As he develops his second-term foreign policy agenda, President Obama should include a prudently implemented strategy to expand freedom’s reach to those parts of the globe where fear and repression prevail,” say two prominent observers.“To date, the president has been uneven on the exercise of U.S. power to promote democratic change,”write David J. Kramer and Arch Puddington, respectively president and vice president for research at Freedom House:Obama spoke eloquently at the State Department and at theUnited Nations last year about the vital role democracy plays in a peaceful world. After the Arab movements began, he recognized that the embrace of democracy by Arab societies is essential to the development of peace and prosperity in the region. During the 2012 campaign, Obama repeatedly declared his commitment to the cause of global freedom.
On the other hand, Obama’s conviction that he could find ways to forge productive, “win-win” relations with enemies of freedom led to the “reset” initiative with Russia that included playing down the rampant violation of democratic standards and human rights under Vladimir Putin and ignoring the pleas of Iran’s beleaguered Green Movement in 2009.Obama administration officials seemed to believe, at least initially, that the burden of pressuring authoritarian regimes to change should not be shouldered entirely by the United States, and they looked to regional powers such as Brazil or South Africa to take on human rights and democracy challenges. Shifting the burden has not worked. We have learned, rather, that if the United States does not take the lead in pressuring repressive powers, the job won’t get done.
While Obama has characterized himself as a foreign policy realist, “the support of freedom and the national interest are often mutually reinforcing,” Kramer and Puddington contend, offering suggestions for where the administration should offer more forceful support of democratic principles:China. With a new leadership taking control in Beijing at a time of growing labor, ethnic and social unrest, now is the time to remind those in authority that a government’s global reputation is earned through respect for freedom of thought and free institutions; to press China publicly to release political prisoners; to speak out when Beijing extends its methods of control beyond its borders; and to insist that international human rights bodies stop ignoring China’s repressive domestic practices. Russia.
Confronted with domestic opposition — against whom he launched a brutal crackdown — Putin accused Washington of bankrolling regime change and expelled the U.S. Agency for International Development. ….The Obama administration should demonstrate its revulsion by supporting sanctions on Russian officials responsible for gross human rights abuses, which the House passed Nov. 16. The president should also have regular contact with forward-looking members of the opposition and beef up U.S. foreign broadcasting.Syria.
If the president is serious about avoiding a repeat of the kinds of atrocities that Rwanda and Bosnia endured, he should rethink his hands-off approach toward Syria by instituting a no-fly zone and more active support for liberal-minded figures among the anti-Assad opposition.
“Incorporating a serious democracy initiative as a major element in U.S. foreign policy is critical when anti-democratic forces are acting with growing brazenness and disdain for world opinion,” Kramer and Puddington conclude.
“Incorporating a serious democracy initiative as a major element in U.S. foreign policy is critical when anti-democratic forces are acting with growing brazenness and disdain for world opinion,” Kramer and Puddington conclude.
[ed notes:targetting china of course..also see.. US CIA/Defense Will Double the Number of SPY Agents Targeting CHINA by 2018 and the old we must intervene in Syria to stop it from becoming another rwanda or bosnia card…interestingly those two were exactly where us backed war crimes and genocide to begin with The US Sponsored “Rwanda Genocide” and its Aftermath | Global … The US was behind the Rwandan Genocide: Installing a US … The US-Al Qaeda Alliance: Bosnia, Kosovo and …
Now,who are kramer and puddington?KRAMER IS A ZIONIST NEOCON FROM PNAC WHO BROUGHT US WARS FOR ISRAHELL IN AFGHANISTAN AND IRAQ!! “Before joining the Government, he was a Senior Fellow at the Project for the New American Century, Associate Director of the Russian and Eurasian Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, and Assistant Director of Russian and Eurasian Studies at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, all in Washington.he is also from Freedom house(soros front)who is Puddington?he is from soros front Freedom house,but was also a bureau manager fro CIA front radio free europe also see.. Arch Puddington he also served as an executive for the league for industrial democracy see them here.. League for Industrial Democracy Activities: In the 1950s, a rabidly anticommunist era in the United States, the LID’s Student League for Industrial Democracy (SLID) was an associate member of the CIA-financed International Union of Socialist Youth.
SLID received funds to maintain its international contacts from the Foundation for Youth and Student Affairs, a major CIA conduit for funds. (9)The LID has been actively supporting the Solidarity movement in Poland since 1980, providing financial, moral and political support. (11) Among other things, in 1986, LID coordinated efforts on a campaign to protest the crackdown on Polish universities by the government. (11)
The LID, in conjunction with Poland Watch Center and Committee in Support of Solidarity, publishes a quarterly bulletin Solidarnosc. The Brussels-based Committee in Support of Solidarity (CSS) is a group heavily supported by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), a U.S. government-funded organization that sponsors anticommunist,”democracy-building” projects around the globe. In a three-year period, CSS received over a million dollars from NED. (12,13,14)
Posted by Nysoulcontrolla aka Ali