you are, one question.

    Do you still have no shame?

    Why are crying out that you still have not been paid when you know you have the money?!

  77. Scott,

    Did you end up going with Siraj to find his wife?

    I suspect (see above) that she ran away for a very good reason.

  78. It is a well known fact that Scott Tucker and Kimberly Amatullah are both known for their harassments and threats to many people. Siraj Davis is just one of their victims who has been posting screen shots that expose them.

  79. Carolyn,

    I believe that a “well known fact” is only a small step from “truthiness.”

    Abusers typically cry victim. This is an unfortunate (scientifically studied and documented) truth.

  80. As I said, Siraj Davis is just one of their (Scott Tucker and Kimberly Amatullah’s) victims who has been posting screen shots that expose them.

  81. Here is Kimberly Amatullah’s comments on Hamas.Claiming that they are kidnapping others and hiding the truth in Gaza.

    Also, she states that public condemnation of Ken is the preferable manner of handling a disagreement with someone.

    Now we see hypocrisy at its BEST!!

    She was unrestrained when wanting me to condemn Ken publicly. However, now she has a problem with the public condemnation of her!! What a fraud Kim is !!! A hypocrite!!


  82. Carolyn,

    Do what you will. Nobody with any education or sense of logic would follow his irrational rantings as truth.

    If someone were entirely sane, the only reason I see to defend his abusive and irrational actions as factual is if that person had a personal grudge against these two individuals. Do you have a grudge against these people?

    None of Siraj’s “evidence” shows any wrong-doing Scott Tucker or Kimberly Amatullah’s part. They seem to be enraged that SIRAJ WILL NOT PAY BACK A LOAN of $160 to them.

    Posting slander, however, is considered wrong-doing and is additionally illegal. Siraj seems to be guilt of both slander and breaking of a contract (Verbal contracts are legally binding in the most of the United States, where all parties are citizens. Agreeing to borrow money as a loan and not returning it is a crime).

    Siraj Davis seems to be guilty of at least two criminal activities that I can count simply from reading this blog and his Facebook page: Libel and Breach of (Oral) Contract.

    If you choose to follow a man who is a criminal that is your choice, but it doesn’t look good on you.

  83. M says:

    “In the world of logic and consensus reality (where most of us live, but obviously there are minority opinions) taking a picture of something and simply writing a story about it is not enough to be considered a legitimate truth. That is called “spin.” Did you ever watch the movie “Wag the Dog?””

    Wow, do you mean the kind of spin the media does to the Israel/Palestine conflict. You come straight form the pages of Zionism. All of you are sick!! Very sick in the heads and there can be NO fortiveness for antagonizing an innocent and productive person such as Mr. Siraj. He gives back to the people and sacrifices so much for issues that do not directly affect him. WHo are you!? What have you done!? You can not even back up your own credentials. You howl falsehood and lies like a pack of dogs, cause dissension amongst the movement for Palestine, and walk away laughing like the criminals you are!!! How can you sleep at night? What species of the world do you some form because I was not apparent your kind inhabited this planet!! I see I was shcokcingly wrong!!

    SPIN!!! ha !! There is no spin! Lie after lie, you all have been exposed, you all have no where to run. The truth pursues all of you!! Then , when you have no other lie to forward as an excuse, what will you do? I mean come on, the gig is up!!! You were caught and the more you continue, the worse it will get for everyone. You had nor have any credibility. What little you had, is Gone with the Wind 🙂 Now , hop on your broomsticks and do the same. Go back to melting your concotions of lies that have caused enough innocent blood to be spilled. The problem with Palestine is Kim and her ziobots!!!

    Here is one of Mr. Siraj’s warnings to Kim to leave him alone on June 9th:


  84. M says:

    “Most of us in consensus reality have watched this movie and we understand how media can be distorted when the author only provides partial information with a narrative of their choosing. If you are convinced by this partial information, then I feel that you need a better education in Media Literacy. I will see if I can find some links to bring you up to speed.”

    I believe you are hoping to distort this message board with your lies. Despite evidence, you cling onto your venemous and forked tongues hoping that your cowardice and lack of faith in the principles of Islam which you claim to espouse but not live up to, will save you. NO MORE Scott!! NO MORE Kim!! You have been weighed and are wanting by everyone on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. You have no where in the world to go……we all know you now.There is NO “most of us”, it is just you and your pathetic Ziobots!

    Partial information? Wow. Looking at the links gives all the ifnromation, period!!

    Here is Kim’s violation of that warning on the same day, June 9th. Look at the language and fury!!


  85. If Scott Tucker and Kimberly Amatullah don’t like people posting screen shots showing them, Scott Tucker or Kimberly Amatullah, harassing and threatening people, then what is the logical course of action for Scott Tucker and Kimberly Amatullah to take?

  86. M says:

    “Here is my perception of the situation. The screenshots (which are now, mysteriously, unavailable) clearly showed me that Kimberly was upset about something and fighting with Siraj at the time that the picture was taken. I saw nothing about a threat to Siraj specifically, since most of the conversation was cut off. I did see Kimberly call him “delusional” and ask him to stop “slander” against her before she started cursing. ”


    Notice that the snippets of comments you are using are in actuality coming from the post containing not the conversation about threats by Kim, the words you use come from the conversation with Kim claiming to be the direct relative of Jesus!! Were you confused M or did you even read the comments that were posted!? OMG!! You did not even read them, did you?

    The word delusional comes from the post with Kim claiming to be the direct relative of Jesus, not from the post with them arguing about money or anything. STUPID!!!
    You are writing this an putting the facts together as if the public is SO lazy and stupid as to accept your narrative without looking at the posts themselves!! Look at your post above!! Lol!! You are a fictional writer, a talented one at that. I give you A for effor t M. I have never in my life seen ANYONE try to bulls_it their way out of things with the truth right there behind their backs casting a shadow to their audience!!! WOAH!! You are amazing and just down right pathetic!! I fell pity for you 🙁

    Here is Kimberly Amatullah violating the warning again on June 11:


  87. M says:

    “She also insisted that Siraj pay her back the money she loaned him. I believe, from my gleaning of the conversation posted, that Kimberly was reacting to a much more serious offense that Siraj committed earlier in their interactions. Siraj did not post the earlier part of the conversation which made me suspect him. People censor their conversations like that when they’re trying to hide something. I do not defend Kimberly’s use of foul language and name calling in the shot that was posted. Certainly, her reaction written to Siraj was lacking respect and poise and was mildly threatening in manner.”

    Mr. Siraj has the whole conversation posted. It shows that from the beginning , Kim demanded him to help aid her in attacking Ken O Keefe and his associates. Kim claims that Ken and his associates were targeting her because she was helping to expose Ken as a fraud. She attributes her conviction to the beleif that Ken was the thief of the aid to Gaza on Mary Rizzo. I have that screenshot too!! She then makes very stern threats and appeals to guilt over the loan and emotionally loaded language in order to compel Mr. Siraj to join in on her campaign. We also see form the screenshots that when Mr. Siraj refused to do so, she snapped and demanded the loan from a year or two ago back immediately. After Mr. Siraj agreed but told her it would take some time, we see screenshots of Kim ANd Scott making very immature and antagonizing remarks to Mr Siraj, each one involving comments about Ken as if Mr. Siraj was supposed to feel guilty for refusing to condemn Ken O Keefe without proof.

    It’s ALL in the screenshots!! We even see in the screenshots, Mr. Siraj warning Kim NOt to contact him anymore. However, Kim violates these written warnings. I think scott and Kim are without doubt guilty of blackmail AND harrassment. As we see now, they have no conscience and deserve prosecution!! No doubt!!! Most people would have backen away after being caught red-handed or at least suggested a compromise, not these two villains and thier criminals!!! Is this supposed to be behavior becoming of a relative of Jesus like Kim claims to be!?

    There was NO censorsihp to any of the screenshots and it is recorded in a narrative on a Microsoft word document that numerous people have in thier possession now. M, give it up!!! Nothing can be done to hide anything. The more you say, the more you get yourself stuck into a hole with your ziobots!!! Nice try to marginalize your girlfriend’s crimes, but it i snot going to work this time buddy!!!

    This is how Kim blows into her bugle call of hate against her would be victims:


  88. M says:

    “My opinion is that an individual has every right to curse at someone in a private conversation. The receiver of the cursing and name-calling doesn’t have to continue an interaction if they are ~receiving~ abuse and threats. Siraj could have simply blocked her at that point in the interaction. Instead, Siraj continued interacting with her. He not only messaged her on Facebook and wrote about her on threads, but decided to post a slandering article on the web as well.”

    You are incorrect. According to law, cursing is a misdeamanor! Over the internet, it involves federal authorities genius!!! It is not the obligation of the recipient of attacks to block interaction with his or her assailants. That is a Facebook policy, not law M. In the real world, it is a crime!! A federal crime!!!! I think it is time to take the Facebook pacifier from your mouth and let you suckle on something else when you and your cohorts are placed in a 6 by 6 foot bedroom 🙂 We have been watching a lot of things you have been doing in the past two years Scott and Kim!! Mr. Siraj stated specifically he wanted NO CONTACT with you or her, you still contacted him on your own accord and at your own risk!!! You have to pay the piper now Scott and M and Kim and Grey and Stufferkimshole (or whatever your name is).

    All of Mr. Siraj’s screenshots CLEARLY show M, that Kim and Scott orgiinated contact with him. Look at the posts and you see Mr Siraj maintained normal and decent conversations with Kim even when she remained beliigerent and insulting!! She always escalated the debate into foul street langauge and hood decorum. Look at the posts!!!!! It is all there M!! No censorship!!!

    Here is a link of Kimberly Amatullah begging me to help her with her husband who fled her. Interesting because Kim and Scott made comments that Mr. Siraj had problems with his marital relaitonships earlier on this board. hmmmmm

    Sometimes the assailants project their own weaknesses on their victims:


  89. M says:

    “Do you know anything about the “Abuse Cycle”? The cycle of Abuse starts with one person initiating abuse. Then if the Abuser doesn’t stop abusing, the ~Victim~ resorts to an attack as the ~Victim~ becomes desperate for the Abuser to stop attacking them. It seems to me that Siraj initiated the original attack and Kim committed a more mild form of attack to defend herself. Otherwise, if Kim were the abuser, I do not believe that Siraj would have continued the interaction by posting private conversations to the web and writing a slanderous article against this woman. His behavior is typical of the sort of control/abuse/distortion/dismissal cycle that one sees with Domestic Abusers. It is the typical psychological makeup and typical interaction of someone who is a “narcissistic abuser” at a minimum. Unfortunately it’s also very typical for a man to take out this sort of issue on a woman, which we see here in this article and in this strange fight.”

    Oh you must have learned this form Mr. Siraj!! He teaches this in his classes. He told us he learned in in one of his psychology classes 🙂 I am actually happy to see you regurgitate what he taught you Kim or Scott 😉 Good job!! A+!!!

    HOwever, your narrative is just BOOTY!! The screenshots we all are about to upload to this website will show the true face of Kim and Scott!! It will show that Mr. Siraj clearly gave Kim warnings to leave him alone and that Scott and Kim used the small tiny loan as an excuse to see retribution against Mr. Siraj for not joining in on your campaign of slander!!!! You should be ashamed of yourselves!!!!! You plotted in conspiracy to attack an innocent man, Ken O Keefe, and then when that plot makes you the victim thanks to Allah’s will, you scratch, claw, cry, throw your hand sin the air, and scream foul!!!!!! It is God’s will that you received what you yourselves planned to dish out!!!

    Wa Yam Kuruna Wa Yam Kuruallah, wallahuu khair Al Makireen.
    Mr. Siraj once told Ken O Keefe,

    They will plot evil plans about you, but God is the best planner!!

    It backfired on you Kim and Scott!! You deserve it!!! NOw suck it up and repent!!
    If you want this all to end Scott and Kim, agree to leave Mr. Siraj and Ken O Keefe alone! Do not speak badly about him or Ken again. Leave them alone and stop plotting with others like Mary Rizzo and Catherine to destroy the former or latter. Do the Muslim thing and stop throwing false accusations forcing Mr. Siraj and others to fight injustice with truth!! It is your call to end this, NOT Siraj’s!!

    As a Muslim, Mr. Siraj CAN NOT stop even under the threat of death until those who seek to destroy his character stop in their lies!!! It is your choice. You know he refused to aid you in your attacks against Ken O Keefe!!! You know you demanded a year or two year old loan to him back because of this!! You know you initiated hostilities against him first and he responded our of his pride!! You know you are wrong!!! It is your call!!!

    Here is the real reason why Mr. Siraj’s photos were taken off of Facebook. Because Kimberly Amatullah begs everyone to report her enemies. Shockingly, there are people stupid enough to believe her:


  90. M says:

    “I believe that Siraj’s issue is more severe narcissism. I think this because: 1) Siraj’s has responsed to comments with increasing irrationality. 2) His screenshots are entirely mismatched to the narrative he writes about them (ex. He wrote himself an email from his G-mail account to his Clemson University email and then wrote that this was a photograph of an email from Kimberly). I now believe that he is delusional in some manner and is suffering from a very serious form of mental illness.”

    Mr. Siraj did not write himself a letter. In fact, inform Kim and Scott that the university took a forged e-mail to one of thier student organization’s email accounts seriously and investigated the IP address. Whatever occurred out of this is unknown to us but their response continues to be it is “an ongoing investigation”. We wish no hamr to you but it seems that you may be expecting a knock on the door in the future 🙁 Forging an e-mail to student organization’s account? Are you crazy!!!

    Mr. Siraj;s narrative is perfectly fine. It is all copid and pasted for all of us to see 🙂

    If he were a sane individual, we would see a fully constructed, linear and cohesive narrative that did not resort to tactics which are typical of abuse.
    Mr. Siraj is more than sane. He works two jobs, volunteers his time to the community for free every weekend, and more. He does all of this with the FANs he has who are infinitely blessed with the gift of a forked tongue. Leave Mr;. Siraj alone!! We warned you, now we are going to post a VERY LINEAR narrative of screenshots now 🙂

    Collective Consciousness for TJP

    If Scott Tucker was really concerned about the small loan he and Kim gave to Mr. Siraj, than what is this comment by Scott?


  91. Carolyn,

    Posting screenshots of private conversations seems to be a digital equivalent to illegally recording a posting private conversations of a verbal nature.

    It seems obvious to me that Scott Tucker and Kimberly Amatullah can sue anyone for Libel who is disseminating screenshots of their Private conversations into the Public sphere like Facebook, Flickr or other forums. Siraj could be sued as a first-party participant and any other individual or organization who used the same screenshots could be sued as a third-party participant.

    Here are some links to the law regarding this issue:


    Citizen Media Law Project: Recording Phonecalls and Conversations | http://www.citmedialaw.org/legal-guide/recording-phone-calls-and-conversations

    “Twelve states require the consent of every party to a phone call or conversation in order to make the recording lawful.”

    “… it is almost always illegal to record a phone call or private conversation to which you are not a party, do not have consent from at least one party, and could not naturally overhear.”

    “Federal law and most state statutes also make disclosing the contents of an illegally intercepted telephone call illegal. See the section on Risks Associated with Publication…”


    Citizen’s Media Law Project: Risks Associated With Publication| http://www.citmedialaw.org/legal-guide/risks-associated-publication

    “Every time you publish something online, whether it’s a news article, blog post, podcast, video, or even a user comment, you open yourself up to potential legal liability. ”

    “..if you publish information that harms the reputation of another person, group, or organization, or inflicts emotional distress upon another person, you may be liable for “defamation” or “false light.”

    “..if you publish private or personal information about someone without their permission, you potentially expose yourself to legal liability even if your portrayal is factually accurate.”


  92. Carolyn,

    In other words:

    1) Kim and Scott have a clear Libel and Breach of Contract suit against Siraj Davis. They also could sue for Breach of Privacy regarding the screenshots of private and illegally recorded conversations. They would almost definitely win such a suit.

    2) Anyone disseminating screenshots taken by Siraj Davis could also be sued under breach of consent laws re: recording and publication of private conversations. The people who were sharing screenshots of private conversations on their Facebook accounts would almost definitely lose a lawsuit as well.

    3) Shoah.org.uk could be sued, and would almost definitely loose a suit, of Libel due to negligent publishing of this article which mentions private citizen’s names in a negative and false/slanderous manner.

  93. @M

    If your words are correct, then Kim and Scott are just as liable and more.

    I promise this, I swear this is the truth, you have not SEEN EVERYTHING!!

    The more you continue to threaten us with libel, harrass us ond threaten us on the internet, and the more you annoy us; we will continue this struggle M.

    Enough is enough!! WE are tired of it!!

    1) The conversations screenshot and posted to the public are of communication between Mr. Siraj and others. You would need to demonstrate M that release of these records created any financial or social loss in Kim’s and Scott’s status.

    Mr. Siraj could file a suit given his standing as an outstanding volunteer, human rights activist, and teacher in his community. Kim and Scott on the other hand, would have to prove their standing in the community. I think from their constant denials to provide their own credentials, we are not looking at a significant loss for Kim or Scott.

    Furthermore, these screenshots of conversations help to disprove past accusations of stalking, harassment, and others against Mr. Siraj. Mr. Siraj DOES have a right, as an equal samaritan of the laws, regardless if he appears European or not, to protect himself against those accusations.

    Carolyn, Michael, and everyone else is protected in the eyes of the law because they only reacted to accusations and words and actions of a far graver nature by both Mr. Scott Tucker and a one Kimberly Amatullah.

    Once information is public, such as the sharing of information by Wikileaks. When that information becomes public, the culpability lays with the source of its release. Your logic M, is that everyone that re-publishes content that a newspaper, Wikileaks, or a news television show releases to the public can be held liable for civil litigation. Only in dictatorships is this viable. Not in America or any other modern country!!What you are suggesting is not only untrue but preposterous!!!

    Just do it!!!

  94. As I said, “M”, if Scott Tucker and Kimberly Amatullah don’t like people posting screen shots showing them, Scott Tucker or Kimberly Amatullah, harassing and threatening people, then what is the logical course of action for Scott Tucker and Kimberly Amatullah to take?

  95. Carolyn,

    Logically speaking, if I were in Kimberly Amatullah or Scott Tucker’s position — regarding slander, loss of finances and privacy as a result of Siraj Davis & 3rd party publication — then I would certainly get a legal council and sue all of the involved parties. It’s clear if you read the above laws that Kimberly and Scott would win a case. Lawyers seem to like to represent cases where they know they will win, and often take on those cases without a retainer.

    Seems like a win win situation if they would go forward with legal action, so that’s the logical answer.

  96. I ask again, “M”, if Scott Tucker and Kimberly Amatullah don’t like people posting screen shots showing them, Scott Tucker or Kimberly Amatullah, harassing and threatening people, then what is the logical course of action for Scott Tucker and Kimberly Amatullah to take?

  97. Siraj Davis, you got problems bigger than anyone normal can have an answer to and you know what your first problem is? It’s your stupidity. You think you fool us that you have people come in to defend you? It’s you in your new fake personas you invent and just those people who defend you on your safe place in facebook. Who would of ever heard of you if you wasn’t pimping your fb wall as if you had documents from the mossad or something. All you got is your grudge and your ego and now you make up new fake names to say the same shit. How come you can’t see you are a dead giveaway just the way you write? So then you start on harassing me now because if someone look at what you write and they see thru you, they are with the ones you think you are exposing or else they are zionists? You might be the only one who believes that because you ain’t got proof on who people are and if they ain’t convinced of you and seeing how you are, it is good you ain’t leading anything even tho you put a big list of credentials up here. I don’t got to tell you who I am cuz I make it my habit to never brag about my deeds. I do them because this is my duty. You harass everyone and then you want them to feel scared of you and tell anything to you? There’s people who go to Palestine and help and there’s people who don’t go and help and they live out of the spotlight cuz this is how they was taught to be. Maybe you can’t get your head around that there are people like that, people who don’t need your cyber wars and who when they stumble on one of these things they leave a comment cuz they can see thru this game. People got lives and they don’t spend hours all day like you do to build up your own image.

    Admit it, you got caught with your pants down to your ankles and you can’t even make up a good defense of yourself. Like I said, I never heard of Kimberly, but I sympathize with anyone who had to do with you.

    And that includes your students. You say you teach English to Arabs, well I hope they don’t get the treatment you give to someone who don’t speak English like you want. You don’t like how I write, that’s your problem cuz I talk even worse. We do that in Maldives, we don’t have your classy language so you think you are superior. It proves you are even more desperate than what you say, inside you are a racist and you don’t keep that hid even.

  98. Carolyn,

    I apologize for my imprecise grammar. I didn’t realize that you needed perfect grammar to understand content, though I do respect it and will respond to the best of my ability.

    Here I will repeat the answer and also try to rephrase the last sentence with perfect grammar:

    Logically speaking, if I were in Kimberly Amatullah or Scott Tucker’s position — regarding slander, loss of finances and privacy as a result of Siraj Davis & 3rd party publication — then I would certainly get a legal council and sue all of the involved parties. It’s clear if you read the above laws that Kimberly and Scott would win a case. Lawyers seem to like to represent cases where they know they will win, and often take on those cases without a retainer.

    It seems like a win/win situation if they (Kimberly and Scott) would go forward with legal action regarding the Libel, Breach of Contract and Breach of Privacy. Given this information, a law suit by Kimberly and Scott against the parties which I mentioned in above comments seems to be the logical course of action to take.

  99. Hey Mr. Siraj, you got something right, I didn’t give you enough credit.

    Mr. Siraj is more than sane. He works two jobs, volunteers his time to the community for free every weekend, and more. He does all of this with the FANs he has who are infinitely blessed with the gift of a forked tongue

  100. @M

    Kimberly Amatullah and Scott Tucker may follow through with whatever. It mat produce something, it may not. The price will be very high if it were even to go to such length which I seriously doubt.

    However, that action will met with a response by ALL of the former and latter’s victims. Kim and Scott have played a very good game of playing a victim while simultaneously doing so for political determinants of targeting Ken and anyone affiliated with Ken.

    She is on a witch hunt, impassioned by those she aspires to become and angry because her aspirations fell a bridge length short of her reality.

    It is not our fault, she began it, she led herself into it, she plotted the very same thing which has occurred to her.

    Poetic justice

  101. “M’, The logical answer to my question should not be so hard to figure out.

    If they, Scott Tucker and Kimberly Amatullah, would simply quit harassing and threatening people, there would be no screen shots being posted.

    THAT is the logical and the sane thing for them, Scott Tucker and Kimberly Amatullah, to do, rather than spend the rest of their lives in court trying to sue everyone who posts screen shots of their insults and threats.

  102. Carolyn,

    Like I said, those screenshots point more to media “spin” and a personal irrational vendetta then to any harassment by Scott and Kim. In the photos, Kim and Scott seem to be the getting harassed by Siraj who will go to all lengths to avoid paying back the $160 he owes them (Why doesn’t he just drop the issue and move on? It is illogical.)

    Siraj Davis is the only guilty party I see here as he clearly shows a lack of boundaries and civility, twisting things around to construct a different reality and conducting himself illegally (Libel, Breach of Contract, Breach of Privacy). Those are the most mild descriptions of his behavior.

  103. Carolyn,

    If someone is ~actually~ being threatened by these people then the logical course for them to take is to go to the police or to a lawyer.

    Posting screenshots is blatantly illegal and point to Siraj being the perpetrator, not the victim. Like I said earlier, this is typical behavior in the “Abuse Cycle” of Domestic Abusers. Real victims would get legal protection as quickly as possible. Abusers “playing” the victim would post screenshots and write slanderous articles as Siraj has done.

    The only wrong-doing I see here is by Siraj Davis. If there is other wrong-doing then people should contact the authorities for protection, not take it on themselves to engage in vigilante justice. That only manifests problems and sets up the screenshot-makers for serious federal lawsuits.

  104. It is a well known fact that Scott Tucker and Kimberly Amatullah are both known for their harassments of threats to many people.

    If they, Scott Tucker and Kimberly Amatullah, would simply quit harassing and threatening people, there would be no screen shots to post.

    As long as Scott Tucker and Kimberly Amatullah continue in their habit of harassing and threatening people, these people that they threaten and harasses will continue to post the screen shots showing that Scott Tucker and Kimberly Amatullah are harassing and threatening them.

    Why they, Scott Tucker and Kimberly Amatullah, would rather continue harassing and threatening people boggles the mind.

  105. @M

    Sometimes people play as dirty as the people who perpetrate such actions. I believe this is what Carolyn was trying to point out to you but you ignored her as you are ignoring me.

    Besides, the court process is a long one. Who has time for that, especially with Palestine on our agenda.

    Here is Kim’s prediction of Ken going to jail by April. Seems like Hr 3131 and its cronies were wrong.
    It is a new beginning and THAT is what is feared. A solution for peace.

    M, you have tried your best and failed. Your boss, Zio-Kim, has vexed so many that no one is willing to defend her actions. As you see form this message board, her list of victims is very long.

    Your intentions, harm the Palestine movement. It still looks at the sun, feels the pain of those who lost their lives w/o reason on BOTH sides, and struggles for an answer other than what the ridiculous status quo provides. We are all humans, under the same God, and under the same tyranny. Money taken from American and European pockets to spend on a human tragedy which tarnishes our image abroad. Patriots of America, patriots of Europe, representatives of the world, are not exhausted. Please do our confuse our silence. It is we are disgusted with the actions against Palestine. And we intend to do something about it!

    Free Palestine <3

  106. Carolyn,

    I do not know about any threats by those people and the pictures do not match any description of them. Siraj wrote himself an email from his gmail account to his Clemson University account, took a picture of it, and said that Kimberly wrote it to him has harassment. Nothing posted which accuses Scott or Kim is logical or part of consensus reality.

    In contrast, I do see Siraj Davis and yourself bullying Scott and Kim here on this comment thread.

    I am not a believer in “truthiness.” You seem to be an abuser in this fight just like the mentally ill Siraj Davis. See my earlier comments about Abuser vs. Victim and why I believe that everything Siraj has shown points to him being the sole perpetrator.

  107. I actually would have more to say to the ADMIN of this site if I respected how it dealt with the obvious multiple IDS of this guy writing the post, and it’s about the real bad judgement in that as well as the whole post that got nothign to do with activism and NOTHING to do with Palestine. I am not even gonna warn about him being sued cuz all I read here for comment after comment is about suing as if this is the issue. If you all wanna make courts rich then go and do it, that is up to you all. But anybody, even if they aren’t a teacher can see there is something real wrong with someone with a fake name who obviously is the author hiding – cuz really, you don’t expect even the CLOSEST FAN to come up with some lame excuses that some guy has all these porno videos on his screenshots that he wants to use as testimony – and a smart person might even think he taking them down now cuz he need to make clean ones cuz he so compromized on a moral basis he don’t have an argument about the nude photos of this woman or her tattoos. Who cares about tattoos, even his idol Ken O Keef got them, and if this Siraj was real smart, he’d have a link to these photos he says are the big scandal about this woman. Everyone talk about photos no one seen. That sure won’t work in your argument.

    How come this guy if he ain’t Siraj knows so much about some roomie using the computer for porn same time this guy is making over 50 screenshots like he says? If he ain’t Siraj, why he defend him to this level that even a mother don’t do for her son? But if he ain’t Siraj, I turn his own question back at him

    Before calling anyone an activist or a wannabe hero, try providing your own credentials, which we see is a very common stigma, a deserving one, of all constituents of Kim’s and Scott’s team

    So, all you people that talk the same way, use the same words, all the same inside information that only Siraj Davis has try providing your own credentials. And last thing, I don’t know Scott and anyone that says, the man asks for his money back and you give him his money back and you don’t turn it to you being blackmailed. I defend the principle of someone give you money and you give it back the minute you are able to. I don’t know nothing more about him except he got your rage cuz he asked back what was his and not yours. What kinda world you living in where there is some different rule to that? But then, you can’t stand that someone see you are wrong on something that is so basic to anyone and you decide they are gay- which is clear you hate by the way you write this

    Why do you come to rescue Scott’s reputation with such alacrity Strummer? Was it he who taught you the true heuristics in which your marathon of closed room acrobatics should reach in far as the length you both want to achieve:) Do not get me wrong, I believe gay people should have rights, even you Strummer

    I know you are sex obsessed and this is more and more reason someone like you better be far away from our sisters but it looks like you gotta be far from our brothers too cuz your hate of people is just too big to do anyone needy any good.

  108. No, “KimberlyBurger, you are not accurate as to my comment.

    I am saying that If they, Scott Tucker and Kimberly Amatullah, would simply quit harassing and threatening people, there would be no screen shots for people to post that show Scott Tucker and Kimberly Amatullah’s threats and harassments.

    The logical thing for them, Scott Tucker and Kimberly Amatullah, to do is to decide not to threaten and harasses people.

  109. Carolyn,

    A parallel to your previous comment would be:
    “If my baby would stop crying I wouldn’t have to hit it.”

    You sound like the abuser in this situation, like I said earlier.

    None of the pictures point to any threats, but rather they point to an illogical narrative and a personal emotional tirade where Siraj Davis does not want to pay them back the $160 he owes them. Siraj Davis is obviously mentally ill.

  110. Strummer Fan of Kim says:

    “Siraj Davis, you got problems bigger than anyone normal can have an answer to and you know what your first problem is? It’s your stupidity. You think you fool us that you have people come in to defend you? It’s you in your new fake personas you invent and just those people who defend you on your safe place in facebook. Who would of ever heard of you if you wasn’t pimping your fb wall as if you had documents from the mossad or something. All you got is your grudge and your ego and now you make up new fake names to say the same shit. How come you can’t see you are a dead giveaway just the way you write? So then you start on harassing me now because if someone look at what you write and they see thru you, they are with the ones you think you are exposing or else they are zionists? You might be the only one who believes that because you ain’t got proof on who people are and if they ain’t convinced of you and seeing how you are, it is good you ain’t leading anything even tho you put a big list of credentials up here. I don’t got to tell you who I am cuz I make it my habit to never brag about my deeds. I do them because this is my duty. You harass everyone and then you want them to feel scared of you and tell anything to you? There’s people who go to Palestine and help and there’s people who don’t go and help and they live out of the spotlight cuz this is how they was taught to be. Maybe you can’t get your head around that there are people like that, people who don’t need your cyber wars and who when they stumble on one of these things they leave a comment cuz they can see thru this game. People got lives and they don’t spend hours all day like you do to build up your own image. ”

    Good job Pip Squeak 🙂 Now I see the urge to prove your stamina here by the length and depth of your writing. Better, much better SON!!! Must have eaten your oatmeal and grits with that tea 🙂 I wish I could say the same about the quality of the content 😉

    Your first sentence was an ad homienm, in fact, most of your replies are ad hominems. I do not see you also addressing my points. On the contrary, you are ignoring them!!not very fair or euridte , don’t you agree. Hummerman or whatever you purport to be, all of the evidence was posted, copied, and pasted into other people’s homes. I fought injustice with the truth as my Mr Siraj’s Sheikh taught him about the hadith in Islam. We foiled a DHS plot, a plot that has cost other’s their lives. Cost me a Palestinina child!! You claim that we show no restriant which is entirely diametric to our actions. We have much more evidence which is circumstantial but yet damming!! Stupid is not defending yourself when attacked. Stupid is allowing apathy to restrain your words and actions when faced with this injustice. tupid is believing ANYTHINg of which Zio-kims or other Ziobots have posted on this site. In the face of irrefutable evidence, you ALL are unwilling to change your stances on Kim and Scott. In the absence of Irrefutable evidence, you are ALL willing to condemn an inncoent man, Ken O Keefe!! Your plot against him was hatched and here, thanks to Almighty God, you fell victim to your own plots.

    God is the best planner!!

    Stupid is thinking you can tand against truth when wielded by God true followers. You me them on this board and should feel blessed. While you are at home typing on a machine for the benefit of those who hate within certain governments, focused on perpetuating the horror and genocide in Palestine, WE are right here, planning and plotting, ofr a more poweerful truth – Peace in Palestine and the Middle East. Do we look ugly to you? Do we seem fanatical to you? GOOD!! It is exactly what humanity looks when we are sick of war and lies and injustice!!! We are the future and you Strummerman, are just a small part in this world. Please play your role with the Ziobots!!!!

    Yeah I know those people who VISIT Palestine. We are here to stay!!!We do not VISIT, stay in the nice comfort of a refrigerated and AC filled apartment within the Green Zone living like a tourist!! No, we swim amongst the population like a fish in the sea!! We learn to understand the people!!! If you are as large of a figure that you claim you are whcih I really don’t care, then I have to say that you have failed the Palestinians and Palestine!!! Move over!!! It is time for new leadership!!! Mr. Siraj has been here for 2 whole years!!! He ha slearned to be with us, to think like us, to feel like us, to engage in candid conversations that time allows trust to spew forth to a person, he helps from the bottom not the top, he is one of us, and there is nothing you can do to change that!! Deal with it!!!!!! Next time you go VISIT, rememebr, Mr. Siraj has the heart of the community, you have the people whose hearts are in your wallet 🙂

    And I would like to say Strummer, you failed them miserably!!! All of us!!!

    Your boss, Zio-Kim , caused this war, The screenshots prove it. Your words can not replace that <3

  111. Strummer fan of Kim says:

    “Admit it, you got caught with your pants down to your ankles and you can’t even make up a good defense of yourself. Like I said, I never heard of Kimberly, but I sympathize with anyone who had to do with you.”

    You haven’t even addressed my premises. You ignored them while claiming victory. Typical Kimberly Amatullah behavior. SHe only hears herself until it hits the fan!!

    Strummer Fan of Kim says:

    “And that includes your students. You say you teach English to Arabs, well I hope they don’t get the treatment you give to someone who don’t speak English like you want. You don’t like how I write, that’s your problem cuz I talk even worse. We do that in Maldives, we don’t have your classy language so you think you are superior. It proves you are even more desperate than what you say, inside you are a racist and you don’t keep that hid even.”

    Your language is not Maldivian unless you have a plethora of Southern American teachers and a dearth of intelligence. Then again, the latter makes it a 50 – 50 chance you are right .

    I also would like to say my pants would not be down anywhere near you. I am scared of the love not Scott wrote to you.

    I would like to leave you something small person:

    Stop living in the Green Zone, come out in play in the real world 🙂


  112. “M”, Contrary to your declaration of what the screen shots reveal:

    The truth is that Scott Tucker and Kimberly Amatullah’s harassment and threats of many are widely known. There are many people who have been victimized by Scott Tucker and Kimberly Amatullah, and have posted the screen shots to show this.

  113. Carolyn,

    Screenshot = Libel, Breach of Privacy and abusive

    You are the perpetrator, not the victim, until you prove your actions to be otherwise. Saying “many victims” means nothing. If you have a serious case, and you are not a liar, then get a lawyer and sue them.

    Screenshots prove to me that you are the harassment-giver, not the victim.

  114. Let us review:

    A parallel to your previous comment would be:
    “If my baby would stop crying I wouldn’t have to hit it.”

    You sound like the abuser in this situation, like I said earlier.

    None of the pictures point to any threats, but rather they point to an illogical narrative and a personal emotional tirade where Siraj Davis does not want to pay them back the $160 he owes them. Siraj Davis is obviously mentally ill.

  115. @StrummerFan of Kim:

    Strummer man said,

    “But anybody, even if they aren’t a teacher can see there is something real wrong with someone with a fake name who obviously is the author hiding – cuz really, you don’t expect even the CLOSEST FAN to come up with some lame excuses that some guy has all these porno videos on his screenshots that he wants to use as testimony – and a smart person might even think he taking them down now cuz he need to make clean ones cuz he so compromized on a moral basis he don’t have an argument about the nude photos of this woman or her tattoos. ”

    هل هذا انجليزي او عربي

  116. @Strummer Fan of Kim

    Mr. Siraj’s credentials are attached to this post. Look at the original post, there are your credentials son!!


    I thought you checked you info before commenting.

  117. The truth is that Scott Tucker and Kimberly Amatullah’s harassment and threats of many are widely known.

    There are many people who have been victimized by Scott Tucker and Kimberly Amatullah, and have posted the screen shots to show this.

    This proof is to warn others so that they will not also become victims.

    I have compassion for all those who have been slandered and harassed by Scott Tucker and Kimberly Amatullah.

  118. I am convinced, Siraj Davis you are mentally disturbed. You just rant. Everything in your post reeks of racism and hatred and assuming things about people you don’t know and until this point were lucky enough to have never heard of you and when you crawl back under your rock, you will be long forgotten where you belong, you already admit you got the fork tongue, and I won’t argue with that. What I complain about is that you make no sense and no one cares about your personal issues but your friends and family and keep it there if you got any decency, it ain’t got to do with liberation of Palestine, so you want to drag activists into your own issues cuz maybe you think they can pull you up or stand by you? You gotta have a good reputation for that and each comment you make you show how worthless you really are. Any guy toots his horn that much got nothing inside his head. You ain’t got an argument to explain your porno obsession and if you want to be the moral judge of someone you for first gotta be moral and your pants are indeed down cuz you was the one showed us that, no one goes to dig around for hidden things, you advertize your virtues. What do you do cuz your lame excuse don’t work and you accuse someone to be multiple IDS but that’s all you do? You are a hypocrite. You try to use as an argument the way someone speaks a language they ain’t born using as if this is their deficiency? You think it make you feel like you better than someone else? Don’t you dare try it with Palestinians, you supremacist and racist fool! You don’t know who you even talking to, so you invent a zionist enemy. You are such a fool, anyone left who would listen to you on anything needs their head examined.

  119. Hey check these photos. Scott and Kim claim that Mr. Siraj hits and abuses his wife and that is why they left but it seem Kim really have problem with man leave her. She beg Mr. Siraj to help her!!! LOOK . lmao























  120. In addition to the Civil law that Siraj’s actions are breaking: Libel, Breach of Contract, Breach of Privacy, he is also a criminal under Shari’a law. He has proven this on his Facebook and flicker account and in this blog post regarding his actions towards Kimberly Amatuallah and Scott Tucker.

    Hadd, the most severe crimes in Islamic law include:


    Siraj Broke a Contract in regards to $160 he was supposed to pay Kimberly Amatuallah and Scott Tucker. Breaking a financial contract is considered legally equivalent to theft.


    Siraj has illegally slandered these people on the internet as part of his irrational tirade to avoid paying back $160 that he owes Kimberly Amatullah.

    Siraj Davis/SomeHonestGuy/KimberlyKossover/KimberlyBerger, etc. etc. is not only mentally ill but proves himself to have engaged in criminal acts. These criminal acts are punishable not only in civil court but also in Islamic law under the category of Hadd.

  121. “M” What does Islam teach about lying, deception, harassing, threatening and slander? Does the Qur’an speak of Allah’s view of those who are victims of such?

  122. Carolyn, so everybody been harassed and threatened by folks is supposed to make posts on sites? They can do it, but what are they doing hounding for it on a site that is supposed to be about Palestine but looks just like some jilted romeo who wants revenge? I ain’t convinced this guy is anything at all he say, his own haram behavior tell me that, his boasting about himself is also against our faith and no one should serve a politician like this. He want to be a salesman, then he do that and pimp himself, but not for Palestine.
    And what if people don’t see consistent moral behavior by the one doing these posts and they point it out, that means they are zionists? cuz the guy making the points says this woman and then her brother are zionists but instead of proving that just comes up with all hate one another’s guts now and were friends once upon a time so now I destroy you? Defend this guy if you want, but others need to be free to not want to have anything to do with someone like him.

  123. My answer to you Strummer fan is:

    The truth is that Scott Tucker and Kimberly Amatullah’s harassment and threats of many are widely known.

    There are many people who have been victimized by Scott Tucker and Kimberly Amatullah, and have posted the screen shots to show this.

    This proof is to warn others so that they will not also become victims.

    I have compassion for all those who have been slandered and harassed by Scott Tucker and Kimberly Amatullah.

  124. Not enough time to make a post and Siraj comes up with more new IDS! Or maybe not, maybe this is his roomies using his computer to do their good deed and pimp him as the leader of Palestine cuz he scolded them for using his computer to masterbate to porn and he gets exposed for not having decent morals in a post where he try to condemn someone for having morals he judges bad and using as evidence his own porn obsession. Who he gonna tell us clean up his keyboard, Hot Mom?

  125. Carolyn is a robot! How many times a person make the same comment over and over as if she is making some crucial point and others are ignoring it so she is forced to repeat it? Have a good time with each other. This is the last visit I make to this blog. Never saw a blog go lower than this, but it is also good that this Siraj Davis who wants to become famous exposed himself.

  126. Stoker fan of Kim:

    “I am convinced, Siraj Davis you are mentally disturbed. You just rant. Everything in your post reeks of racism and hatred and assuming things about people you don’t know and until this point were lucky enough to have never heard of you and when you crawl back under your rock, you will be long forgotten where you belong, you already admit you got the fork tongue, and I won’t argue with that. What I complain about is that you make no sense and no one cares about your personal issues but your friends and family and keep it there if you got any decency, it ain’t got to do with liberation of Palestine, so you want to drag activists into your own issues cuz maybe you think they can pull you up or stand by you? You gotta have a good reputation for that and each comment you make you show how worthless you really are. Any guy toots his horn that much got nothing inside his head. You ain’t got an argument to explain your porno obsession and if you want to be the moral judge of someone you for first gotta be moral and your pants are indeed down cuz you was the one showed us that, no one goes to dig around for hidden things, you advertize your virtues. What do you do cuz your lame excuse don’t work and you accuse someone to be multiple IDS but that’s all you do? You are a hypocrite. You try to use as an argument the way someone speaks a language they ain’t born using as if this is their deficiency? You think it make you feel like you better than someone else? Don’t you dare try it with Palestinians, you supremacist and racist fool! You don’t know who you even talking to, so you invent a zionist enemy. You are such a fool, anyone left who would listen to you on anything needs their head examined.”

    Where racism by Me? Where in the whole post is there racism? You Strummer fan are on a frequency that can not comprise of the normal world. There is no possible way!!!An episode from a Harry Potter series could not fascinate academians as to the complexities of paranoia and socipathic beliefs that comrpise of you logical flow of information retained above your shoulders. Where?

    Mr. Siraj could not be even accused of being racist, he IS a minority. What in the world!!

    You make no comprehensible sense Strummer fan of Kim. What planet did they exile you from because it sure wasn’t here on Earth!?

    You have yet to address my premises. You ignore them. I challenged you to address my premises unless you could not. You can’t!!!!!

    In regards to forked tongue, so far the evidence posted demosntrates:

    Kimberly Amatullah became enraged at Ken O Keefe and Keefe’s associates. Asked Mr. Siraj to engage in stakling type behavior and harassment on her words alone which she admits that one Mary Rizzo heavily influenced her decision to believe in Ken’s guilt. However, Kim went further then this. She wanted Mr. Siraj and whoever she could get to aid her in a campaign of defamation on a scale that normal boundaries of proper decorum for a citizen and responsible citizen would NEVER allow!! As you see in her commemts, she claims Ken O Keefe killed the late Vic, that Ken ahs a house in London, that he a porn star, that he is a long time criminal, that he is leading a campaign of hate against her, and so on….We have also seen her forge emails and have two people threaten Mr. Siraj’s life!! Shame on you Kim and Scott!! Mr. SIraj is safe amongst his family here in the ME.

    In the screenshots, we also see that she never mentioned the TINY loan she GAVE to Siraj a year or two before UNTIL Mr. Siraj refused to engage in activities harmful to the Palestinian movement. Mr. Siraj also refused to condemn a man without irrefutable evidence. It was at this point, as the screenshots show, that Scott and Kim demanded the loan returned. Mr. Siraj said he would return the money yet mulitple screenshots who that Kimberly Amatullah and Scott Tucker both continued to make hit and run comments of a vulgar and disrespectful manner as to either punish Mr. Siraj for the choice he made diametric to their friendship or to coerce Mr. Siraj to change his opinion. It has nothingm noe does it have anything to do with the loan. Mr. Siraj has not answered his phone. I do not know why, but he has said he has paid Scott. He will prove you all wrong!!!

    You claim no cares about this issue? Poppycoack. over 200 likes are on the top of this page. SHOAH’s ratings just went skyrocketing!!!

    The ironic thing is that………the more posts by us, the more we can see the site on the internet!! The word by Kim for over two years has come back to bite her in the rear!! The posts by Kim’s zio-bots have done the same!!!

    Eazy E once wrote a song that said to Dre Dre,

    And that in fact is what all of you haters have not realized!! SHOAH is gold now. All of our friends know about SHOAH now!!!!!!


    I never knew about SHOAH until Mr. Siraj told me to come to this page and comment on it :)I got really invovled when a screenshot of Kim claiming to be the direct relative of Eisa , the prophet, could be seen!! how dare she insult our prophets!!? She is NOT a believer of God, astaqfirallah!!

    Palestine has everything to do with this attack on Ken O Keefe and Mr. Siraj. Mr. Siraj did not HAVE ANY problems with Kimberly until a video of him defending Ken O Keefe surfaced on the internet. Check the dates on the screenshots and the release of that video. Seems close doesn’t it? We see form Mr. Siraj’s screenshots that there was a period of no comments between Kim and Mr. Siraj until the release of that video. It seems that someno whispered into Kim’s ears and she became enraged again!!! She is a uncontrollable tryant what somehow someway, continutes ot terroize so many victims with impunity and WE ALL have seen her victims stand up to her here on this oage.

    Thank you SHOAH, we will forever be in your gratitude!!! You helped us stand up to this bully who has turned in other Palestinina activists like Chet Riese and gave information to DHS about Mr. Siraj so his former wife was questioned by them about Mr. Siraj’s activites for Palestine in the US and abroad. God forgive you Kimberly Amatullah and Scott Tucker!!!
    We who love Palestine are ONE family. You are not part of the family Kim and Scott. Go infiltrate another cause because the Zionists and the governments can not use you anymore. You are done!! Al hamdulilah

    In regards to your asphyxiation on mentioning porn, it seems the common tactic of weak critics to focus on the libidos of Franklin Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy , Bill Clinton, and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (the last one was blackmailed by the US government for his extra marital affairs) rather than weigh this weakness against thier contributions for the world. Therein is where your agument will fail. furthermore, your argument will fail when witnesses were to appear apologizing for using Mr. Siraj’s computer when he was in the bathroom releasing a Kim into the white porcelain bowl where she and her crew belongs.

    It doesn’t matter who I am talking to , NO ONE KNOWS YOU!! Mr. Siraj has worked with the office of every politician in SC, what about you?

    If you want to be someone, get off this board and do something great for Palestine!! If you are doing things now, it is not good enough!!!

  127. @ M, Grey, Stroker Fan of Kim, Scott Tucker = Kimberly Amatullah

    What is really stupid about it all is the more Zio-Kims keep posting, the more this website’s popularity goes up. Already over 200 likes 🙂

    I did not even know about this website until Mr. Siraj told me to check it out…

    God bless SHOAH for standing by those targeted by Zio-Kims under the employ of governments to single out and target EACH Palestinian activist. SHOAH is AWESOME and we will always love SHOAH!!

    The same [posts] that you are making are paying [SHOAH] 🙂

    Dedicated to the studio [fake] Muslims and studio [fake] Palestinian activists like Kim and Scott and their Ziobots…


  128. By the way, please pass this message to Mrs. Kimberly Amatullah and Scott Tucker.

    You got Zio-kims on Mr. Siraj friends list who are hiding to complain about the album of screenshots of conversations between Mr. Siraj and Kimberly to get them removed.

    Well, the warning messages from Facebook you have or will receive are a gift from us.

    Do unto others as you would want done onto you.

    Collective Consciousness for Truth, Justice, and Peace

  129. I do not know this Siraj or any of the people who mentioned my name involved in this conversation. I want my name removed and what happened to me is a private matter that I am dealing with and I have been cleared of any wrong doing. I do not wish to be involved in any attacks on anyone on the internet nor have I solicited my involvement in anyway.

  130. Rashad who also has the same writing style as Siraj Davis,

    Do you really want to go to jail? This irrational vendetta against Ms. Kimberly for the $160 you owe her seems like a stupid reason to go to jail.

    Do you really want to be viewed negatively? This post seems to be provoking many people to view you negatively.

    Do you really care about Palestine? This post seems to be showing that you care more about yourself and your own interests than Palestine.

    If you cared about Palestine at all then you would stop setting yourself up for a Libel, Breach of Contract and Breach of Privacy suit and concentrate on the suffering of the Palestinian people. If you cared about Palestine at all then you would stop committing multiple crimes of Hadd I mentioned earlier and instead use your time and energy to raise up the oppressed of the world and the Palestinian people.

    Negativity begets Negativity. Positivity begets Positivity.

    In the words of Rumi:

    “Be a lamp,
    or a lifeboat,
    or a ladder.

    Walk out of your house like a shepherd.
    Help someone’s soul heal.”

    Who do you wish to be? The lamp and the ladder or the liar and the libel-maker?

    Now is the time to choose. Will you be a humanitarian or will you be a humiliator?

    Everything I have seen in the article, your many alter-egos comments, your facebook page and your illegally obtained screenshot album points to a mentally ill and even criminal Siraj Davis. Is this really the choice you wish to make? Once you go down this road of harassing innocent people and stealing people’s good reputation and money there is no going back.

    Of course, taking the road to jahannam is your choice to make. I find it to be an unfortunate one.

  131. If I were in your position, I would stop trying to “prove” the issue you have with Kimberly Amatullah and Scott Tucker about the $160 they loaned you and move on with your life.

  132. This is getting to be funky. Why has my comment been removed.
    I do not know this Siraj or any of the people who mentioned my name involved in this conversation. I want my name removed and what happened to me is a private matter that I am dealing with and I have been cleared of any wrong doing. I do not wish to be involved in any attacks on anyone on the internet nor have I solicited my involvement in anyway.

  133. Chet, don’t worry, it is not only you. Shoah does a shoah on those who criticize it, they cancelled my comment too. Is it cuz I talk about this site having become a joke and that any traffic or likes it gets is Siraj on top of it like a vulture in his endless visits and changes of ID and each time clicks he likes it? That the ADMIN allow this to go as a new commenter? They moderate new names, so they see he is all the same and they think we so stupid we don’t see it. This site now is exposed for stupidity if not alone for thinking this insane porn junkie had something to contribute to saving Palestine with his personal vendetta cuz he got a situation with making all his problems circle around how he fits into his activist club. Someone ask for their money back from him and he call it blackmail and all it takes is you read the “proof” and it is only someone saying they want their money back! It don’t take a genius to see thru the mountains of lies about himself and how his porn gets on his computer and telling us millions of times he is a great leader who folks supposed to follow and admirem, but he does all by faking to be someone else? Who in this world is that stupid? How come his admirer here don’t ever see this? How come they like lies more than truth? I advised Siraj to think of his deen, I told him the examples of Omar Al Khattab and Saeed ibn Aamer to follow because he got no humility the way he insult everyone or invent that they someone they don’t even know and never even heard of before they made the big mistake of stumbling on this idiotic post! He knows he is better cuz he speak suburban rich kid english? He is better cuz he born where they speak it they way he says without looking at how bad his own is? He is racist cuz he insult the way others talk and even if they learned their English from people around the world, in South Africa in places in america and the caribbean and in my own native country where we don’t talk like this mentally deranged person but our minds are clean and we work on our own deen. Not like this Siraj. If we have dhanb’ in our deeds, we seek tawbah and we do not add to our burden of dhanb’ by compounding our evil deeds and in public we are careful to not do ghibah- all that Siraj is capable of doing is riya’, if he even does these deeds he says. Lack of humility in a man is the ugliest of traits. I repeat that I am real glad about this whole thread, even if I been subjected to the insults and charged with being or knowing or being the gay boyfriend of someone Siraj hates, it serves good- cuz if one person might need to look up who this guy is, they find who his character is and they avoid him.

  134. Attn: All Zio-kims

    We know that you are trying your best to remove all copies of communications between Mr. Siraj and Kimberly Amatullah and Scott Tucker.

    We know that TRUTH!!! Is a cryptonite :)Why?

    Why go on this endless voyage to hide what you all do? Why not just come forward and be courageous and say, “Ye, we said and did those things!” Why are you continuously lying, bending the truth, making more victims, etc?

    Have you no shame? Is the truth that damning? Is it that ugly? Stop complaining about the screenshots 🙂 You said those words Scott and Kim…OWN UP TO THEM!!!

    If it is what you said and did, what is the problem? Are you ashamed?

  135. Faris who has the same writing style as Siraj Davis,

    You choose the path of illegal recording and illegal publication of private conversations. You choose the path of lawsuits for harassment and libel which will potentially send you to jail. Why? Is it worth all of potential risks for a $160 loan made to you by Kimberly Amatullah and Scott Tucker? You seem to be going to every length to avoid taking responsibility for paying back the loan. None of your actions are logical. Certainly your evidence, where you made a screenshot of an email from your own Gmail account to your Clemson University email account and blamed the email on Kimberly, is illogical. I do not believe that you are a sane man.

    I believe that many people “like” this article because it’s like watching a circus, not that they respect it or find it to be legitimate and informative. Certainly Jersey Shore is more popular than 60 minutes, but not because it garners more respect.

    If you see my previous comments on the illegal actions you’ve taken in regards to Civil Law, Hadd/Shari’a law and the obvious Abuse Cycle that you are engaging in with Ms. Amatullah and Mr. Tucker, a sane course of action to take would be to disengage from this fight.

    If the police get involved with a harassment case, which it seems like they may, your IP address can be traced. At that time any comment made by you, Taiyo Siraj Davis, under any of your alter-egos in the comment section, would be included in the court case. All of the screenshots in your album are illegally obtained and distributed under civil law regarding the recording and publication of private conversations (see earlier). Private citizens have more rights to privacy than public figures and celebrities. Your actions are illegal.

    In other words: The actions taken by you , Taiyo Siraj Davis, and all the aliases: Faris/Rashad/SomeHonestGuy/FarisisAiden/KimberlyBerger/KimberlyKossover, etc. whereby you post links and slander about private citizens can be collectively included in a harassment suit. A harassment suit, Libel or any other suit will reference your actions by the IP address, not by the username you created. You will certainly be found guilty of all of the crimes mentioned in previous comments of mine, re: civil law, if you do not leave these private citizens alone or choose a legally permissible route for your grievances.

    In Jordan, you can be quickly charged and found guilty for Theft and Defamation under Hadd, since the system there is based on crimes against Shari’a.

    A wise man would stop digging himself a bigger hole, remove the aforementioned content, and move on with his life.

  136. Siraj Davis & All of his alter-egos,

    It seems very kind of Facebook and Flicker to have removed the illegal screenshots from their pages. Both companies have momentarily saved you.

    A wiseman would seize this golden opportunity, of having the evidence cleared, and move on with his life.

    This is your chance to get your dignity back. Take it.

  137. @M

    Those conversations are between Mr. Siraj, Kimberly Amatullah, and Scott Tucker.

    They resulted from threats of death, harassment, and etc. A long train of abuses occurred at the hands of Kim and Scott. You may do whatever you want in regards as switching the role of assailant to victim. It does not matter because the evidence is there. There is clearly unwanted communication between Mr. Siraj and you Ziokims. You were even warned but persisted in beligerent harassment and criminal behavior.

    As was posted on this board and all over the internet for the world to see. THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH $160:

    1) We posted a comment by Scott Tucker stating parphrase , “do what you will with the money. It is not my concern.” After which, he asked kindly of Mr. Siraj to help in a campaign of libel and slander against Ken O Keefe and ANYONE affiliated with him. We have also posted screenshots of further comments of Scott Tucker demonstrating more of the same behavior AND screenshots of Kim also demanding aid or help in the same endeavor while simultaneously demanding #160 in return if that favor was not fulfilled by Mr. Siraj.

    2) In a period of 1 whole year, no comment was made about the money until Kimberly Amatullah and Scott Tucker made demands of a nefarious and criminal nature against anyone associate with Ken O Keefe.

    3) Mr. Siraj has already indicated that he has paid the money.

    Your claims of this whole argument being about $160 are not only fantasy, but know one believes ANYONE would go to such length over such a meager amount!!! In fact, this is the first reaction by many who visit this site! I myself was sitting beside another freind in the internet coffee shop and when he looked at your claims, his response was, “all this for $160!? No way, there is something deeper than that, I don’t believe it!!”

    In regards to the forged E-mail. Just as Kimberly Amatullah and Ccott Tucker are KNOWN all over Facebook because of their abuse and death threats of others, it is also known that it is an easy hack to manipulate an e-mail. Notice the subject line “Quf!” . We have screenshots of Kimberly Amatullah using this exact phrase in other conversations with people on Facebook thanks to Mr. Siraj and our colleagues. Also, the e-mail came around the same time that Mr. Siraj and Kimberly Amatullah sent nasty messages to Mr. Siraj after a dormant period of peace between the former and latter.

    I agree with you about this being a circus. However, if Mr. Kimberly Amatullah and Scott Tucker can agree to leave me and many others alone. Then we can go on with our lives and enjoy what God has given us, a chance to live without fear and annoyance!

    It was and is Kimberly and Scott’s actions which warranted the truth to be told. I believe you can not block all of the screenshots Mr. Siraj and we have. You can try, but not all of them!! We reiterate, we ask that you leave all of us alone!! Stop stalking and harassing us!!

    In all regards M. we have posted a multitude of screenshots that demonstrated you and other Ziokims LIED. Despite the evidence posted, you all lied!! We caught you in those lies. Do you really think any of us put much weight behind any of your threats of going to the governments, suing us, etc. ? Kmi and Scott had no credibility as human rights activists and Muslims in the beginning, now they have no credibility with anything they say.

    In regards to taking Mr. Siraj to court, he has a lawyer on retainer. He did so when he first came to this country out of the exigence of COINTELPRO tactics. He knew the issues he represented were too controversial for him not to be targeted by a few NUTS!!!Therefore, all material will demonstrate that he protected his credibility and life by posting the screenshots in order to counter false accusations by Kim and Scott and those associated with the two. My question is. Do you think that you will not be held to the same standards? How many people will be willing to take a stand to testify against Kim and Scott? Can your IP address be traced as well?

    Private citizens have more rights than public figures!? Is this the logic you used to make that God awful page “No One in Gaza Wants Ken O Keefe!? I disagree with your logic, vehemently!! It is skewed and inaccurate.

    Dear M, the content stays up. I place my confidence in the great people here to judge Mr. Siraj and SCOTT and KIMBERLY equally with ALL of the evidence presented on behalf of ALL of the VICTIMS!! Good luck with that suit Kim, uh humm, M, you are going to need it. I suggest you just ignore the site and move on with your life. Do not contact Mr. Siraj or Ken O Keefe or his associates or anyone for that matter. I hope this will be a lesson for Scott and Kim that you can abuse so many people but fr so long before your victims, attacked in like manner, scream to the world and to you, “Enough is enough! We will not be silent anymore!!!”

    Please go on and leave all of us alone. I have already made statement on behalf of MR. Siraj in regards to your continuous false claims of him owing you money. I have contacted him with fail. I will continue to call him until he picks up so he may personally address all of your claims.


  138. The fact of the matter is that if they, Scott Tucker and Kimberly Amatullah, would simply quit harassing and threatening people, there would be no screen shots to be posted.

    As long as Scott Tucker and Kimberly Amatullah continue in their habit of harassing and threatening people, these people that they threaten and harasses will continue to post the screen shots showing that Scott Tucker and Kimberly Amatullah are harassing and threatening them.

    The sensible thing would be for Scott Tucker and Kimberly Amatullah to cease from threatening and harassing others, but they would instead rather continue this and continue to threaten and harass with threats of law suits, those sites who are bold enough to post the truth.

    FACE IT, there are so many people who have been threatened and harassed by Scott Tucker and Kimberly Amatullah, that they, Scott Tucker and Kimberly Amatullah, can not prevent all the evidence from being seen.

    Want to talk about victims. “M”?

    You seem to think you are the expert on victimization. If you really know about victims and their behavior, you should also know that when a few do come forward to prove criminal injustice, many more who had been intimidated into silence, get the courage to come forward with their evidence against the common perpetrator.

    As I have said before, there are MANY people who have been victimized by Scott Tucker and Kimberly Amatullah, and have posted the screen shots to show this. No doubt, MANY more will have the courage to post their evidence.

    I don’t know how large a bank account that Scott Tucker and Kimberly Amatullah have. Perhaps they have connections to people who have unlimited funds that will enable them to live in the court room as they seem to be insinuating is their desire.

    So, wouldn’t it make a WHOLE LOT more sense for them, Scott Tucker and Kimberly Amatullah, to just cease from their bulling, threatening and harassing of others?

  139. Carolyn,

    One prove a “criminal injustice” by going to court.

    Posting private conversations and slandering a private citizen in the public sphere is a criminal act. Vigilante justice is not civil or legal.

    More evidence points to censorship and abuse by Siraj and yourself than points to any wrongdoing on the part of Kimberly Amatullah and Scott Tucker (see previous comments). They seem like the victims of an abuse cycle (see previous “abuse cycle”)

    If you are in the right, then take your case to court. Everything I’ve seen thusfar shows that you and Siraj Davis are in the wrong by harassing these individuals over the internet.

    Please, prove me wrong. Prove me wrong by stopping your illegal actions and taking your complaints to the proper authorities.

    Everything from Siraj regarding this $160 debt between Kim, Scott and Siraj has been done in a criminal manner.

    It would be most excellent to be able to believe Siraj Davis’ account, however his non-linear narrative (see previous comments) and criminal approach (see previous comments) make him unbelievable as the victim. He, and you, seem like the harassing parties.

    If it is otherwise I tell you as I would tell anyone else. Get off the web, go to the authorities and protect yourself!! Everything else is libel!

  140. The post on my Facebook page linking to this article has mysteriously disappeared from my page TWICE already. Who might be responsible for this outrage, I wonder? Who is it who collaborates with the authorities and who employs such dishonest and cowardly tactics? Inquiring minds would love to know exactly who is responsible, but I have a pretty good idea that it is one or more of the “esteemed” individuals associated with the “No one in Gaza wants Ken” hate page that I posted a link to above.

    Why hasn’t THAT page been removed by Facebook long ago? A double standard obviously applies. THOSE lying slanderers who post lies and slander against Ken O’Keefe seem to be able to get away with ANYTHING. Let’s see if these shenanigans are repeated and if my post mysteriously disappears yet again from my Facebook page for the THIRD straight time.

    And who is the cowardly individual hiding behind the mysterious name “M,” hypocritically speaking of “alter-egos,” and issuing all the nice THREATS that we see here? Inquiring minds would like to receive a truthful and honest answer to that simple question also.

  141. You just don’t get it “M”. Obviously Scott Tucker and Kimberly Amatullah, do not like having their victims posting screen shot across the Internet.

    My point is that there WILL be many more screen shots being posted because there are MANY people who have been victimized by both Scott Tucker and Kimberly Amatullah.

  142. Michael,

    Ken O’Keefe is a public figure, so different laws apply regarding Libel. You may not approach a public citizen in the same manner that you approach a public figure in regards to publishing negative information or personal information. This is not a double standard: It is two separate set of standards in relation to two separate categories of people. Type 1 = Celebrity/Public figure Type 2 = Private citizen

    I will repeat an earlier posts referencing the legal framework around slander. This explains why posting about a private citizen has different legal repercussions than posting about a public figure (like Ken O’Keefe). It explains why Facebook removed your slanderous posts about Kimberly Amatullah (a private citizen) and did not remove slanderous posts about Ken O’Keefe (a public figure) :


    Posting screenshots of private conversations seems to be a digital equivalent to illegally recording a posting private conversations of a verbal nature.

    It seems obvious to me that Scott Tucker and Kimberly Amatullah can sue anyone for Libel who is disseminating screenshots of their Private conversations into the Public sphere like Facebook, Flickr or other forums. Siraj could be sued as a first-party participant and any other individual or organization who used the same screenshots could be sued as a third-party participant.

    Here are some links to the law regarding this issue:


    Citizen Media Law Project: Recording Phonecalls and Conversations | http://www.citmedialaw.org/legal-guide/recording-phone-calls-and-conversations

    “Twelve states require the consent of every party to a phone call or conversation in order to make the recording lawful.”

    “… it is almost always illegal to record a phone call or private conversation to which you are not a party, do not have consent from at least one party, and could not naturally overhear.”

    “Federal law and most state statutes also make disclosing the contents of an illegally intercepted telephone call illegal. See the section on Risks Associated with Publication…”


    Citizen’s Media Law Project: Risks Associated With Publication| http://www.citmedialaw.org/legal-guide/risks-associated-publication

    “Every time you publish something online, whether it’s a news article, blog post, podcast, video, or even a user comment, you open yourself up to potential legal liability. ”

    “..if you publish information that harms the reputation of another person, group, or organization, or inflicts emotional distress upon another person, you may be liable for “defamation” or “false light.”

    “..if you publish private or personal information about someone without their permission, you potentially expose yourself to legal liability even if your portrayal is factually accurate.”



    If you follow the links and read further, you will see more explanation of why slandering a private citizen is a criminal offense while slandering a celebrity/public figure is allowed.

    Facebook seems to be following the Federal Laws of the United States of America regarding Libel and it make sense why they continue to remove your Facebook notes about private citizens from the site.

  143. To the Editor:

    I think that this kind of personal attack against someone is wrong. The writer may have issues with the accused person, but this public defamation is really uncalled for and counterproductive.

    Perhaps we should spend more time focusing on helping the Palestinians and less time attacking each other.

  144. Carolyn,

    Victims go to the authorities. Abusers post illegal information on the web.

    If you want the rest of us in consensus reality to believe your allegations then I recommend that take a legal and legitimate course of action for a victim and call the authorities.

    Kimberly Amatullah and Scott Tucker are the only people using the proper authorities to lodge a complaint of Libel and harassment which points to their innocence (see all of my previous comments about “abuse cycle” and “narcissitic defense mechanisms” by Siraj). It points to Siraj Davis as the wrong-doer. If this situation is otherwise, please cease posting screenshots to the web and contact your local police.

    Everything else is Libel and makes puts you at risk for a lawsuit or jailtime.

    Please, prove me wrong that Siraj is the abuser who is trying to avoid paying Kimberly back $160 that he owes her. If Kim is, in fact, at fault please take the legal course of action. Cease posting illegal screenshots of private citizen’s information and contact the local authorities if you are being harassed.

    Otherwise your claims are simply not believable. “Truthiness” is not truth. Call the police if you feel there are people in danger.

  145. @ Siraj…. I am a friend of all the parties being slandered. You’ll be sorted out, trust me. You are a fool to go to such incredible lengths to avoid a debt and yes, we do support the need to seek justice on this regard. You had no right, you were warned. I am the one who has personally called the police municipal in Jordan on this matter, and who will present be at all proceedings here on out. It will be nice to meet you, Siraj. You don’t belong in the movement, near any children and certainly loose on the top soil.

    @ Carolyn… please list and itemize the “criminal injustice” that Kimberly and Scott have done. List the injuries, and the cause of such injuries. And realize that if you haven’t provided this upon the beginning of your tirade then one might ask why not? Who is the person MOST injured by Kimberly or Scott, how and what happened, and provide proof, NOW. You’re much safer where you are in the States, granted, but you are still open to a law suit. What is your personal claim to victim status by Kimberly or Scott. Please tell us what they have done to you specifically and clearly that makes you feel your stalking is merited? Why are you personally so interested in this woman and her brother’s private emails and personal exploited friendships deserves to be aired by the whole world, despite it being completely illegal? How again do you avoid the law and logic? Please explain.

    @Shoah… the Glascow Police are fully informed on this matter to which you insist on harassing and defaming these people whom you have never met and never heard of save from Mr. Davis. The reports have been made in plural by those who are appalled at this organizations actions against these people. You know what you are, and surely you will pay the price for your illegal actions. Shame on you, you say you support Palestine? You people say a lot of things, that is what I am noticing.

    How old is the Editor here?
    What are their credentials?

  146. “M’ You still miss the point! I’m not talking about court, silly!

    I am talking about ALL the screen shots being posted on the Internet by the MANY victims of Scott Tucker and Kimberly Amatullah’s slander, harassments and threats.

    Whether those victims of Scott Tucker and Kimberly Amatullah take Scott Tucker and Kimberly Amatullah to court is entirely up to them.

    The point still remains that as long as Scott Tucker and Kimberly Amatullah continue to slander, threaten others, intimate others and harass others, those whom are victimized by Scott Tucker and Kimberly Amatullah, WILL be posting the proof all over the Internet.

  147. You cannot slander someone by clearly quoting them speaking or writing in a public forum. A group or public facebook page qualifies as a public forum.

    Depending upon the jurisdiction, libel and slander laws vary. Has even one of you consulted with an attorney or are you all suddenly qualified in interpreting the law?

    I suppose that what’s sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander, so to speak. If Kimberly Amatullah is spreading rumors about me on facebook, can I sue her? Or would she sue me if I were to produce screen shots of the actual defamation?

    As usual, people don’t stick to the issues but love to turn things into a big soap opera. And no, I’m not “Mary Shepard.”

  148. “M” is also correct (I know who you are but I see no reason to drop your name here; I’m not a spiteful person) in saying that public figures are treated differently. It is my understanding that this matter involves private citizens and not public figures. I do wish everybody would stop carping on Ken O’Keefe. What the hell is he doing in this? And if he is involved, let him write his own comments. Stop obsessing on him, and if you can’t, go get some professional help.

    Plastering private conversations on the internet can certainly be considered at least an invasion of privacy. If these conversations are screen shots of actual conversations, of course it is not libel or slander because the persons involved clearly said what is in the screenshots. If I email you and accuse you of stealing money from me, that is not libel. It is an accusation, and it is a private conversation which was never meant to be shared with the public. Let’s be clear here.

    On the other hand, writing Facebook notes with the content including conjecture, accusations, and statements about a person and then publishing those notes is clearly slander. Facebook, ever mindful of its responsibility to protect its users, was correct to remove Langston’s notes. Langston himself is lucky his account wasn’t deactivated. You simply cannot draw conclusions about people and post those conclusions for public consumption, unless that person is a public figure. In that case, it becomes a matter possibly for litigation and this is where the plaintiff must prove he or she has suffered some kind of loss as a result of the published statements.

    It is not a matter of being on Ken O’keefe’s “side” as this is not, or should not be, about O’Keefe. This is about cyberbullying which is a serious problem on Facebook and elsewhere. Until there is a better way to deal with it, it’s best we simply warn each other of our experiences with cyber bullies (this is where screenshots are very useful) and block them. We cannot make the internet perfectly safe, and we have to exercise some personal responsibility.

  149. “M” must not be a humanitarian, for if “M” was a true humanitarian, “M” would SUPPORT the victims of Scott Tucker and Kimberly Amatullah’s lies, slander, harassments, threats and intimidation.

  150. Let’s get this straight:

    1) Scott Tucker and Kimberly Amatullah who claim to be caring humanitarians for the “Palestinian cause” victimize, HURT others…over and over again.

    2) The victims post screen shots that clearly proves that they are indeed victims of slander, lies, harassments, intimidation all committed against them by Scott Tucker and Kimberly Amatullah.

    3) SO, these self proclaiming activists “humanitarians”, Scott Tucker and Kimberly Amatullah and friends of theirs threaten to sue THE VICTIMS?


  151. @Carolyn and Um

    You are both standing up for death threats and distancing yourselves from the obvious consequences both legally and other. How can you possibly endorse that and call yourselves Human Right’s Activists?

    You simply cannot, that is delusional.
    Um, you are a victim how, exactly? Please declare your injuries and loss, now.

    Carolyn, you are a victim how, exactly, as well? Please list your grievances, injuries and loss.

    The fact that you are both women, and endorsing this lends to a much more insidious reality. As M states, you are female abusers, a normal person would concur.

  152. Note that the individual known here as “M” and who claims to have such great concern for people being “libeled” and “slandered” and who seems to enjoy threatening others with jail time and lawsuits lacks the courage and the honesty to reveal her true identity.

    Make no mistake. What she is doing here is issuing blatant THREATS against those who have done nothing other than speak the truth.

    Note also how blatantly SELECTIVE she is in who she defends. Where is her concern for OTHERS in this situation who have been TRULY wronged, TRULY lied about, and TRULY slandered by the likes of this Kimberly “Amatullah” and her supposed “brother” Scott?

    Scott Tucker has posted damaging LIES about me personally, for example. Kimberly “Amatullah” has been actively involved in slandering Ken O’Keefe and viciously attacking his supporters.

    Tucker and “Amatullah” are the REAL liars and slanderers, among others, and their victims are simply speaking the truth about them and are being unjustly threatened and harassed for so doing.



  153. Not a word from “M” about the people who were harassed and threatened publicly or privately and who have the screen shots to back it up. All sorts of concern, though, about the bully and harasser, and her “rights.” “M” has seen the screenshots of the cyberbullying and chooses instead to focus on the side issue of whether or not it’s OK to post private convos for public consumption. Bearing in mind that what “M” cites is the above comment is a lay person’s guide, it really does make sense to err on the side of caution. Obviously, it is ridiculous to assume that one can sue a person simply because they were called “dumbass.” If that were true, people could be filing lawsuits over every squabble. Let’s keep some perspective here. On the other hand, composing and publishing notes (and blogs) in which people are accused of misdeeds and their photos are published and made searchable on Google, is a potentially serious offense.

    Langston and Hamlett have mentioned O’Keefe. Did either of you caution him against publishing people’s names and photos on his blog and accusing them of plotting against him and slandering him? Perhaps he would have done well to sue those people if he felt he had been injured in some way. So why didn’t he?

  154. @Carolyn…

    What has been ‘provided’ shows nothing more than a sick man who thinks it is funny to use Islam to his own fashion (rap and porn) and then level an online attack (once again using Islam) to get-out of paying back a loan, and that he will use even personal and private emails to garner attention and prefers to see people as his ‘fans’ and make very questionable videos with very questionable direction for peace. Looks more like a loser who got wind.

    This is not normal.
    The fact that you support this and cannot see what actually lies before you only means you are either not smart enough, you have a prior resentment that you wish to keep to yourself and would like to buffer your personal attack on the backs of strangers whom you have never met and their flimsy grudge, or you are simply an abuser and possibly insane as is Siraj Davis. You reside in the US, isn’t that correct?

    Very encouraging news for Palestine!
    How will we ever repay your kindness and devotion?


  155. The sites that were hosting this are apparently taking it more seriously than you Um; for they are down and Siraj is no longer a member.

    You have provided nothing.
    What is your personal grievance, I ask again. And do you know any of these people in reality? Have you ever met any one of these people, verified anything? No you have not. And you have zero grievance yourself or you would not be pushing this audience to review private emails that have nothing to do with any wrongdoing by the parties accused. Their big crime was naivete, and trusting a low-life thug like Mr. Davis. Their opinions are protected, as is their private email and correspondence; you fail to acknowledge the law in fact.

    We understand that your ‘beef’ is bigger than your brain, you’ve made that abundantly clear. Who is your shiekh lol? You know Ramadan is nearing, do you really want to contaminate your soul on entering such an event that commands our compassion and our desire to live as Muslims, peacefully? You shame Islam, Madame, and women as a whole should distance themselves from the foulness you project in the name of Islam.

    That is my final comment, you have nothing but anger and bitterness, a hardened heart and a soul far lost. May Allah show you the correct path, Inshallah.

  156. Unfortunately for some of you here, what Mr. Davis enjoys doing in his spare time is not germane to the central issue. You’re merely blowing smoke and not dealing with the issue, which is cyber-bullying. Harassing someone online is a serious thing, especially when it comes to putting them in physical danger or causing them to experience personal loss, anxiety, and to fear for their safety or well being.

    For example, calling someone a CIA agent in a public forum if they happen to live in a neighborhood where there is already unease and suspicion directed at Americans is a form of harassment, no? And by the same token, spreading rumors that an activist was said to be engaged in unprofessional activities which harm her reputation is also harassment. And of course, threatening to call the FBI or DHS to report someone for terrorist activities simply as a form of spite and revenge while arguing on a Facebook comment thread, and then following through on it, making the call and thereby causing that person considerable psychological and professional harm is also harassment. I think “M” would agree with that, unless “M” is utterly clueless and/or lacking in compassion.

    Interesting also is the fact that Ms. Amatullah is not here telling her side of the story. But you can bet your ass she’s taking screen shots.

  157. @ naim abdelli. It appears that I know FAR more than you do about Islam!… and the true teachings of Islam.

    I have many wonderful and “Godly” Muslim friends who do not AT ALL resemble Scott Tucker and Kimberly Amatullah and their friends.

    Thank Allah for those who actually seek to resemble Him and who follow His ways in actions words, and deeds!

    Thank Allah for all those who separate themselves from evil doers and who do not resemble the enemy to the God of Righteousness and who do not use the tools of the enemy of the God of Righteousness!

  158. Naim Abdelli, if I call you an idiot, will you sue me?

    Obviously your reading comprehension skills leave something to be desired. Go back and read my comments again.

    And yes, I do have a personal stake. I personally would love to kick Kimberly Amatullah’s tattooed ass from here to Ramadan, but I have contented myself with blocking her on Facebook. She slandered me in public, threatened me, and I do have a screenshot. I hate cyber bullies, especially when they call themselves Muslims.

  159. “And yes, I do have a personal stake. I personally would love to kick Kimberly Amatullah’s tattooed ass from here to Ramadan, but I have contented myself with blocking her on Facebook. She slandered me in public, threatened me, and I do have a screenshot. I hate cyber bullies, especially when they call themselves Muslims.”

    How in the world do you see yourself as having ‘contented’ to mere blocking on facebook? It is pretty obvious to all that that is a lie, do good Muslims lie, Um? You’re here, you are inciting violence and condemnation of a person who has the right to all those agencies and to even dislike you. Are there pages in your name? Is there any online campaign? Where? Where is your documentation, or do you prefer to ride your personal grudge on the backs of others who have more sustainable proof (laughing out loud)? It is noble of you to be admitting your personal vendetta and for showing your faith to be of the hypocritical nature; I am quite shocked you would opt to say such and prove without any doubt what your objective is. Um, no Muslim will support this, you are very mistaken. Again, I pray that Allah will show you the correct path, for this surely is not it. Inshallah.

    The only death threats and threats of violence are from this crew of misfits against the persons listed in this article; and you still opt to distance yourself to what is truly before your eyes with not a single piece of evidence to justify it, as a Muslima, and in the name of Islam. Something is wrong here, Um, Islam does not promote vengeance on anyone let alone perfect strangers, it does not condone lies and hypocrisy. You choose to focus on the ‘crimes’ you see and ignore the crimes done by your own ill intent. How does Islam support this?

    You want “to kick Kimberly’s ass from here to Ramadan”? Such a pious choice! You have a few people to get through, Um, and any attempt will be met with fierce and thorough resistance. Take that to your pillow tonight, and be sure to ask Allah for forgiveness for the very thought.


    Save it. I’ve seen your material, you are most clearly insane. Your words have no merit and your opinions on Islam are less than worthless. Any Muslim associated with you is lost and probably disturbed as well. It is hard to talk to a robot, and very hard to dignify your absurd ability to ignore the obvious so I will ‘opt out’. A Christian expert on Islam and Satanism? I thought I’d seen it all!

  160. My behavior as a Muslim is none of your business. The issue is not me, it’s Kimberly. I don’t know who you are, nor do I care.

    Kimberly is also a Muslim, but I don’t see you taking issue with her behavior. Really, let’s at least be consistent.

  161. I would like to take the time to comment after it seems that this conflict has reached a temporary rest stage because it is no doubt that Kimberly Amatullah and Scott Tucker had nor have any intention of relinquishing this awful campaign of slander, harassment, death threats, libel, stalking, and more against me.This campaign does not originate with Kim or Scott but its impetus has roots in a far worse origin, than this post and others indicate. The branches of this horrible tree are Kim and Scott, but the roots lay in the website “No One in Gaza Wants Ken O Keefe.” The prepetraters of this website engaged in an attack against Ken O Keefe with impunity. As a result of Facebook allowing this website to become accessible to the general public without reprimand for its creators, instead of satisfying the irresponsible and criminal behavior of those involved in influencing its creation, it invigorated those few people to rally behind a “bloody shirt” while sounding the bugle call of hate toward fellow activists and ANYONE affiliated with Ken O Keefe. Some of you know my credentials, so you know just how awful these people look!!

    The aforementioned website and those acting with impunity on Facebook need to be stopped, as we see that this disease has spread past the digital barriers of Facebook into other arenas. It is my wish it will be stopped and I believe that the Palestinian movement can only be saved by weighing those who DO human rights against those who TALK, or in this case, post human rights on Facebook. The irony of the whole situation is that some who were active villains in castigating and stigmatizing Ken O Keefe were also involved in doing the same to me. They have too much time on their hands and so little sense. The timing of all of this hostility coming directly following the public posting of a video of me supporting Ken O Keefe is NOT post hoc fallacy and I am sure dates on the screenshots my colleagues and I posted concur.

    As I woke to a phone call at 7am this morning, I felt the exigent request to look at this board again. Although this board is littered with tactics that I reluctantly did not want to see, I have to say that it is a relief to see some people stand on the side of the victims and bring all of this to light. I am sure, without a doubt, that many witnesses can testify as to being victims to the aforementioned person in this article along with Scott Tucker. I feel I am on the zenith of a mountain and my voice can finally be heard with echoes soundinf away my personal request that I wish Kimberly Amatullah and Scott Tucker to not be a part of my life anymore. We were friends from two years ago and a tragic moment in my life made me question that friendship after some information which was privy to Scott and Kim and a few others I admit, had gotten back to the Department of Homeland Security. This information was used against me, however the truth was contorted and twisted into something unrecognizable when it reached my ears through the previous conduit of investigation. My suspicion of Kim and Scott seems confirmed based on past and recent observations of their behavior in their campaign against Ken O Keefe and other testimonies by those who have been confidants of the former and latter in the past. 9-11 has unfortunately produced an environment whereas the report of a psychologically distressed person trying to seek retribution for a slight on Facebook may cause the wheels of bureacracy and terrorism to turn and wreak havoc on a normal person’s life. Unfortunately , as Dr. Hatem Bazian and other scholars have researched and discovered, the brunt of these investigations affect Muslims and Palestinian activists. Therein is the real threat Kimberly and Scott pose to many of us. Worse, the former has been documented bragging about this. Even far worse, I have documented her behavior where she has not a flinch of a conscience in using praise to convince others to join her circus of slander and the sympathy accorded to a victim to organize other naive and low self esteem Facebook trolls to help her disable Facebook accounts of her target, harass and stalk these same targets, and much more.

    As a result, I publicly demand again that Kimberly Amatullah and Scott Tucker not contact me in ANY way and at ANY time. I will of course reciprocate. However, a horrid feeling still sits uncomfortably in the bowels of my stomach. I fear, deathly fear, the future harm these two scoundrels along with thier motley crew of unrecognizable misfits will do to other innocent victims. I will state the facts as the following. I did in fact as for financial help from Scott and Kim when I moved from Syria to Jordan. I could not gain access to the fund in my bank at the time and I desperately needed some cash. Scott and Kim gave me this money via Western Union and with the understanding of it not being a loan, but of a means in which to show their appreciation for the work I did for Palestine (helping to orgnaize the first AAPER Marches in Columbia SC, organizing and speaking in lectures at 6 of the major universities in SC, passing around a legislative bill amongst many organizations on behest of Palestine, creating an amateur documentary, and much more) and the help I gave Kim (I helped to contact her husband in order to help repair whtever estranged relationship they had). The importance of this loan was neve made aware to me until the relationship between me and Kimberly began to deteriorate over a single incident.

    After querying Kim about a post condemning Ken O Keefe on my student organization’s wall by a Mary Rizzo (I and Mary had a huge argument about this and I felt it was time to ask Kim), Kim was frantic and obviously bothered by something. She had told me a story that Ken O Keefe was a fraud and that his associates were out to get her. I asked her for evidence. None of the evidence she provided convinced me!! I received the same reaction to my queries as Mary Rizzo gave to me, anger and hostility. This hostility and rage turned into Kim and Scott declaring I was never a friend, I was an accomplice of the Ken and his colleagues, and it also invovled them demanding their money back. No problem!! It was their right. However, it was like a game for Scott and Kim. I honestly believe they did not want this money returned, they just wanted an opportunity to seek retribution against me perhaps for failing them as a friend when refusing to participate in their slanderous campaign against Ken O Keefe or because they had little person syndrome and believed I was a gobbled into the same category as Ken, therefore if I am a friend or colleague of Ken, then I am a representative or inheritor of all of his negative qualities that his opposition projects upon him. It is the same thinking that cost millions of lives in the WAR ON TERROR in Afghanistan, Iraq, and else where. This type of thinking also drew suspicion by me upon Kim’s and Scott’s motives, they were quacking like the same government duck. I was waiting to see if more evidence of them swimming like one would surface to add onto mine. I think others have picked up the challenge of answering that in the future and feel relieved to have passed that burden to others.

    As a historian who has studied every struggle across the world in modern history, I have learned that there is an axiom which has relevance to this conflict here. When innocent and guilty are punished alike, it breeds more of the opposition. Likewise, after being assaulted and vexed by Kim’s and Mary’s words to me after asking honest and sincere questions about their acccusations against Ken, I turned to Ken O Keefe for answers, spoke with him for long periods of time, and I learned to appreciate him!! He was not the guy who others made him out to be!! On the contrary, he spoke from the heart and with a passion that anyone with a clear mind and common sense could not confuse as being the product of any other determinant. Furthermore, he went out of his way to demonstrate kindness to not only me, but to my students who think the world of him, students from right here in the Middle East. Our future, possibly the REAL answer to the Palestine conundrum. They need a hero, the times and circumstances of today desperately requires a way to give them hope. These kids are not too immature or mentally stymied at their ages to not know how they have been given a bad card, they know!!! They must carry the stigma of disapora and wars and terrorism eveyrwhere they go in life. If they can see someone do anything which may give them hope, it is a reward that no forked tongue or venemous lie can marginalize. It is God’s decision to judge Ken, I in my opinion, support Ken 100%. Ken did not have to make a video to my students, but he did at their request. And they love him like a brother and a hero!!! I would like to thank Mary Rizzo, Kim, and Scott; I would have never met such a special person that God put on this earth if it wasn’t for your net of rabid and uncontrollable hate you threw upon me and others.

    In regards to the money, I told Scott and Kim it would take some time because I had bills to pay. Of course, they did not like this, but what could they do? However, it wasn’t about the money!!! Kim and Scott tried their damnest to make this transaction which should have been easy, difficult and unbearable. As you can see from the screenshots I posted before, they were beligerent and insulting. As I had to wait for a monthly paycheck to pay them, they would purposely upset me and enrage me until I had no choice but to block them. Each time I blocked them, I unblocked them later hoping I could get the money and send it to them. They would disappoint me again and again with the same cowardly and offensive tactics!! Furthermore, it has been a long time since I have received death threats, but the campaign by Mary Rizzo and Kimberly Amatullah and Scott Tucker has somehow brought two death threats which I received recently. I have circumstantial evidence that links BOTH of those death threats to Kimberly Amatullah. The timing of those death threats, again like other occurrences, happend arounf the time of me posting a public video of my support for Ken O Keefe. I think the narrative of events which can be shown would at least provide some suspicion, I hope for my case and welfare. I also want to state that I was apprached here in Jordan by an unknown man who confronted me about Ken. It was a physical altercation and despite benig what some consider as the victor, I do not appreciate when people SEND assassins my way!! Nevertheless, it was a cowardly and vain attempt and had not this man stmbled and run like a clown, I would have taken the incident with much more severity. I hope Kim will tell her ninja, I have nothing against him but please do not appear in my presence again. Live your life and leave others alone please.

    Moreover, I am not only writing this post to publicly declare my desire to be rid of Kimberly Amatullah and Scott Tucker, but I also wanted to forewarn others of these venemous people. I also want to fulfill the request that was asked of me by one of my students. It was brought to my attention that several people, at behest of the interests of Scott Tucker and Kimberly Amatullah, have been trying to make this whole conflict about me not wanting to pay this money back. This is ridiculous. Many can testify here where I live that the amount of money they desire is 10% of my monthly salary!!! In addition, I hope no one is that short sighted and thick to believe anyone would do this for $100. Also, my colleagues posted screenshots to prove the real impetus of Scott and Kim whining about the money. It was to allow them a gate or doorway to play these silly games I mentioned in the previous paragraph!! Moreover, I believe I have caught them unexpectedly now. I did not reply personally to Scott and Kim’s accusations that I have not paid them the money because I wanted to see how far it would go. I knew this was not about the money!! Anyone with a decent mind would look at the screenposts of Scott and Kim sending me flaming messages about how they want the money back because I did not support them in their hideous and immoral campaign against Ken O Keefe. I do not blame Kim and Scott though, they are followers, not leaders. Someone or some people put this seed of hate in them and I rather not say publicly who as of now.

    However, I will say that Kim and Scott thought I would not say anything about me giving them the money. Perhaps they thought after their first mention of it, with no reply by me, that indeed I could not prove I agve them the money. Well, to fulfill the request to my student, the screenshot of the money transferred to Scott is here. It was sent and received a week ago and my family in California contacted Scott to inform him!!!

    The screenshot in which I told Kim when the money would be sent to Scott in a week is here:

    Here is the evidence that Mary Rizzo, uh humm, excuse me M, Scott Tucker, Kimberly Amatullah, and others attacked me not for the money, it was NEVER about the money I swear to God, but for revenge against being associated with the TJP team of Ken O Keefe!

    The money was sent more than a week ago and I have witnesses to testify they called Scott Tucker to inform him.


    I now request the audience to look at all of the people who claimed the motive behind all of these shenanagans was about a small tiny $160!! Please take note of their names. Please remember that their accusations have not only been proven wrong, but they also disregarded previous screenshots of evidence that proved them wrong in which my colleagues posted earlier. Look at the tenacity of how they rallied behind a personal lona as the impetus behind all of this. Look at how they will try to protect their words adn credibilities which they have placed on the line mistakingly for the wrong reason. Look at them scurry under rocks like cockroaches!!! If I have proven what they have done and acted against me to be for wrong reasons, what do you think about their accusations misled against Ken O Keefe and the consequent decision of police authorities to drop charges agianst Ken O Keefe?

    You can put 1 and 1 together and come up with your own conclusion because the truth doesn’t matter to the assialants on this board, only hate. All of the ‘2’ people, I hope you take heed to my warnings about these miscreants. There is a unanimity of opinions by the victims, that opinion is that these two people have been harming a lot of human rights activists with shcoking impunity for trivial reasons for far too long!! They mean no good to the Palestinian cause. If they are willing to do all that you have seen and lie for a $160, then what will they do to you or Palestine when you refuse to help them in bashing another inncoent person?

    I love Palestine with all of my heart! As many know, I ahve embarked on a path that can not be reversed. I love the people here in the Middle East and I miss the people I have temporarily left behind, most of the people 🙂 However, the people here in the Middle East are a special people and it is without doubt I can view with my own eyes and understand how the prophets and major monotheistic religions arose in this place. You can see that special light in the character and personalities of the people here. Not everyone is perfect! Perhaps Scott, Kim, and thier Ziobots would like to emphasize the Qaddafis or the Assads or the Mubaraks. Instead, I would like to look at the positive while claiming all of the negative that others like to broadcast around the world about this place, are just tests, necessary tests, that WILL be passed, and like a cocoon, a butterfly will soar high from this region. I am not Arab, but I am willing to sacrifice my life to see this dream come true. It is the least I may do to help the people who are the posterity of the prophets. It is the least I can do for my dead child, a Palestinian Japanese child, Tawfik. Despite all of the haters, God has an amazing ability of helping me to transform the hate into love. So I want to say from my heart with sincerity, thank you Kim and Scott and all of your Ziobots!!

    This statement is as honest and as detailed as I may recollect with sincerity.

    Siraj Davis

    A special message ot Kim, now you no longer have a reason to be jealous of Ken or my popularity and fame, now people know you 🙂

    PS: please inform Mary Rizzo that I desire a public debate with her on the matters of Ken O Keefe and team. I am seeking her credibility please. Please respond 🙂

    Collective Consciousness for Truth Justice and Peace

    Haters = OWNED

  162. I wish everyone well, some people on this board are not interested in real thoughtful and sincere debate. They continue to ignore the premises of people’s arguments. They just post what they are thinking!!

    Therefore, I am leaving to focus on more positive things like helping Palestine instead of attacking those who DO for Palestine rather than Facebook post about it 🙂

    The future will allow posterity to read from the pages of history. I have screenshot everything on this board and have had some of the IP addresses tracked so that it may be an accurate history 🙂

    Thanks for the help everyone.

    CC + TJP = Peace in Palestine

  163. Hilarious, Siraj you are one seriously demented character!

    Okay, so Siraj says ‘game-over’ and then thanks everyone for playing? What kind of hero is this? This is a clown, straight. And Siraj, that receipt you are just now flaunting about as some token, don’t make me take you down. That receipt it not honored at Western Union and it has no bearing on anything, it is made. Anyone can do that in a week’s time. You fluctuate on the total and on the repayment, on the terms of the loan and I doubt very much that Mr. Tucker gave you that money because you are a proven hero for Palestine, in fact I know that is garbage. Do you think lying is what Muslim’s do? Do you think people can’t see you lying, plain and out in the open for all to view? They can, Brother, they can see you naked as you stand before all. Much like that very Islamic photo of you in your bathroom, clad in towelette and striking a steamy pose. Is THIS Islam, Siraj Davis? Answer carefully. What about the prostitutes on your page, recently friended? Or the legs that offended some of your sisters as of late that you brushed-off in a very manly way (ignorant and abusive)? Are these the images for your student’s to admire you by, that by which to adore you better, Siraj?

    You in as much admit that your whole plot thickens as you rise to the zenith of your intent, to use these people (and in particular the Sister of your Creditor) and their trust and generosity to launch yourself on the back of Ken O’Keefe. It really doesn’t get much more pathetic than this. So you want to presume yourself famous and established as a well-known Human Rights Activist? Then why would you need the kindness of people such as those who loan you ‘tiny’ amounts to pay your rent (that is what it was for), we’ll leave it at that. You know the many people you owe money too; some are less fortunate than others, but they are watched by Allah as well, Siraj, as you should well know.

    Also, if you want to attempt to cover-your-ass, keep the smiley faces and mention of credentials to a minimum (it is a dead give-away). If you weren’t so seriously sick this might be funny; sadly, for you, it isn’t that funny. I wouldn’t want to be you, Brother. And if I were, I would opt for a return flight home versus the alternative.

  164. Mary Rizzo is not only one of the major players in the malicious slander campaign that has been waged against Ken O’Keefe for over a year now, but is also an ardent supporter of the Zionist-backed, Israeli-supported destabilization of Syria, deceptively termed the “Syrian Revolution,” and has called the murderous imperialist intervention that occurred in Libya a “liberation” of that country. That’s three strikes against her. This treacherous supporter of Zionist causes may CLAIM to be a “pro-Palestinian” activist, but her own words and deeds testify against her and say just the opposite.


  165. @Michael… if that were true, then why hasn’t Ken O’Keefe taken the legal route to address this with Mary? And why would he need a raging lunatic like you or Carolyn to fight his battles, or Siraj for that matter? It seems obvious that he is fine with your online attacks on his behalf, and defense of his cases which have no jurisdiction. Rather odd to keep the lot of you around, but to each his own. There are rumors you are all part of a cult, and actually you lend those rumors much credence, all of you.

    @Siraj… I took some time to make my own review of your ‘case’ and noted that you seemed in the beginning to be very roused by Kimberly declaring a lineage to the Prophets. I noted in your searches that you were focused on this as well. In fact, Kimberly is a direct descendant of many noted persons from history and is indeed the grand-daughter of Eleanor of Aquitaine. I’ve seen the leather bound book naming them all, Mr. Davis, and yes it is rather impressive to say the least. If you are in fact a student of history then you will have no problem making the connections from Eleanor alone. Does this infuriate your sense of self? Are we not all akin to Adam? Just because she can trace this, does this make you feel somewhat diminished? It is well-known that Mohammed (saw) was of the Al Al-Bayt. I would ask you to consider your actions and for one moment determine the implications against you, should your notions prove erroneous. What are the wages, then, Mr. Davis?

  166. “I wouldn’t want to be you, Brother. And if I were, I would opt for a return flight home versus the alternative.” – naim abdelli

    Lies, bullying, and double standards, not to mention very clear THREATS as well.

    It seems that the “raging lunatic” here is the person issuing these subtle threats.

  167. @ naim abdelli: … “I am blessed with a reality every single judge of me is lost on, and that is self-respect. The man who knows what he has done and always knew he would be attacked in the worst of ways because his actions were true, is not bothered by the judgements of others whose actions could never stand the same scrutiny. Judge as you will, I remain a blessed and honourable man. ” – Ken O’Keefe.

    Neither am I bothered by your judgement of me, naim abdelli, nor anyone elses.

  168. @ Michael… yes it has been discussed at length, although you chose to ignore it as well as others, that in Hadd/Shariah the terms are much more stringent, shall we say. And if given the choice between dealing with the authorities in Jordan versus dealing with the authorities in the United States, where Siraj is from, I would opt for a return flight. Yes, I am quite sure about that. Far cry from “shooot her”, Michael, do you not agree? Speaking of double standards, that one stands out.

    One of the things amazing about your group is the ability to jump to conclusions and rationalizations, again I say demented/delusional.

  169. Yes… and their connection to this article on Kimberly and Scott including MY family? Would you mind making the case now; because you haven’t despite being reduced to leaving links as clues you’ve really made no case outside the fact you’re nuts, all of you.

    Shame on you all.

  170. @ Michael… there really isn’t anything subtle about “shooot her” is there?

    @ Carolyn… your script is thick, isn’t it? Have you met Mr. O’Keefe? Or are you always so sure of people who are perfect strangers to you? I guess it would stand to reason that you are so daft; since, you align to those wishing to “shooot” another ‘perfect stranger’ and make no distance from that position. Being you find yourself versed in Islam, then I shouldn’t need to remind you of the penalty for hypocrisy. Surely, Mr. Davis can lead you on the correct path (to hell that is). Have you met Mr. Davis, Carolyn? Or Michael for that matter, or is this all your fantasy world and your fantasy court wherein only your lunacy prevails?

    Don’t answer, nothing you’ve said so far remotely addresses anything real or tangible. Just raising the questions to give you reasons to think about things more objectively.

  171. @ naim abdelli: You sound like a barking dog. The show’s over, dude.

    Go back and re-read Siraj Davis’ EXCELLENT comment on the previous page. The comment where he puts you ALL to shame. Go back and see all the very convicting screen shots.

  172. He suggests that we “think about things more objectively,” yet apparently all he has to offer are his own subjective OPINIONS, such as resorting to petty name calling and calling us “nuts.”

    He also “excels” at taking the side of the WRONGDOERS (Mary Rizzo, Kimberly “Amatullah,” and Scott Tucker) AGAINST those who have been the VICTIMS of their wrongdoing.

    If anyone should be ashamed, it is he.

  173. @Carolyn… the ones removed? I believe Siraj has been removed as member as well. Indeed, that is very convincing, but then again you expect people to believe you were kidnapped and know aliens up close and personal as well. What medications do you take, Carolyn?

  174. Note how adept he is at dishing out insults, yet how totally INEPT he is at taking the proper stand for truth and for justice. Disgraceful and shameful to say the least.

  175. No, naim abdelli, they haven’t been removed. In fact, Siraj Davis’ comments bear repeating, so, here, let me spoon feed you:

    Siraj Davis says:

    June 23, 2012 at 8:22 pm

    “I would like to take the time to comment after it seems that this conflict has reached a temporary rest stage because it is no doubt that Kimberly Amatullah and Scott Tucker had nor have any intention of relinquishing this awful campaign of slander, harassment, death threats, libel, stalking, and more against me.This campaign does not originate with Kim or Scott but its impetus has roots in a far worse origin, than this post and others indicate. The branches of this horrible tree are Kim and Scott, but the roots lay in the website “No One in Gaza Wants Ken O Keefe.” The prepetraters of this website engaged in an attack against Ken O Keefe with impunity. As a result of Facebook allowing this website to become accessible to the general public without reprimand for its creators, instead of satisfying the irresponsible and criminal behavior of those involved in influencing its creation, it invigorated those few people to rally behind a “bloody shirt” while sounding the bugle call of hate toward fellow activists and ANYONE affiliated with Ken O Keefe. Some of you know my credentials, so you know just how awful these people look!!

    The aforementioned website and those acting with impunity on Facebook need to be stopped, as we see that this disease has spread past the digital barriers of Facebook into other arenas. It is my wish it will be stopped and I believe that the Palestinian movement can only be saved by weighing those who DO human rights against those who TALK, or in this case, post human rights on Facebook. The irony of the whole situation is that some who were active villains in castigating and stigmatizing Ken O Keefe were also involved in doing the same to me. They have too much time on their hands and so little sense. The timing of all of this hostility coming directly following the public posting of a video of me supporting Ken O Keefe is NOT post hoc fallacy and I am sure dates on the screenshots my colleagues and I posted concur.

    As I woke to a phone call at 7am this morning, I felt the exigent request to look at this board again. Although this board is littered with tactics that I reluctantly did not want to see, I have to say that it is a relief to see some people stand on the side of the victims and bring all of this to light. I am sure, without a doubt, that many witnesses can testify as to being victims to the aforementioned person in this article along with Scott Tucker. I feel I am on the zenith of a mountain and my voice can finally be heard with echoes soundinf away my personal request that I wish Kimberly Amatullah and Scott Tucker to not be a part of my life anymore. We were friends from two years ago and a tragic moment in my life made me question that friendship after some information which was privy to Scott and Kim and a few others I admit, had gotten back to the Department of Homeland Security. This information was used against me, however the truth was contorted and twisted into something unrecognizable when it reached my ears through the previous conduit of investigation. My suspicion of Kim and Scott seems confirmed based on past and recent observations of their behavior in their campaign against Ken O Keefe and other testimonies by those who have been confidants of the former and latter in the past. 9-11 has unfortunately produced an environment whereas the report of a psychologically distressed person trying to seek retribution for a slight on Facebook may cause the wheels of bureacracy and terrorism to turn and wreak havoc on a normal person’s life. Unfortunately , as Dr. Hatem Bazian and other scholars have researched and discovered, the brunt of these investigations affect Muslims and Palestinian activists. Therein is the real threat Kimberly and Scott pose to many of us. Worse, the former has been documented bragging about this. Even far worse, I have documented her behavior where she has not a flinch of a conscience in using praise to convince others to join her circus of slander and the sympathy accorded to a victim to organize other naive and low self esteem Facebook trolls to help her disable Facebook accounts of her target, harass and stalk these same targets, and much more.

    As a result, I publicly demand again that Kimberly Amatullah and Scott Tucker not contact me in ANY way and at ANY time. I will of course reciprocate. However, a horrid feeling still sits uncomfortably in the bowels of my stomach. I fear, deathly fear, the future harm these two scoundrels along with thier motley crew of unrecognizable misfits will do to other innocent victims. I will state the facts as the following. I did in fact as for financial help from Scott and Kim when I moved from Syria to Jordan. I could not gain access to the fund in my bank at the time and I desperately needed some cash. Scott and Kim gave me this money via Western Union and with the understanding of it not being a loan, but of a means in which to show their appreciation for the work I did for Palestine (helping to orgnaize the first AAPER Marches in Columbia SC, organizing and speaking in lectures at 6 of the major universities in SC, passing around a legislative bill amongst many organizations on behest of Palestine, creating an amateur documentary, and much more) and the help I gave Kim (I helped to contact her husband in order to help repair whtever estranged relationship they had). The importance of this loan was neve made aware to me until the relationship between me and Kimberly began to deteriorate over a single incident.

    After querying Kim about a post condemning Ken O Keefe on my student organization’s wall by a Mary Rizzo (I and Mary had a huge argument about this and I felt it was time to ask Kim), Kim was frantic and obviously bothered by something. She had told me a story that Ken O Keefe was a fraud and that his associates were out to get her. I asked her for evidence. None of the evidence she provided convinced me!! I received the same reaction to my queries as Mary Rizzo gave to me, anger and hostility. This hostility and rage turned into Kim and Scott declaring I was never a friend, I was an accomplice of the Ken and his colleagues, and it also invovled them demanding their money back. No problem!! It was their right. However, it was like a game for Scott and Kim. I honestly believe they did not want this money returned, they just wanted an opportunity to seek retribution against me perhaps for failing them as a friend when refusing to participate in their slanderous campaign against Ken O Keefe or because they had little person syndrome and believed I was a gobbled into the same category as Ken, therefore if I am a friend or colleague of Ken, then I am a representative or inheritor of all of his negative qualities that his opposition projects upon him. It is the same thinking that cost millions of lives in the WAR ON TERROR in Afghanistan, Iraq, and else where. This type of thinking also drew suspicion by me upon Kim’s and Scott’s motives, they were quacking like the same government duck. I was waiting to see if more evidence of them swimming like one would surface to add onto mine. I think others have picked up the challenge of answering that in the future and feel relieved to have passed that burden to others.

    As a historian who has studied every struggle across the world in modern history, I have learned that there is an axiom which has relevance to this conflict here. When innocent and guilty are punished alike, it breeds more of the opposition. Likewise, after being assaulted and vexed by Kim’s and Mary’s words to me after asking honest and sincere questions about their acccusations against Ken, I turned to Ken O Keefe for answers, spoke with him for long periods of time, and I learned to appreciate him!! He was not the guy who others made him out to be!! On the contrary, he spoke from the heart and with a passion that anyone with a clear mind and common sense could not confuse as being the product of any other determinant. Furthermore, he went out of his way to demonstrate kindness to not only me, but to my students who think the world of him, students from right here in the Middle East. Our future, possibly the REAL answer to the Palestine conundrum. They need a hero, the times and circumstances of today desperately requires a way to give them hope. These kids are not too immature or mentally stymied at their ages to not know how they have been given a bad card, they know!!! They must carry the stigma of disapora and wars and terrorism eveyrwhere they go in life. If they can see someone do anything which may give them hope, it is a reward that no forked tongue or venemous lie can marginalize. It is God’s decision to judge Ken, I in my opinion, support Ken 100%. Ken did not have to make a video to my students, but he did at their request. And they love him like a brother and a hero!!! I would like to thank Mary Rizzo, Kim, and Scott; I would have never met such a special person that God put on this earth if it wasn’t for your net of rabid and uncontrollable hate you threw upon me and others.

    In regards to the money, I told Scott and Kim it would take some time because I had bills to pay. Of course, they did not like this, but what could they do? However, it wasn’t about the money!!! Kim and Scott tried their damnest to make this transaction which should have been easy, difficult and unbearable. As you can see from the screenshots I posted before, they were beligerent and insulting. As I had to wait for a monthly paycheck to pay them, they would purposely upset me and enrage me until I had no choice but to block them. Each time I blocked them, I unblocked them later hoping I could get the money and send it to them. They would disappoint me again and again with the same cowardly and offensive tactics!! Furthermore, it has been a long time since I have received death threats, but the campaign by Mary Rizzo and Kimberly Amatullah and Scott Tucker has somehow brought two death threats which I received recently. I have circumstantial evidence that links BOTH of those death threats to Kimberly Amatullah. The timing of those death threats, again like other occurrences, happend arounf the time of me posting a public video of my support for Ken O Keefe. I think the narrative of events which can be shown would at least provide some suspicion, I hope for my case and welfare. I also want to state that I was apprached here in Jordan by an unknown man who confronted me about Ken. It was a physical altercation and despite benig what some consider as the victor, I do not appreciate when people SEND assassins my way!! Nevertheless, it was a cowardly and vain attempt and had not this man stmbled and run like a clown, I would have taken the incident with much more severity. I hope Kim will tell her ninja, I have nothing against him but please do not appear in my presence again. Live your life and leave others alone please.

    Moreover, I am not only writing this post to publicly declare my desire to be rid of Kimberly Amatullah and Scott Tucker, but I also wanted to forewarn others of these venemous people. I also want to fulfill the request that was asked of me by one of my students. It was brought to my attention that several people, at behest of the interests of Scott Tucker and Kimberly Amatullah, have been trying to make this whole conflict about me not wanting to pay this money back. This is ridiculous. Many can testify here where I live that the amount of money they desire is 10% of my monthly salary!!! In addition, I hope no one is that short sighted and thick to believe anyone would do this for $100. Also, my colleagues posted screenshots to prove the real impetus of Scott and Kim whining about the money. It was to allow them a gate or doorway to play these silly games I mentioned in the previous paragraph!! Moreover, I believe I have caught them unexpectedly now. I did not reply personally to Scott and Kim’s accusations that I have not paid them the money because I wanted to see how far it would go. I knew this was not about the money!! Anyone with a decent mind would look at the screenposts of Scott and Kim sending me flaming messages about how they want the money back because I did not support them in their hideous and immoral campaign against Ken O Keefe. I do not blame Kim and Scott though, they are followers, not leaders. Someone or some people put this seed of hate in them and I rather not say publicly who as of now.

    However, I will say that Kim and Scott thought I would not say anything about me giving them the money. Perhaps they thought after their first mention of it, with no reply by me, that indeed I could not prove I agve them the money. Well, to fulfill the request to my student, the screenshot of the money transferred to Scott is here. It was sent and received a week ago and my family in California contacted Scott to inform him!!!

    The screenshot in which I told Kim when the money would be sent to Scott in a week is here:

    Here is the evidence that Mary Rizzo, uh humm, excuse me M, Scott Tucker, Kimberly Amatullah, and others attacked me not for the money, it was NEVER about the money I swear to God, but for revenge against being associated with the TJP team of Ken O Keefe!

    The money was sent more than a week ago and I have witnesses to testify they called Scott Tucker to inform him.


    I now request the audience to look at all of the people who claimed the motive behind all of these shenanagans was about a small tiny $160!! Please take note of their names. Please remember that their accusations have not only been proven wrong, but they also disregarded previous screenshots of evidence that proved them wrong in which my colleagues posted earlier. Look at the tenacity of how they rallied behind a personal lona as the impetus behind all of this. Look at how they will try to protect their words adn credibilities which they have placed on the line mistakingly for the wrong reason. Look at them scurry under rocks like cockroaches!!! If I have proven what they have done and acted against me to be for wrong reasons, what do you think about their accusations misled against Ken O Keefe and the consequent decision of police authorities to drop charges agianst Ken O Keefe?

    You can put 1 and 1 together and come up with your own conclusion because the truth doesn’t matter to the assialants on this board, only hate. All of the ’2′ people, I hope you take heed to my warnings about these miscreants. There is a unanimity of opinions by the victims, that opinion is that these two people have been harming a lot of human rights activists with shcoking impunity for trivial reasons for far too long!! They mean no good to the Palestinian cause. If they are willing to do all that you have seen and lie for a $160, then what will they do to you or Palestine when you refuse to help them in bashing another inncoent person?

    I love Palestine with all of my heart! As many know, I ahve embarked on a path that can not be reversed. I love the people here in the Middle East and I miss the people I have temporarily left behind, most of the people 🙂 However, the people here in the Middle East are a special people and it is without doubt I can view with my own eyes and understand how the prophets and major monotheistic religions arose in this place. You can see that special light in the character and personalities of the people here. Not everyone is perfect! Perhaps Scott, Kim, and thier Ziobots would like to emphasize the Qaddafis or the Assads or the Mubaraks. Instead, I would like to look at the positive while claiming all of the negative that others like to broadcast around the world about this place, are just tests, necessary tests, that WILL be passed, and like a cocoon, a butterfly will soar high from this region. I am not Arab, but I am willing to sacrifice my life to see this dream come true. It is the least I may do to help the people who are the posterity of the prophets. It is the least I can do for my dead child, a Palestinian Japanese child, Tawfik. Despite all of the haters, God has an amazing ability of helping me to transform the hate into love. So I want to say from my heart with sincerity, thank you Kim and Scott and all of your Ziobots!!

    This statement is as honest and as detailed as I may recollect with sincerity.

    Siraj Davis

    A special message ot Kim, now you no longer have a reason to be jealous of Ken or my popularity and fame, now people know you 🙂

    PS: please inform Mary Rizzo that I desire a public debate with her on the matters of Ken O Keefe and team. I am seeking her credibility please. Please respond 🙂

    Collective Consciousness for Truth Justice and Peace

    Haters = OWNED”

  176. Siraj Davis says:

    June 23, 2012 at 8:51 pm

    “I wish everyone well, some people on this board are not interested in real thoughtful and sincere debate. They continue to ignore the premises of people’s arguments. They just post what they are thinking!!

    Therefore, I am leaving to focus on more positive things like helping Palestine instead of attacking those who DO for Palestine rather than Facebook post about it 🙂

    The future will allow posterity to read from the pages of history. I have screenshot everything on this board and have had some of the IP addresses tracked so that it may be an accurate history 🙂

    Thanks for the help everyone.

    CC + TJP = Peace in Palestine”

  177. If you, naim abdelli, and Siraj Davi, were brought before me and I was told that one of you was an honest man and the other a liar, and that my very life depended upon my choosing which one of you was the honest one, and which was the liar, I would not even have to look into your eyes, naim abdelli, or into the eyes of Siraj Davis to know whom I would choose.

    Anyone who takes the time to read your comments here, naim abdelli, and those of of Siraj Davis can clearly see what I mean.

    If you, naim abdelli, can’t see how transparent you are, then you are blinded by your own deception. That is what happens to people who clothe themselves with lies; though they feel they are covered, they are not, they are naked before all those who are of the truth, all those who love Allah.

    The truth belongs to no one. No one owns it, but Allah. Lies belong to the enemy of Allah and the liars belong to him, the enemy of Allah who is the God of Righteousness.

    True spiritual discernment is for those who love and serve Allah. It is the pure in heart that will see God. “Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.” – Jesus Christ (Matthew 5 verse 8.)

    He (Allah) is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.

  178. In this screenshot, Kimberly Amatullah (which is not her real name and thus we are addressing a fictional character), is asking Mr. Siraj to contact a man with the initials Pat Mcd:


    In this screenshot, a man named Pat McDonald is attacking Mr. Siraj on behest of Kimberly Amatullah. He states and I quote, “Your very existence hangs by a thread!”


  179. A Suzi Suzi Freeman, later identified as a Daniel Drakko (a Zionist some say live in Israel and a long time associate of Kimberly Amatullah) uses Arabic to question my words on a post by Ken O Keefe. In Arabic, he says that Mr. Siraj will join President Al Assad of Syria in hell. Mr. Siraj responds HE will go to hell.

    We believe Daniel Drakko AKA Suzi Suzi Freeman threatened Mr. Siraj a few days after the Pat McDonald message on behest of Kimberly Amatullah.

    Here are the screenshots:




  180. @naim abdelli – Always a trip to log in an read real wacko-oes in action roaming free the avenues of Fabeook and the internet!!
    Never does this crew disappoint.
    Am interesting the the leather bound book mentioned by naim abdelli on the ancestry of Eleanor of Aquitaine. My family would love it as a Christmas gift.
    You said Amatulla/Clark/Samai/etc is the grand-daughter of Eleanor of Aquitaine. How old is this crazy bitch?
    (Don’t miss the use of the word ‘Team’ in the name. Could this be a new conspiracy tag team?)

  181. It looks as though Siraj’s Photobucket album has also been taken down for abuse/harassment going against the website’s policy.

    I am not aware of any part of this story other than what has been posted on the web and Facebook. Siraj’s actions have clearly been in the wrong through his publication of a slanderous article and posting illegal screenshots in photo albums.

    If Kim made a false call to the authorities that certainly seems to be an issue that was dealt with in ~private~, and in a ~legal~ and civil manner, and I am not believing any hearsay on the matter. I do not believe “truthiness.”

    Siraj’s issue was dealt with in ~public~ and in an ~illegal~ manner. I only know what I have seen posted here online.

    I hope that all parties involved will stop with all vigilante justice and slander. Call the proper authorities if there are legitimate issues of harassment. Screenshots of private conversations are clearly illegal (see earlier comments). Cyberbullying can be reported to Facebook, the Police or agencies dealing with Cyberbullying (see Facebook’s sister institutions).

    Contact the proper authorities with your grievances. Block any parties which are bothering you.

    All other actions, including this article, are considered illegal under Libel laws and more. Private citizens have more rights than public citizens. Posting screenshots and writing articles/notes on the web about private citizens opens the door for potential criminal penalties.

    Take the proper legal steps to deal with your grievances if you are legitimately being harassed.

  182. @M

    A good question is can Ken O Keefe and other parties have a class action suit against Ms. Kimberly Amatullah for the same tactics?

    Worse, the evidence you continue to complain and take offline is evidence that these types of illegal tactics such as threats to a person’s life, harassment, libel, and more originate with Mrs. Amatullah. There are more victims and less guilt if were to compare plaintiffs and defendants. It is very clear.

    Furthermore, what is “truthiness?”

    We are all tied of the games and nothing but the truth and shame will fall one ONE end of this disagreement. Feel free to pursue the matter further M.

    Here are some advice for you from OUR legal representation today:

    1) I did not know that there is an actual person named Kimberly Amatullah to sue SHOAH. How many aliases has she had in the past? Public records search indicate there is NO Kimberly Amatullah. How can a fictional character sue anyone? Can she prove her legal name is Kimberly Amatullah?

    2) SHOAH only posted what was found on the internet.Written and authored by a third party. What is illegal about that? Nothing was manipulated or changed from that author’s post.

    3) SHOAH is awesome for not flinching against Zionist threats that have NO weight behind their claims. I am sure a lawyer will be happy to take her money. Whether she wins or not, is another issue. Does she have the money to tap dance as long as she wants before a judge throws her case out?

    Good job SHOAH. Thanks for standing up to Zionist bullies!!

  183. Tell Mrs. Amatullah to change her Facebook name. DONE!!!!!!

    Can we get on with our lives so we do not have to make martyrs out of people?

  184. Update…

    There is an active investigation on Shoah with the Strathclyde Police Department and the person who is listed as Editor, whose IP address is in fact in the UK, Stathclyde.

    As to the rest, Ken and Siraj have zero case; Kimberly has a good one though and she is in good hands with a legal team in the US. Ken, by tweeting and endorsing this article has opened himself up to the same enquiet as Siraj and hopefully these low-life, ghetto thugs will find themselves with another occupation other than slander/libel and defamation.

    Yes the photobucket was removed in full as was the Fliker/Yahoo publications; why? Well, because it is illegal to publish without the author’s explicit permission; which we all know was never sequestered.

    It seems safe to say that their ‘game’ is up! And as for aliases, why does Siraj think it is so hard to determine when he writes? For all the vainglorious conjecture and supposition, anyone can tell it is Siraj. As to questions as to why Ms. Amatullah isn’t responded; well, Brother… what exactly do you think her legal advisers told her? To engage with you losers publicly? Think a little harder, and most likely you will realize that is pretty standard practice to disengage when being slandered and seek legal recourse. Did this possibility escape you? Btw… I heard it is pro-bono, makes sense to me. If Ken OKeefe wants to step-into the ring, many advocates will take the case pro-bono, I would think. I guess I didn’t think he was that stupid, but I am ever surprised with the bottom-feeders of this sect of porno kings and drunkards.

    Here is M. Rizzo’s article on the Motley Crew of Misfit Thugs, once again well-written and quite clearly spot-on:


  185. The tactics of infiltration and slander are supported by the fraudulent “financial system” which the banksters control. These banksters are behind virtually every corrupt government/corporation/organisation/etc and they have, by virtue of the fraudulent financial system, the ability to outspend good and decent people billions to one. These supporters of Kimberly Amatullah are almost assuredly getting paid for what they do and I am very happy to see them posting their rubbish as the over 400 likes for this article make clear, their jig is up. These idiots posting in support of Amatullah are alomost assuredly getting paid, know this and you will know why they say what they say.

    So go on and sue, even with your corrupt benefactors controlling the corrupt ‘justice’ system the truth will overpower you. You will not sue anyway, these are hollow threats intended to scare others into not saying what is right. You are losing, take your paycheck, spend it on whatever self-indulgent activity you like and know that your paymaster will soon abandone you just as he always does when you are no longer useful.

    As for me not having brought legal charges against those who defame me, this is purely because I am not corrupt and thus do not have the large amount of money required to pursue libel cases, the most expensive cases of all to pursue. Aside from that the powers that be employ minions who do not have financial means to be able to go after, so no attorney will take on the case pro bone because their is no money in it. I would love for a major newspaper or news channel to repeat the slander of these poor and pathetic people, but they will not because it is completely untrue and if they repeat these lies I will, even in their rigged system, get a large award of money and make no mistake, I will use that money to do things like Trade Not Aid and more. http://TradeNotAid.ps

    There will be justice, these minions are a sad lot indeed. TJP

  186. @ Voice of Reason

    Why would she answer to Libel and Slander with changing her name? The way to respond to BS like this is to quietly gather a legal time and sue their pants off… no victim needs to compensate for this abuse. That is just bassackwards. No one responds to a grievance with actions like this, no one. It is NOT the way to deal with one’s problems, and as we see this guy has quite a few of them. I just keep thinking of the little minion fools who can’t even read what their teacher is doing/saying; and yet are implored to engage and respond. If my child came home from school and mentioned ANYTHING of the like and trailing-off with someone who finds pornography, alcohol and tall-tales a career; I’d have a few things to say to that teacher. As it is, to imagine him teaching girls! Where are the parents? Maybe we don’t have to worry so much; has anyone seen a renewed contract for Mr. Siraj? I’m betting that isn’t going to happen.

    And who is the martyr here?
    You’re comment is kinda funny, in stupid kind of way.

  187. @ naim abdelli: It is true that today’s court system is corrupt and caters to criminals, who, with the proper amount of money can buy their way out, getting off scott free (no pun intended) enabling them to go back out to bully and victimize more innocent people.

    That is what happens in a court system that is based on Jewish Talmudic law.


    There is a Higher Law, and a Higher court system, with The Righteous Judge, that you, Kimberly Amatullah, Scott Tucker and friends will one day have to answer to. You will all be justly “rewarded”. This is not a threat. It is a “friendly” reminder. 😉

    In the meantime, you will be known by all of your actions, words and deeds.

    Wise people will judge you as to whether you resemble a human predator or a humanitarian.

    Please read the words of the greatest humanitarian who ever lived, Jesus Christ, in Matthew 5.

    Follow the Higher law, Not the Talmud.

  188. thepeople’slawyer who has the same writing style as Siraj Davis,

    Miriam Webster’s Online Dictionary; #1 Word of the Year for 2006. “truthiness” | http://www.merriam-webster.com/info/06words.htm

    “truthiness …

    2. the quality of preferring concepts or facts one wishes to be true, rather than concepts or facts known to be true”

  189. Kimberly Amatullah’s Facebook friendship with ultra-Zionist Reuven Kossover tells us everything we need to know about Amatullah’s alleged support of Palestinians. When Kossover refers to Palestinians, he puts the name in quotes and says “Palestinian” terrorists must die and that the “evil” must be cleansed from the land that God promised the children of Israel. He also advocates “making Gaza howl” by cutting off food, water, electricity, and oil.

    No true supporter of Palestine would EVER befriend and find common ground with such a staunch ultra-Zionist. Kimberly “Amatullah” is NOT a true supporter of Palestine. If her prior record of slandering, attacking, and harassing TRUE friends of Palestine such as Ken O’Keefe and his supporters is not ample proof of her treachery, then her friendship with this Zionist EXTREMIST most certainly is.


  190. @ Carolyn…

    Do you routinely check under your bed for Jews too? Your paranoia and irrational thinking is quite startling.

    @ M… funny, isn’t it? Dude thinks he is clever, I guess. With all those credentials you’d think he would find more productive things to do. Why does it highlight COINTELPRO, conflict resolution as his forte? Or is that another fabrication? For having knowledge on ‘conflict resolution’ it is odd that he fails so miserably. Just something I noticed. Or depending on his ‘mission’ he does marvelously (causing the destruction of the Solidarity Movement).

    And one question, Siraj, and all your faces; how did Amatullah become the primary voice of all Ken’s criticism? No articles, no groups, no affiliation with any of them that I am aware of and virtually nothing I have seen save private emails of her personal opinion which is (matter of fact) nothing uncommon, a lot of people are suspicious of Ken, save the ‘cult’ followers themselves. Fair game, isn’t it? I mean sharing her opinion private isn’t really so uncommon ~ so why all the angst and attack? For all the scandals on Ken’s repuation, it seems a stretch that Amatullah is primary critic before the others, and certainly nothing in print or illegal. What happened? This doesn’t even make sense… unless…

  191. naim,

    Jews have been known to cause itchiness and red swelling blotches or inflammation upon contact with white skin. Carolyn and Michael Langston are correct to take all necessary precautions to label all Jews as Zionists in order to keep their Facebook environment free of all skin irritants…..


    Oh wait: I just pulled a “truthiness,” in this comment, didn’t I?

  192. “I’m a ‘known Zionist’, and flaming and flagrant one, yet! I’m gonna have fun with this. It may take a bit to work it out, but these lying shits at ‘shoah.org.uk’ are going to wish they never published that all-points bulletin!! And Kimberly – you were advised – wisely so- to sue the son of of bitch for defamation of character. Go for it! There’s money (while money has any meaning – you may want to sue for a pound of flesh) to be made off this shithead, Siraj. And in calling him a shithead, I’m insulting shit!” – Reuven Kossover

  193. Thanks….another day of not being disappointed………
    Wacko Watching Team is in howls.
    A fictional character and ancestor of ALL prophets – Amatalluh
    with a fictional brother – Tucker
    O’Keefe the Thief and Liar of all things
    A mumma’s boy – Langston
    A Satan abducted cuckoo – Hamlett
    Keyboard consumed pontificater – naim abdelli
    M. Night Shyamalan wannabe – M
    >>>>>>>>> again, thanks for the ‘daily chuckle’ that all this is good for, seriously ? law suits for this crowd…just more delusion.

  194. @M

    I was asking what were you referring to you when you used the word “truthiness”. I know it is hard for you to understand since you have a problem with skin irritants. WTH?

    Anyways, deal with it M and Naim!! The site is not coming down. Tell Kim to change her Facebook name and goodbye.

    You can keep canceling the screenshots but they get moved around, don’t they? What are you afraid of? Does the truth hurt? I think so.

    Furthermore, I seriously doubt you have a right to use the word “truthiness”. All you have done is ignore that and you know it.

    @Naim and M, you have no credentials, you are as fake as a made in CHina shirt with the words Ralph Lauren on it. That is what the whole article is about, what are Kim’s credentials? She has none! Neither do you both 🙂

    You yap and yap and yap and make the likes on this site rise. SHOAH and we would like to thank you 😉 We are still on the top of the google search. Good job!!

    geniuses. Here is a comment. People will not have to look under the bed to find this website. lmao

  195. VOICEOFREASON who has the same writing style as Siraj Davis,

    You seem to have misinterpreted the definition of “truthiness” that I listed above. I encourage you to reread the Miriam Webster definition of the word.

  196. @M who smokes the same crack as Mary Rizzo and is as stupid as Kimberly Amatullah

    I was asking what were you referring to as truthiness genius 😉 It wasn’t the definition, it was the abstract concept or are you unable to perform on that capacity?


  197. VOICEOFREASON who has the same writing style as Siraj Davis,

    Please see earlier comments of mine and read them in context and in reference to the surrounding comments.

    The word “truthiness” was used, originally, in reference to Carolyn Hamlett’s repetition of testimony that there were “MANY victims” of Kimberly Amatullah and Scott Tucker. She said this in reaction to my skepticism that they were the original abusers. I felt that from the information provided Kimberly and Scott were being brought into a a serious abuse cycle and being scapegoated. I saw in the pictures that their anger was being catalyzed by a much more serious earlier offense on the part of you, Siraj, because you owed them $160 at the time.

    The proof of this “fact” about Kimberly and Scott (supposedly) “harassing” people was simply repeated by Carolyn in a broken-record style testimony. She also referred to some screenshots of partial conversations posted in online photoalbums by you, Siraj Davis. If you reference my earlier comments regarding Introduction to Media Literacy skills, you will understand how I view Carolyn’s opinion and testimony as unreliable evidence. I view the photographs and narrative as an example of media “spin” at a minimum offense. If you scroll back up to earlier comments you will see a more thorough explanation of why I view your actions to be the abusive/aggressive actions and illegal and why I am skeptical of Kimberly Amatullah being the original wrong-doer.

    I hope that clarified some of what I was referencing by using the word “truthiness” in relation to people’s actions on this comment thread. You will have to go back and reread this entire conversation if you want the remaining details of the earlier conversations I am describing.

  198. @M whose logic has the same gaping holes as Rizzo.

    As I posted beforehand with numerous screenshots, the money which was aid granted to Mr. Siraj was clearly not a loan nor asked about until a year later after Mary Rizzo began a hate campaign against Ken O Keefe and her “followers” jumped in. I am assuming that this aid waas so important to the former and latter individuals that they asked Mr. Siraj for that money a year later. Furthermore, I am also assuming that the screenshots of Scott Tucker stating paraphrase “the money is not what is important. Do what you will to it….However, my sister and I are being attacked by minions of Ken’s supporters” and the evidence where screenshots of Kim and Scott using the guilt of this aid in demanding Mr. Siraj engage in illegal and unethical activities against Ken O Keefe, is not convincing to you M. I am also assuming that the fact that there were numerous posts on THIS SITE where Kim and Scott demanded this money when it was already sent is not indicative of more “gaping holes in their argument” to you. Moreover, the screenshots of Mr. Siraj telling Kim that he would send the money to her on Sunday yet still having to argue with Kim on this site about the money after Sunday is not convincing enough for you either.

    The good question is…what the hell is? I can see no rational or logical mind that could surmount the opposite of what is plainly clear in regards to truthiness. How about calling your thoughts, ugliness?

    I know you would like others to believe that this is over $160, but no one is buying it. It is not only illogical, but enough evidence exists to mark any torch carrier of this argument a bafoon.

    I have to say that anyone who jumps on the side of the daughter of a prophet should be commended 🙂 Congratulations M!!

    In response to your posts about media spin, the truth was laid out there for all to see and will continue to be. Let others judge for themselves, who needs followers if we want truth 🙂 Why take the evidence off the internet? What are you trying to hide M? Don’t you believe in an informed public? Or are you a proponent of media censorship?

    No need to go back to look at your premises. You never bothered looking at anyone else’s 🙂 Perhaps it would be a good idea to begin. BTW, keep using the M name, I wouldn’t want others to see me for who I really am either. That’s why Mr. Siraj posted HIS name on this blog. He has nothing to hide. Do you?

    We shall see <3

  199. Siraj as VOICEOFREASON,

    I am not on anyone’s “side”. Once again your narrative does not seem to a proportional or appropriate response to what is presented.

    Your screenshots showed nothing concretely connected to your narrative about them. This is why I called them “spin” and described all subsequent claims (lacking proof) as a story using “truthiness.”

    For example, in your “evidence” of Kimberly Amatullah’s (supposed) harassment ~you sent yourself an email~ from your gmail account to your Clemson University account, took a screenshot of this email, and ~then described this photo as an email where Kimberly “harassed” you~. You mail yourself and blame it on Kimberly? This is the only type of “proof” I have been shown during this debate.

    How is and example of you harassing someone and harassing yourself a logical argument that Kimberly started harassing you?

    The only “evidence” I’ve seen about Kimberly Amatullah is a non-linear and tangential narrative where you write things that do not fit the pictures that you take.

    My perspective is that I only saw Kimberly get annoyed about $160 and then tell you to stop slandering her. If there were issues with Ken O’Keefe, I only see her expressing an opinion about it in the photos that you posted. It is my belief that people have every right to express opinions in a private conversation. You do not have to agree with them and you can defriend someone who is annoying you over Facebook.

    I also saw Scott Tucker write (in your photo “evidence”) that his issue was a concern that Ken O’Keefe supporters were attacking Kimberly and wondering if you could help him stop their slander of her. He seemed concerned about the safety of a young child who was also being harassed in the physical, non-internet world. Neither of these individuals you owed $160 to seem to be engaging in any form of recruitment, harassment or zionism, as you continue to claim. I find you to be irrational, if not delusional (see earlier comments).

    The only concrete proof of harassment that I have been shown is the illegal Libel and Breach of Privacy committed by Siraj Davis. Writing this article, disseminating it and posting screenshots of Kimberly Amatullah and Scott Tucker are all illegal actions (see earlier comments). Private citizens have more rights than public figures like Ken O’Keefe (see earlier comments). Your actions are Illegal and point to you as the aggressor/abuser and the original wrong-doer. L

    ike I said earlier, if the situation is otherwise – and you are the victim – call the proper authorities. Otherwise, you show yourself to be the sole aggressor/abuser over the $160 debt you owed to Kimberly Amatuallah. You show yourself to be the original abuser in an “abuse cycle” (see earlier comments) and you show yourself to be an unreliable witness.

    If it is otherwise go to the proper authorities to protect yourself. Everything else is Libel and you put yourself at risk for lawsuits and jailtime.


    It should be noted that the use of irrational, non-linear narratives can be the first sign of a serious and deteriorating mental health condition.

    Additionally, Siraj Davis’ Facebook photos show him to have limited or flattened affect.

    See, “symptoms of skitzophrenia”:

    National Institute of Mental Health: What are the symptoms of schizophrenia? | http://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/publications/schizophrenia/what-are-the-symptoms-of-schizophrenia.shtml


    “Delusions are false beliefs … The person believes delusions even after other people prove that the beliefs are not true or logical. People with schizophrenia can have delusions that seem bizarre … They may have paranoid delusions and believe that others are trying to harm them, such as by cheating, harassing, poisoning, spying on, or plotting against them or the people they care about. These beliefs are called “delusions of persecution.”

    Non-linear narrative; Illogical narrative or Irrational Narrative:

    “Thought disorders are unusual or dysfunctional ways of thinking. One form of thought disorder is called “disorganized thinking.” This is when a person has trouble organizing his or her thoughts or connecting them logically.”

    Flat Affect aka. Stone Face:

    “Negative symptoms are associated with disruptions to normal emotions and behaviors. These symptoms are harder to recognize as part of the disorder and can be mistaken for depression or other conditions. These symptoms include the following:

    “Flat affect” (a person’s face does not move or he or she talks in a dull or monotonous voice)”

  200. Siraj writing as VOICEOFREASON,

    I do not see any place on this site where Kimberly or Scott asked for their money.

    Your narrative is consistently illogical and delusional.

  201. @m

    It would be nice for you to stop making such declarations of people’s identities as this person or that person. It is quiet ridiculous. You are starting to rely more on narrative and less on facts predominant in the writing style of MAry Rizzo 🙁

    Are you seriously denying that you are not taking up for Kim? Has reality escaped your brain to the dismissal of the mass amount of posts you have made defending her right to sue and defending her right to demand screenshots to be taken down and defending her right to have this site taken down etc. ? Have you said anything positive about Mr. Siraj’s accusations?

    You have no real conception of reality do you M?

    Whatever hole you crawled out of, it is an interesting one because you definitely do not deserve whatever respect or position you hold in life. How can anyone who denies, hides, and claims to refute evidence using such cowardly and unruly techniques?

    I would call you despicable but I feel that Merriam and Webster has done nothing to me “personally” in order for me to taint the pages of their book with your depiction.

    The screenshots posted DID show a lot M. If they did not show much, why take them down like a kid running away after stealing a cookie from the jar. Are we to respect your words, seriously? You hide information, you morph truth with lies. It is not working 🙂

    Worse, instead of thinking you have gotten ahead on this game you are playing, you really have no idea what is around the corner in regards to this truth coming to light. You should not have taken the steps you did, but you were the one who let that arrow go, so you must be the one to remember your own actions and words M. Credibility is on your plate, and I find that plate very empty soon.

    If you claim that the e-mail on the screenshot can not be proven to have originated with Kimberly Amatullah, then how can you claim the same with Mr. Siraj if you were an objective voice in this debate? You can not M. And you aren’t. An objective voice would have admitted neither could be proved. You are not that voice, especially of reason 🙂

    I saw screenshots of associates of Kim threaten Mr. Siraj’s life, I saw screenshots of Kim and Scott CLEARLY, WITHOUT DOUBT, indicate that their AID was only important when Mr. Siraj refused to take part in Kim and Mary’s campaign of lies against Ken O Keefe. Which the former attributed to a Mary Rizzo. It was clear. Sorry you do not have the mental faculties to interpret data. That is your problem.

    One of the screenshots also showed that Kim began hostilities with Mr. Siraj. Everything was fine until Kim began to complain about people “surrounding her” and Ken O Keefe “erasing” the internet. lmao

    All those screenshots will be reposted but I feel this time M, you are going to have one gay of a time to bring them ALL down 🙂

    You state that Kim expressed her opinions only.This is not true. There were screenshots posted in which you took down in order to hide the truth whereas Kim asked Mr. Siraj to report and help her in her abuse of the others. That is FACT!!!

    It is without doubt that SHOAH was the place to bring this debate and soon you will see why M. There are and were many lies that went unchallenged and it is time to put them to rest. You continuously dismiss facts that run anamolous to your twisted dementia of reality M. It can be no mystery that something awful happened in your life for this and I pity you. Nevertheless, we will NOT stop in telling the truth. We respect it!! And it is worth any price. I am sorry that you and Kim tend to threaten others with a civil litigation suit , tantamount to placing a price o truth.

    I “personally” feel it was the right thing for Mr. Siraj to do by bringing this debate into the public so all of Kim’s victims can testify as to her behavior which she credits Mary Rizzo with.

    You do not see much of anything M. Like I said reality does not exist in your eyes. The screenshots Mr Siraj posted and you consequently took down showed everything. Still haven’t answered the question why you are scared of the truth M. Why live like a liar? WHat was Scott and Kim asking for in those screenshots M? Why were they so upset at Mr. Siraj. I believe Kim and Scott made it very clear blackmail was their intention and everyone has seen it. We have gathered other’s opinions and we are confirmed in our resoluteness M. It doesn;t matter what you see, it is of course expected to not consult a source that is complicit in marginalizing Kim’s actions while simultaneously dismissing any and all evidence against her. Why would anyone rely on your words as holding any bearing after your demonstration of hiding the truth and bragging about it furthermore.

    i do not see any proof of Kim’s child being attacked. Can you supply that evidence M? Do not worry, I will not request for that screenshot to be taken down if you post it. I don’t believe in lying 🙂

    I think you are very biased M. Quick to dismiss evidence contrary to your support of Kim. Your perspective is clearly skewed in regards to the numerous posts marginalizing Kim’s behavior. In fact, I do not even consider your words a real perspective just as Kim’s credentials are not real. You claimed this conflict was about the money right? well doesn’t Kim have her money? What is the problem? Is she concerned about the infamy she has achieved from her long list of victims? Change her name on Facebook. You probably do not see much because you whined about taking down the evidence that refutes your own assertions while providing none yourself. I call that unfair.

    I also see Scott’s posts about begging Mr. Siraj to help him and Kim and the claiming that he “loans money to friends but if you are not a friend then pay me back.” WOW!! That screenshot will be up soon again. Don’t worry.

    I think that you are not a unbiased perspective speaking on this board. You have only been applying red herrings the whole time you have been on this board while hoping you can continue to take down screenshots proving you to be a fool M. I do not think this tactic will last for long, do you?

    What is really interesting M is that I provided facts. You have nothing but non-linear narratives so your link says much more about yourself than anyone else. I think you should take a break because you have wasted your time 🙂 The link stays up and ALL of the screenshots will now be posted on it thanks to your committment to lies. We want the truth to be told. That’s it. And we want Kim and Mary to stop bullying people. Period!!

    Since you like copying and pasting diagnosis without a degree, here is mine of yours:

    Mental retardation (MR) is a generalized disorder appearing before adulthood, characterized by significantly impaired cognitive functioning and deficits in two or more adaptive behaviors. It has historically been defined as an Intelligence Quotient score under 70.[1] Once focused almost entirely on cognition, the definition now includes both a component relating to mental functioning and one relating to individuals’ functional skills in their environment. As a result, a person with a below-average intelligence quotient (BAIQ) may not be considered mentally retarded.

  202. Siraj as VOICEOFREASON,

    You seem to be ascribe some powers to me that I am able to take down your photos from different websites. I have no magical powers.

    You also wrote in the previous statement that you believe I have some agenda to take down your photos. I have no agenda to take down your photos.

    Neither of these assertions you make are true, I am simply reporting my observations of this situation as it evolves. I am stating the legality or illegality of parties actions and my conclusion based on evidence I have been presented.

    Since you ascribe me with some sort of power I do not have, I will repeat the following about mental health issues that have these sorts of symptoms. Perhaps someone reading this blog will have some method to assist you in this matter.


    In addition to the resources above, here is a link about symptoms of skitzophrenia:

    Mayo Clinic: Paranoid Skitzophrenia | http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/paranoid-schizophrenia/ds00862/dsection=symptoms

    “Key symptoms…

    Delusions. In paranoid schizophrenia, a common delusion is that you’re being singled out for harm. For instance, you may believe … that a co-worker is poisoning your lunch. You may also have delusions of grandeur… You hold on to these false beliefs despite evidence to the contrary. Delusions can result in aggression or violence if you believe you must act in self-defense against those who want to harm you.”

    singled out for harm > Siraj Davis continues to believe that I am on someone’s “side” and I am not

    delusions of grandeur > Siraj Davis continues to address himeself as a “we” in comments about Siraj Davis.

    aggression or violence if you believe you must act in self defense > Siraj Davis continues to post illogical delusional narratives about Kimberly Amatullah and Scott Tucker where his testimony does not match the photos he is describing.

    (ex. where he send himself an email from his g-mail account to his Clemson University account and writes a description that Kimberly sent this email to him. he sent himself an email and said that Kimberly harassed him? that is a delusion)


    It should be noted that the use of irrational, non-linear narratives can be the first sign of a serious and deteriorating mental health condition.

    Additionally, Siraj Davis’ Facebook photos show him to have limited or flattened affect.

    See, “symptoms of skitzophrenia”:

    National Institute of Mental Health: What are the symptoms of schizophrenia? | http://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/publications/schizophrenia/what-are-the-symptoms-of-schizophrenia.shtml

    (see the previous comment for more details)

  203. Funny how things just keep getting better and better! You’re writing and your logic, all at neck-breaking pace to lie like a rug.

    This is from Kimberly who was kind enough to share your initial email for help; and as is very clear, there is NO mention of soliciting for ‘work done for Palestine’ or any other hero-worship. You stole from Scott and used Kimberly to do it; and you even called them your family… but never paid them back.

    “Siraj Davis

    I hate to ask this of you but I was wondering if I could borrow $100 until next month when i can western union it back to you. I am finding out that while Syria is extremely religious, Jordan is a mosquito trap of a place for sucking as much money as they can from foreigners. I have seen more signs of greed here than in the US I think.

    I just learned today that my two week visitor’s visa is NOT free as the police station and my job told me. They want me to pay for a blood test.

    My freaking landlord first told me that I could pay the rest of my rent next month but decided to change his mind. WOW! And no tenant protection laws.

    In addiiton, the manager of the hotel I was staying at for two days before I got an apartment told me “don’t worry” about the money for me staying a day extra when I did not have the money. “don’t worry” turned out to mean pay me back next week.

    I wish English teachers here will explain to the people here that when you say “don’t worry” after a foreigner says he or she doesn’t have any money, it means they don’t have any money to pay for the service or product. Not now or later.

    I would appreciate it until I get paid with my first paycheck next month form work.”


    (You’re a filthy and common thief, no more no less. Should I forward the rest?)

  204. Yeah this is too good to keep all to myself; don’t worry the number is now long disconnected…

    Read it and weep, Seraj, you dirty thief, you. Shame!

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Mr. Taiyo Davis and Theft~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    Siraj Davis
    I love you so much Kimberly and yes Western Union is the best way. Where are you living now? I really need to see and speak with you and Scott. I feel like we are family and I have never met either of you.

    I can pay you back next month. I get paid about $1000 Jordan Dinars a month which is the equivalent to about 1,500 American dollars. Just now, the haramees are about to pluck me freaking dry! ooohh I am so upset.

    Thank you so much.


    14 September 2010Kimberly Amatullah
    Ahh les hagars!!!

    Don’t worry… we got your back:)
    We are in Oregon, but Scott will be going to Indonesia in the next few weeks. We’re going to be starting to make t-shirts (politcal of course) and planning on seeing Ken O’Keefe speak sometime soon:) Very excited about this:)

    So… like I said, I’ll get back to you as soon as it’s sent. Just give me a few hours okay:)

    Love you dude, and yes… we must meet! InshAllah:)

    How is Jordan different than Syria, curious:)?


    14 September 2010Siraj Davis
    You can send the money under the name Taiyo Davis and I am in Amman Jordan. Love you all so much If you tell me where and when you guys will be in Oregon, I will be there soemtime soon
    You guys are my family

    2 October 2010Siraj Davis
    Kimberly…you have always been passionate about human rights. So…I decided to ask you if you wanted to help make a chapter in history

    2012 is a predicted date for marching on Washington DC in unity with many organizations all over the board. SOA Watch is already interested and I am sure I can get Amnesty, AAPER, and others. HOwever, I need to first find a date all would be interested in.

    What is different about all other marches is that this will involve organziations fighting for peace in Latin America, Palestine/Israel, jobs and employment, Falun Gong, National Council of La Raza, SWER, and more.

    Although we have different issues to battle, we have determined with the new FBI raids on human rights activists that we battle the same monster…the War on Terorrism.

    HOw does this sound?

    2 October 2010Kimberly Amatullah
    Sure… sounds right:) Count me in… tell me what I can do to help you:)

    You doing alright?


    2 October 2010Siraj Davis
    yep surviving. Working with Collateral Repair Project helping Iraqi refugees and working at a langauge institute. I have to get some money your way, or Scott’s way. I will scrounge up some funds and send you some of the money you loaned me back ASAP. I think I get paid tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

    Love ya and thanks.

    4 August 2011Siraj Davis
    hey sis, got a number?

    4 August 2011Kimberly Amatullah
    Salaam Malaikum Siraj!!! Sure do and we’d love to hear from you sweetie:) 541-981-2550 Anytime

    Do you have any idea what Islam says about thieves, liars and hypocrites, Mr. Davis?

    Busted, and as you like to say ‘owned’.

  205. naim,

    Siraj and his alter-egos have syndicated their grievances onto another blog:


    Be aware that a comment submitted by myself was not posted to the website. (I wonder if that sight is looking for IP addresses to figure out who the identities of commenters are are instead of being a real hub for journalism? Otherwise, I believe that the comment would show up on the page.)

  206. Look at criminals at work!!

    Forging e-mails and worried about your own identities.

    “Be aware that a comment submitted by myself was not posted to the website. (I wonder if that sight is looking for IP addresses to figure out who the identities of commenters are are instead of being a real hub for journalism? Otherwise, I believe that the comment would show up on the page.)”


  207. Good forgery M and Naim.

    Looks like criminals worried about their identities being shown.


  208. Seraj Davis… are you accusing Facebook of forging emails? Because I saw that direct, personally.

    You have blocked her, as she said.
    And I copied it all directly from Facebook.

    You’re the author, Pants on Fire.

  209. VOICEOFREASON who has the same writing style as Siraj,

    I am not working with anyone. You seem to be ascribing some sort of power to me. I have no power.

    I am not on anyone’s “side”. I am simply a commentator who finds your actions to be illegal and irrational.

    To all reading,

    Please see the previous comments where I suspect, from the non-linear and illogical narrative presented by the author and his alter-egos, that Siraj Davis is suffering from a serious mental health issue:

    From earlier in this thread:

    “Once again your narrative does not seem to a proportional or appropriate response to what is presented.

    Your screenshots showed nothing concretely connected to your narrative about them. This is why I called them “spin” and described all subsequent claims (lacking proof) as a story using “truthiness.”

    For example, in your “evidence” of Kimberly Amatullah’s (supposed) harassment ~you sent yourself an email~ from your gmail account to your Clemson University account, took a screenshot of this email, and ~then described this photo as an email where Kimberly “harassed” you~. You mail yourself and blame it on Kimberly? This is the only type of “proof” I have been shown during this debate.

    How is an example of you harassing someone and harassing yourself a logical argument that Kimberly started harassing you?

    The only “evidence” I’ve seen about Kimberly Amatullah is a non-linear and tangential narrative where you write things that do not fit the pictures that you take.

    My perspective is that I only saw Kimberly get annoyed about $160 and then tell you to stop slandering her. If there were issues with Ken O’Keefe, I only see her expressing an opinion about it in the photos that you posted. It is my belief that people have every right to express opinions in a private conversation. You do not have to agree with them and you can defriend someone who is annoying you over Facebook.

    I also saw Scott Tucker write (in your photo “evidence”) that his issue was a concern that Ken O’Keefe supporters were attacking Kimberly and wondering if you could help him stop their slander of her. He seemed concerned about the safety of a young child who was also being harassed in the physical, non-internet world. Neither of these individuals you owed $160 to seem to be engaging in any form of recruitment, harassment or zionism, as you continue to claim. I find you to be irrational, if not delusional (see earlier comments).

    The only concrete proof of harassment that I have been shown is the illegal Libel and Breach of Privacy committed by Siraj Davis. Writing this article, disseminating it and posting screenshots of Kimberly Amatullah and Scott Tucker are all illegal actions (see earlier comments). Private citizens have more rights than public figures like Ken O’Keefe (see earlier comments). Your actions are Illegal and point to you as the aggressor/abuser and the original wrong-doer.

    Like I said earlier, if the situation is otherwise – and you are the victim – call the proper authorities. Otherwise, you show yourself to be the sole aggressor/abuser over the $160 debt you owed to Kimberly Amatuallah. You show yourself to be the original abuser in an “abuse cycle” (see earlier comments) and you show yourself to be an unreliable witness.

    If it is otherwise go to the proper authorities to protect yourself. Everything else is Libel and you put yourself at risk for lawsuits and jailtime.


    It should be noted that the use of irrational, non-linear narratives can be the first sign of a serious and deteriorating mental health condition.

    Additionally, Siraj Davis’ Facebook photos show him to have limited or flattened affect.

    See, “symptoms of skitzophrenia”:

    National Institute of Mental Health: What are the symptoms of schizophrenia? | http://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/publications/schizophrenia/what-are-the-symptoms-of-schizophrenia.shtml


    “Delusions are false beliefs … The person believes delusions even after other people prove that the beliefs are not true or logical. People with schizophrenia can have delusions that seem bizarre … They may have paranoid delusions and believe that others are trying to harm them, such as by cheating, harassing, poisoning, spying on, or plotting against them or the people they care about. These beliefs are called “delusions of persecution.”

    Non-linear narrative; Illogical narrative or Irrational Narrative:

    “Thought disorders are unusual or dysfunctional ways of thinking. One form of thought disorder is called “disorganized thinking.” This is when a person has trouble organizing his or her thoughts or connecting them logically.”

    Flat Affect aka. Stone Face:

    “Negative symptoms are associated with disruptions to normal emotions and behaviors. These symptoms are harder to recognize as part of the disorder and can be mistaken for depression or other conditions. These symptoms include the following:

    “Flat affect” (a person’s face does not move or he or she talks in a dull or monotonous voice)”

  210. @m who has the same stupidity as Kim

    There is no evidence because you continuously erase the screenshot posts. Stop complaining to the websites to take down those screenshots and allow Mr. Siraj’s screenshots tell the truth!!

    Are you scared of the truth!? What do you have to hide? Do you believe in uncensored media to the public? Why are you continuously erasing screenshots of the evidence while simultaneously claiming there is no proof to support Mr. Siraj’s claims. Many on this board have already seen the screenshots before they were taken down. Some have even asked me to email them , which I have 🙂

    I think perhaps your cowardly and deceitful tactics are futile if you ask me M.

  211. I love your journalism style there M. It seems you do what Rizo does, type about 500 words of nonsensical trashy narrative without facts and then copy and paste 1000 more words from another source. In effect with totality and the sequence in which the information is provided all at one time, it gives the audience the sensational and misled opinion that it ALL was authored at one specific time. I call that a lazy attempt to exchange true argument with the ostensible impression of passionate dedication to triumph:)Stop copying and pasting and use your own words 🙂

    Your insane and farcical attempt to claim that this whole mess was caused by a $160 disagreement is not only unsupported with evidence , it has already been proven wrong with the very same screenshots you brought down in your attempt to abscond from your guilt in front of everyone’s eyes. Moreover, no one believes all of this arose from such a disagreement.

    Also, claiming that Mr. Siraj and we are violating legal laws is a laugh at best. Unless you can prove that Kimberly Amatullah is a real person with that legal name, I think your case has a hair lengths chance less after the screenshots show Kim and Scott were the initial antagonists and guilty of far worse crimes 🙂

    The article in which these posts are attached DO ask for Kim’s credentials as a Muslim and Palestinian activist in order to verify her identity. It also explains why as she has sued this identity to ascertain friendships with Muslim and Palestinian cviil rights activists only to obtain information which could be used via her own discretion and punishing those who either refuse to particpate in her illegal acts or have no more use for her. When she failed to provide the evidence asked for above while following those requests with threats and internet bullying, it was determined that she was NOT a real person at all as many of our suspicions predicted.

    Could you prove us wrong by verifying her legal name and explain why she has used aliases such as Kimberly Samai and Kimberly Mabsoot?

  212. I do not know Kimberly.

    I am only aware that your narrative is flawed in relation to the “evidence” you provided. (see previous comments) I am also aware that your actions are illegel. (see previous comments)

  213. Re: Siraj Davis the author who is also VOICEOFREASON and many other identities in this comment thread.


    To all who are reading,

    Paranoid skitzophrenics can be extremely high functioning individuals who spin believable stores.


    Whomever this Ken O’Keefe person is, he seems to be following the lead of a mentally unstable person. This cannot look good for his career and legitimacy.

  214. An interesting question to follow up your own admission is, if you admitted seeing screenshots of Scott asking Mr. Siraj to stop the slander and attacks against Kim, how were Kim and Scott expecting Mr. Siraj to stop it?

    Perhaps the same way that those associated with her now are doing?

  215. VOICEOFREASON who has the same writing style as Siraj Davis,

    You seem to be sounding linear and logical again. Congratulations. I hope that this most recent “episode” is over for now.

    I believe that you and Scott Tucker were friends at the time of his request via email. I glean this from the fact that he loaned you $160 and only good friends loan each other money.

    Many people with friends ask their friends for favors occasionally. Sometimes my friends ask me for things, and I choose to politely decline.

    In that situation the proper response from you, Mr. Taiyo Siraj Davis, seems to be to say “no” or “no thank you” to Scott Tucker’s request. Then move on with life.

    Of course, that was not the chosen course of action and now (see previous comments) illegal actions have been taken which set one up for lawsuits and jailtime because of crimes of Libel and against Islamic laws of Hadd regarding defamation.

    Private citizens have more legal rights than public figures.

    ALERT To all who are reading,

    Paranoid skitzophrenics create believable stories during skitzophrenic episodes. They can be high functioning people who blend in with society. Behaviors such as non-linear narratives and delusions of persecution are typical of skitzophrenics (see my earlier responses to Mr. Davis’ alter-egos) . Additionally Mr. Siraj Davis shows flattened affect in his Facebook photos which is a symptom of skitzophrenia as well. (see earlier comments for further details).

  216. It’s a pretty sure bet that someone who consistently and repeatedly misspells “schizophrenia” as “skitzophrenia” doesn’t have the vaguest idea of what she’s talking about, not even a clue. It’s laughable how this charlatan is constantly playing this pathetic “mental illness” card in a desperate attempt to win an argument. Is this “M” character who continually posts here and who is desperately attempting to defend “Amatullah” (and who is failing so miserably) really MARY RIZZO posting in disguise? That is indeed an interesting question.

  217. Michael Langston,

    Why don’t you and Carolyn Hamlett have better things to do with your time than making news bulletins about insignificant private citizens and their Facebook identities?

    If you’re really bored, I recommend joining a book club. Reading is a healthy American pastime.

  218. Michael Langston,

    I honestly don’t care enough about this blog to spell or grammar check. Simple.

    Read previous comments of mine. I am not on anyone’s “side” but I have gleaned all evidence presented and see Siraj Davis as the sole wrong-doer.

    Everything else appears to be Libel and “spin” where the narrative given does not match the photograph he provides. (ex. The screenshot where he sent himself an email from his Gmail account to his Clemson University account and described the photograph as “harassment” from Kimberly. That is delusional.)

  219. Perhaps if you were a bit more well read and knowledgeable yourself, you’d know how to spell “schizophrenia.” And why are YOU spending so much of YOUR precious time here defending Amatullah by resorting to the transparently PATHETIC tactic of falsely accusing others of being mentally ill? What exactly is your agenda? I’d like to have a truthful and honest answer to that question as well.

  220. Michael Langston,

    I am not defending Amatullah since I am not on any “side”.

    (see previous comments. see comments on “delusions of persecution”)

    I am making my conclusions and writing responses based on what information is provided to me.

    My agenda is to analyze what information is in front of me and to respond with my opinion in the most appropriate manner I can on the issue given: facts; evidence; and refraining from using rumors or “truthiness” to come to my conclusion.

  221. @ “M”: If you are not here to defend Amatullah, then why is it that you have absolutely nothing critical to say about her, while all of your criticism is directed toward Siraj, even to the point of falsely accusing him of being mentally ill? From your scholarly analysis of the given information using your psychoanalytical expertise, is there anything of a critical nature that you can add to this discussion regarding Kimberly Amatullah? Or is she as pure as the white driven snow?

  222. Carolyn,

    Your comment that I have “absolutely nothing critical to say about her” is incorrect. You are using “truthiness” again. (see previous comments in this comment thread)

    I will quote my previous analysis of the issue where I am critical of Amatullah’s behavior, which I addressed to your questions earlier. Given the evidence presented over the web by Siraj Davis, I see Siraj Davis as the original wrong-doer in this situation:


    June 22, 2012 at 7:11 pm

    In the world of logic and consensus reality (where most of us live, but obviously there are minority opinions) taking a picture of something and simply writing a story about it is not enough to be considered a legitimate truth. That is called “spin.” Did you ever watch the movie “Wag the Dog?” Most of us in consensus reality have watched this movie and we understand how media can be distorted when the author only provides partial information with a narrative of their choosing. If you are convinced by this partial information, then I feel that you need a better education in Media Literacy. I will see if I can find some links to bring you up to speed.

    Here is my perception of the situation. The screenshots (which are now, mysteriously, unavailable) clearly showed me that Kimberly was upset about something and fighting with Siraj at the time that the picture was taken. I saw nothing about a threat to Siraj specifically, since most of the conversation was cut off. I did see Kimberly call him “delusional” and ask him to stop “slander” against her before she started cursing. She also insisted that Siraj pay her back the money she loaned him. I believe, from my gleaning of the conversation posted, that Kimberly was reacting to a much more serious offense that Siraj committed earlier in their interactions. Siraj did not post the earlier part of the conversation which made me suspect him. People censor their conversations like that when they’re trying to hide something. I do not defend Kimberly’s use of foul language and name calling in the shot that was posted. Certainly, her reaction written to Siraj was lacking respect and poise and was mildly threatening in manner. My opinion is that an individual has every right to curse at someone in a private conversation. The receiver of the cursing and name-calling doesn’t have to continue an interaction if they are ~receiving~ abuse and threats. Siraj could have simply blocked her at that point in the interaction. Instead, Siraj continued interacting with her. He not only messaged her on Facebook and wrote about her on threads, but decided to post a slandering article on the web as well.

    Do you know anything about the “Abuse Cycle”? The cycle of Abuse starts with one person initiating abuse. Then if the Abuser doesn’t stop abusing, the ~Victim~ resorts to an attack as the ~Victim~ becomes desperate for the Abuser to stop attacking them. It seems to me that Siraj initiated the original attack and Kim committed a more mild form of attack to defend herself. Otherwise, if Kim were the abuser, I do not believe that Siraj would have continued the interaction by posting private conversations to the web and writing a slanderous article against this woman. His behavior is typical of the sort of control/abuse/distortion/dismissal cycle that one sees with Domestic Abusers. It is the typical psychological makeup and typical interaction of someone who is a “narcissistic abuser” at a minimum. Unfortunately it’s also very typical for a man to take out this sort of issue on a woman, which we see here in this article and in this strange fight.

    I believe that Siraj’s issue is more severe narcissism. I think this because: 1) Siraj’s has responsed to comments with increasing irrationality. 2) His screenshots are entirely mismatched to the narrative he writes about them (ex. He wrote himself an email from his G-mail account to his Clemson University email and then wrote that this was a photograph of an email from Kimberly). I now believe that he is delusional in some manner and is suffering from a very serious form of mental illness.

    If he were a sane individual, we would see a fully constructed, linear and cohesive narrative that did not resort to tactics which are typical of abuse.


    See “Cycle of Violence” graphic at this link:

    Cycle of Violence | http://www.mchenrycountyturningpoint.org/cycleofviolence.html

    > Kim’s mild threats to Siraj fall under the category of “Acute Explosion: Victim’s Response.”

    > Siraj’s behaviors regarding this Shoah article would fall under “Acute Explosion: Abuser” because of the first item listed which is ‘verbally abuses & humiliates.’

  223. It’s so simple; the ‘schizo dude’ is a douche who abuses women and borrows money he can’t afford to pay. Aside from that, he is hoping to manifest some ‘incident’ so as to look like a better imp for his master Ken O Keefe (aka Kenneth Nichols, who took his Irish wife’s name and citizenship… then divorced her).

    Carolyn and Michael are part of the cult mental. This IS all they know how to do, M, you got it! This is all they amount to; and yet they think they are Palestinian activists lol. Carolyn thinks she is a Christian expert on Islam and Demonology (explains much). Both are about as sane as a larvae.

    Very easy game you play here!

  224. The Facebook note that I posted a link to only a few hours ago at Salem-News.com and also at this site in a comment above has now disappeared. Someone has apparently ‘reported’ it to Facebook and has had it removed. Anyone who has been on the receiving end of Kimberly Amatullah’s Facebook bullying tactics has most likely heard her repeated mantra sent out to her bullying victims in threatening personal messages, her repeated demand of ‘remove it, remove it’ (or else I’ll report you).

    These are the collaborationist and authoritarian BULLYING tactics that she typically uses. Click on the link that I posted in my comment above and see for yourself. The note is now unavailable and will have to be re-posted. If THIS is not further, undeniable PROOF of her treachery, then what is it?

    The dishonest tactic our enemies are now using is ‘reporting’ our content to Facebook, having our notes and posts removed by Facebook, and even going so far as to have some of us blocked from posting and commenting (as I have now been).

    Honesty, fair play, and freedom of speech mean nothing to these cowardly enemies of free speech. And make no mistake. Those who treacherously collaborate with the ‘authorities’ are every bit as much our enemies as the unjust ‘authorities’ themselves.

    It’s a crying shame when Facebook itself is used as a weapon against honest and decent Facebook users by unscrupulous individuals who unfairly and maliciously ‘report’ on others in order to stifle dissent, silence the truth, and as a lowdown and disgraceful means of bullying and intimidation.

  225. It seems Kimberly’s knack of attacking, stalking, and threatening people has a long history.

    Her tactics of attacking people while simultaneously claiming to be an innocent pregnant victim who was attacked first is her tactic.

    Here are screenshots of Facebook messages she sent Mr. Siraj a while back between her and another Facebook profile named “Parents”. Look as “Parents” tries to be as polite as he can with Kimberly, telling her to leave him alone while she attacks him vehemently. She claims to be pregnant and threatens to go to the FBI when it is SHE who is the assailant!! What a nut!!

    She claims to be the victim in the process and as can be seen, she is FAR from it. She is repeating age old tactics against Mr. Siraj.


  226. My earlier comment and question to “M”:

    @ “M” If you are not here to defend Amatullah, then why is it that you have absolutely nothing critical to say about her, while all of your criticism is directed toward Siraj, even to the point of falsely accusing him of being mentally ill? From your scholarly analysis of the given information using your psychoanalytical expertise, is there anything of a critical nature that you can add to this discussion regarding Kimberly Amatullah ? Or is she as pure as the white driven

    @ “M”: You mention Amatallah’s foul language, but then you justify her use of it. Next you insinuate that Siraj is at fault for not blocking Amatallah. In other words, you believe that Siraj deserved what he got from filthy mouthed Amatallah because he didn’t block her.

    Thanks for proving my point that you are here to defend the victimizer. You have the mind and heart of a criminal.

  227. Just a note to point out that this “M” character inappropriately interprets not only the basic facts regarding schizophrenia but those of the classic Cycle of Abuse/Violence. Rather incredible (not credible)to use diagnostic criteria incorrectly and thoroughly confuse interpretation of a cyclic diagram to attempt inferring a disordered thinking of another party. Accordingly, it can be maintained that this “M” character has an inability to read and comprehend simple diagnostic and/or patterned behavioural material, has an agenda relying on impressing others with a faux expertise, and has a clearly demonstrated inability to recognize that he/she is making a complete ass of him/herself.


    by Michael Langston

    (The following text was contained in a note recently removed by Facebook, as a result, most likely, of someone “reporting” it. I received a threatening message from someone named Angelo Gabrielli and then a notice from Facebook that the note had been removed. Rizzo can’t handle the truth so this is the cowardly and DISHONEST tactic that she and her Ken O’Keefe hating cronies are using. The same despicable censorship tactic has been used against Daniel Mabsout also.)

    Why can’t these people who foolishly support the Zionist-backed destabilization of Syria falsely termed the “Syrian Revolution” simply admit that they’re wrong? When I find a person such as Daniel Mabsout who obviously knows a great deal more about certain things than I do (for example, Middle East politics), I try to learn from that person. They should as well.

    And if they’ll just use their common sense, the truth is very evident. If this purported “insurrection” in Syria is something the United States and Israel have anything to do with, then it can’t possibly be good for the Syrian people. Never forget what happened in Iraq.

    With the world teetering on the brink of nuclear war as a result of the Zionist and imperialist intervention that is occurring in Syria, those irresponsible activists such as Mary Rizzo who are directly responsible for supporting this travesty must be held strictly accountable.

    Self-proclaimed “peace” and “pro-Palestinian” activists who support this obvious Zionist operation (the destabilization of Syria, deceptively called the “Syrian Revolution”) are performing a tremendous disservice to humanity, to say the very least.

    Whether they are doing this out of malice or out of ignorance, the result is the same: ZIONIST INTERESTS ARE BEING SERVED. Can it possibly be stated any clearer than that? ZIONIST INTERESTS ARE BEING SERVED to the detriment of the people of Syria and to the detriment of the people of Palestine.

    Those who promote and support this travesty falsely termed the “Syrian Revolution” are HARMING the Syrians, HARMING the Palestinians, and HARMING all of humanity in general. This is not a matter of two equally valid points of view. No one can afford to be on the wrong side of this issue. That’s how vitally important it is.

    Those who truly know about Syria, people such as Daniel Mabsout, who lives in that region, and people such as Jonathan Azaziah, who has studied this issue in depth, and who know far, far more about this situation than the average “peace activist,” know that the unrest that is taking place there is being deliberately fomented by foreign (Zionist) interests that are hostile and indifferent to the true interests of the Syrian people.

    It’s a Zionist operation that is taking place there, the major purpose of which is to undermine support for the Lebanese Resistance, which stands as a major impediment to a full-scale Israeli takeover of the region.

    Recall what happened in 2006 when Israel attacked Lebanon and how the Israelis were essentially defeated and repelled by Hezbollah. Hezbollah is vital. Anything that threatens Hezbollah is also a major threat to the well-being of Palestinians.

    Even if I knew nothing at all about Syria, I’d still know more than those who foolishly support this entirely bogus “Syrian Revolution” and who have allowed their minds to be swayed by false (Zionist) propaganda. It was Thomas Jefferson who said that he who knows nothing is better informed and closer to the truth than he whose mind is filled with falsehood and error.

    I’ll say this again, and this must be emphasized:

    This is not a matter of two equally valid points of view. No one can afford to be on the wrong side of this issue. That’s how vitally important it is.

    I feel that such dubious individuals should be specifically named so that they can be held responsible for their irresponsible and, dare I say it?, TRAITOROUS actions, traitorous to both the people of Syria and also to the people of Palestine.

    This individual who sides with the Zionists is MARY RIZZO.

  229. M. Dennis Paul…

    O Thou who doth protest too much; it is you who is in the appearance of ‘ass’. Who pays you to lie and cloak truth? You trust that people can’t research and do the math themselves? You underestimate some and elevate fools, that is telling.

    Anyone who puts themselves in the same box as these imps, is worth a rebuke. Your eloquence does not hide your ineptitude or your willful ignorance, it is highlighted like… a beacon for all to see.

  230. Imps? Are you so intellectually and morally bankrupt that you’re reduced to resorting to desperate and petty name calling tactics? Is that the best you can do? Is that all you have left in your arsenal, since you are so utterly devoid of righteousness and truth? The lying tools of the devil? Is that all you have? Save your pretentious false eloquence for those who are foolish enough to be impressed by it. You don’t impress me.

  231. I believe it to be the manner of Mary Rizzo and ALL of her gang of misfits, to manipulate and gravely exaggerate facts in order to suit their own self-proclaimed interpretation of life without a fair considration of facts to the contrary. She projects qualities that describe herself while ignoring, and sometimes running from facts that point toward herself.

    It is a true case indeed when we observe her behavior. She ha cadged a many people with her insincere offers of aid and charlatan-like boats of her own accomplishments.

    These re the hard facts of why she has not proceeded any furuther than she has but instead has lost her credibility since the beginning of her career. If we call it a career.

    She is building a coalition of people who she scorns and then dismisses later when those victims sek vindication against her.

    As far as I am concerned, Mary and Kim and all of their team deserve what they get coming to them. No on knows just how much trouble this rag tag bunch have done. Don’t be fooled by Mary Rizzo’s or Kimberly “whatever her name is” two-faced chicanery.

    They are just trouble whrther in Palestine, London, or anywhere in the world.

  232. You tell me that after all the screenshots that were posted on this website, which displaying the heinous nature of Mary Rizzo and Kimberly Amatullah, they still have words!?

    These days, people are liars and trolls.

    Leave Mr. Siraj alone!! His deeds speak of him enough!

    Get a life Kim and Mary. We don’t know you here in Gaza, we no want to know you!!


  233. Thank you Carolyn Hamlett, Michael Langston, Mary S., and others.

    It is without doubt that in this moment in time, we all faced a very dangerous and insane woman who with resources and impunity one can not believe, has wrecked harm on many innocent people, good people.

    Some of her victims include an elderly lady – Nadia Sindi, a ten year old child (can not release his name out of respect for him and his father), and a dead child, Tawfik Alasadi Davis, who died in his mother’s womb, a Palestinian and Japanese child, whose pictures were posted on the internet in Kim’s sick and twisted game of harassment against Ken O Keefe.

    This Kimberly Amatullah did these things, enabled and supported, by the likes of Mary Rizzo, Sasha Crow, and a few others. The people whom have received our thanks above are true heroes and heroines. Despite the fear , real fear, that this woman and her associates, having the full resources of outside entities at their disposal and that any one of us could have become a target, we all stood on behalf of justice, on behalf of all of the victims who have been intimidated, harassed, and silenced into submission by the tactics of Kimberly Amatullah.

    God bless Carolyn, Michael, Mary S., and others for taking that stand here. Refusing to cower under fear of government actions and risking and sacrificing to bring the truth to the public. This is character and it can not replaced nor excused so easily. There are not many people who have this quality and I ask all of the readers to look at those who stood on justice against this tyrant, Kim, and remember the names of people who DO human rights instead of TALK about it. Character and sacrifice!!

    We have survived this battle and may this cooperation sow our ties for the future because frankly, we have done something pessimists believed was impossible or others were afraid to do. We stood a endlessly funded injustice in its face, no matter how powerful and we said, we are not going to flee anymore!!

    Thank you all to the real life heroes and heroines on this board who deserve so much praise and respect that history should record their efforts to protect and seek justice for the innocent. God bless them, they praise and glorify your name by their great deeds here.

    And to Kim, Mary, and her associates:

    Gaza Doesn’t Want Your Kind. Stay out!!

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  235. Ken O’Keefe is a stupid joke. By the way, Israel kicked
    Hezbullshit in 2006.


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