Some days ago, on 29 November 2011, I was “punished” by the PA mission and Fatah representatives because of what I said last year at the UN Vienna during the observance of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People in 2010, as recorded in the video below. One year later, the PA used the official work visit of President Mahmoud Abbas to Vienna to snub me, after I had received all respect and appreciation from the Austrian government and authorities.
Only recently and after speaking about this with colleagues I understood the reason for the violent behavior of these people. It had been because I confronted Dr. Nabil Shaath, a senior PA official, with the demand to stop jailing Palestinians in the occupied territories, and reporting about his answers to me, and because I declared a Palestinian State because of my distrust of the PA and all what they do.
I demanded from Dr. Shaath that the Palestinian Authority should stop their so-called “security coordination” with the Israeli war criminals and stop protecting them, because this is the only thing that makes us Palestinians weak. I also asked him to stop jailing the Palestinian politicians and resistance. I told him that I see the PA coordination with the Israeli war criminals as a weakness in the position of the PA. The Israeli occupation is using the PA to capture and to jail the Palestinian resistance, to do their dirty work.
What I said was:
“Again, I demand that the PA stops this criminal coordination and lets see how Israel and the US will react. It is horrible what PA is doing to Palestine. You are continuing to deal with them from the position of a weak partner, while we are strong and those people who you meet and kiss in the Ramallah headquarters are all war criminals. I am ashamed and bored of all what you are doing in Palestine. Over 23 years of negotiations with the Israeli occupation and all what we have received is NOTHING. Don’t you have another qualified negotiator instead of Mr. Saeb Erekat, who has been in his place as a negotiator since 23 years?”