Venezuelan prosecutors to charge opposition leader Juan Guaido with ‘high treason’

  • Guaido is the National Assembly speaker and is recognised as interim president by more than 50 countries
  • He is being investigated for allegedly negotiating to renounce the country’s historical claim to a disputed border area controlled by Guyana

Agence France-Presse  

Venezuelan opposition leader and self-proclaimed interim president Juan Guaido. Photo: AP

Venezuelan opposition leader and self-proclaimed interim president Juan Guaido. Photo: APProsecutors in Venezuela have threatened to charge opposition leader Juan Guaido with “high treason” for planning to renounce the country’s claim to a disputed border area controlled by Guyana.

Guaido, the National Assembly speaker who is recognised as interim president by more than 50 countries, is being investigated for negotiating to renounce “the historical claim our country has on the territory of Esequibo,” Attorney General Tarek William Saab told reporters on Friday.

State prosecutors successfully petitioned the country’s all-powerful Constituent Assembly to lift Guaido’s parliamentary immunity in April. He already faces several other charges, including one of “usurping the functions of the president”.

Guaido has remained free, however, and continues to rally support against President Nicolas Maduro.Guaido’s main international sponsor, the United States, has warned Venezuelan authorities against any attempt to arrest him.

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro. Photo: AFP

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro. Photo: AFPShare:SUBSCRIBE TO SCMP TODAY: INTL EDITIONGet updates direct to your inboxSUBMITBy registering, you agree to our T&C and Privacy Policy

Maduro appeared on television on Thursday to call on prosecutors to file treason charges on Guaido for allegedly plotting to hand over Esequibo to multinational companies.

The case is based on audio recordings purported to involve a US administration official urging an adviser to Guaido to “deliver the Esequibo” to ExxonMobil and other multinationals, according to the Maduro government.

The facts imply a crime of treasonTarek William Saab, Venzeula’s attorney general

The resource-rich 159,000 square kilometre territory is the subject of a long-standing border dispute, exacerbated in 2015 by a “significant” oil discovery announced by ExxonMobil. The oil company’s exploration deal with Guyana angered Venezuela, which reasserted its territorial claim.

“We have initiated an investigation,” Saab said in a televised press conference, of Guaido’s involvement “in an illegal negotiation behind the country’s back that intends to withdraw the historical claim our country has on the territory of Esequibo.”

“The facts imply a crime of treason,” he said.

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