Victory to Syria! Oppose imperialist intervention in the Middle East

Victory to Syria! Oppose imperialist intervention in the Middle East

20 September 2012 (7.00pm)

Marchmont Community Centre, 62 Marchmont Street, London WC1N 1AB

Public meeting organised by CPGB-ML

Speakers will give a clear insight into the situation in Syria and contradict the pro-imperialist

arguments made by governments, media and also so-called socialist parties in Britain.

Let any communists, socialists, anti-war activists or democrats who hitherto doubted the real

intentions of the armed ‘opposition’ and its western backers now open their eyes and rally in

support of the brave and beleaguered people of Syria and their anti-imperialist leadership.

Map: click here

Stalin Society: 

23 September 2012 (2.00 – 5.00pm)

Kings Cross Neighbourhood Centre, 51 Argyle Street , London WC1H 8EF

Subject to be announced

More info:

Contact: [email protected]

Map: click here

NO to the war on Syria!

25 September 2012 (7.30pm)

Khidmat Centre, 36 Spencer Road, Bradford, BD7 2EU

The Leeds branch of the CPGB-ML have organised an urgent public meeting on the ongoing crisis

in Syria.

Speakers will include Sammi Ibrahem, a Palestinian with close contacts on the ground in Syria,

and Harpal Brar, the Chairman of the CPGB-ML.

It will give a reliable and clear insight into the situation in Syria and contradict the pro-imperialist

arguments made by large media organisations in the west and other ‘socialist’ parties in Britain.

The meeting will also discuss how the working-class of Britain can stop a likely war on Syria and

the deaths of thousands within this independent country.

We hope you can attend this important meeting and spread the word!

More info:

Map: click here

Lobby of Labour party conference

30 September 2012 (2.30pm assemble)

Peter Street, Manchester, M2 3GX

Focus of the lobby is defending against the cuts.

Map: click here

Celebrate the Great October Socialist Revolution!

03 November 2012 (6.00pm)

Saklatvala Hall, Dominion Road, Southall, UB2 5AA

This annual event should be a fixture in everyone’s diary. An inspiring meeting and social

celebrating the historic achievements made possible by the Great October Socialist Revolution.

This year, we will be marking the 95th anniversary of the October revolution with a full

programme of speeches and cultural performances, followed by good food and socialising with


Further details will follow closer to the event. Until then, make sure you put the date in your diary!


Harpal Brar speaks at the 91st anniversary:

Red Youth speaker at the 94th anniversary: 

Joti Brar asks ‘What does USSR mean to my generation?’ :


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