The Ferguson Legal Defense Committee (FLDC) has issued the following EMERGENCY CALL TO ACTION for all lawyers, legal workers and law students of conscience in anticipation of a major reaction to the (non or under) indictment of Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson for the death of Michael Brown. We are anticipating a need for lawyers to be present even if an indictment is issued. FLDC was formed by lawyers and legal workers who provide legal support to the greater Ferguson organizers, their supporters and their communities. Support includes legal representation in criminal and other cases, jail support and visits, legal research and legal observation and training.We expect a strong reaction after the grand jury decision. We want to be ready and NEED YOUR HELP. We are looking for people to provide legal support on the ground in Ferguson/St. Louis and from remote locations in the following ways:Lawyers to:
• Provide criminal representation (Missouri admitted or pro hac vice required)
• Investigate/file civil rights/constitutional claims
• Conduct jail visits (bar license required)
• Legal observing and training legal observers
• Help coordinate legal volunteers
• Help design mass arrest defense strategiesLegal workers/Law students to:
• Legal representation support
• Legal observing and training legal observers
• Help coordinate legal volunteers
• Help design mass arrest defense strategies

All people of conscience to:
• Donate to the legal support fund at secure.piryx.com/donate/mS25KFCe/MORE/mikebrown.

(Proceeds go towards bail, court costs and legal supplies.)
• Stay informed on developments in Ferguson/St. Louis
• Spread the word about our legal call to action. PLEASE FORWARD THIS CALL WIDELY

There will be TRAINING for all legal advocates who volunteer to come to Ferguson. You will not be asked to figure out how to support the local movements on your own! You will be supported by the FLDC to navigate the local context and find the best way to utilize your skills to support the movement in Ferguson. After you fill out this form visit

PLEASE NOTE: We are looking for politically-conscious lawyers, legal workers and law students who will respect the leadership of local activists/organizers and who are willing to think creatively and collectively about how the law can be used to support the Ferguson movement. We are also looking for lawyers who understand that the vigorous representation of activists includes respecting their client’s political choices and strategies. Finally, as the death of Mike Brown has exposed an enduring fault-line in our country around race, we call for legal advocates who have a deep commitment and solid track-record of implementing an anti-racist practice throughout their legal work. Legal advocates of color, women, and LGTBQ folks are especially encouraged to volunteer.

This is a pivotal and historic moment. Success (or failure) will have a dramatic effect on police abuse, racial profiling and mass incarceration across the country. We invite you to step up and help the people of Ferguson/St.Louis.

In solidarity,
Ferguson Legal Defense Committee

Endorsing Organizations:
American Civil Liberties Union
American Civil Liberties Union–Missouri
Arch City Defenders
Bronx Defenders
Center for Constitutional Rights
Community Justice Project – Florida Legal Services
Don’t Shoot Coalition
Latinos En Axión STL
Millennial Activists United
Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment (MORE)
National Lawyers Guild – St. Louis
National Lawyers Guild
National Police Accountability Project
Organization for Black Struggle


* Required
Name: (ex. John Doe) *

Current City (ex. St. Louis) *

Current State (ex. Missouri) *

Phone Number *

E-mail Address *


Profession *
How many years of legal experience do you have? *
Have you done any legal work on Ferguson already?
Please check all that apply.
Are you willing to travel to Ferguson within 48 hours of the indictment/non-indictment being announced (whenever that is) to help provide legal support on the ground? *
If you are able to travel to Ferguson, what legal skills do you think can you provide on the ground?
Please check all that apply.
Are there any specific dates you KNOW you will be available to travel to Ferguson?
While we know you may not be able to commit in stone, please give us your best guess. Listing specific dates/periods of time would be most helpful as we are trying to start sketching out when folks might be available to ensure there is coverage at all times.

If you are unable to travel to Fergsuon would you be willing to assist remotely with
Can you donate money to the legal support fund?
To help cover legal costs such as pro hac vice fees, bail fees, court costs, know your rights materials, etc. local organizers created a legal support fund. Send your donation directly to https://secure.piryx.com/donate/mS25KFCe/MORE/mikebrown.
Questions? Comments? Please leave them below!

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