“They will mount an operation against Syria at the United Nations and will make a provocation from Turkey. “Attention to the world!,they will match two events wich will be fulfilled by the orders from the Pentagon to go to war in Syria”stated the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro according to evidence allegedly confirmed by different sources in the world, after the inauguration of the school national Bolivarian Hugo Rafael Chávez Frías, in tribute to the eternal Commander.He said that the Imperial forces have changed tactics with provocations on the border with Turkey, that is obligated to the North Atlantic organization, NATO, to interfere, since the Turkish nation belongs to the concerned Agency.
“We call upon the people of Turkey from the peoples of Venezuela’s Chavez, to warn the Turkish Government not to start a war between peoples”, said Maduro.
He rejected the report that announced the Secretary General of the Organization of the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon. [[[[“Why the Secretary-General of the United Nations is given a position as Prosecutor and judge of the peoples of the world and yet is at the service of strategies of war, instead of being in the service of peace?]]]]”[[[[[He criticized the actions and weapons of nuclear armed Israel wich launched wars against the people of Palestine. “Who punishes them?,they used cluster bombs that are forbidden in the world against Palestinian children.” Who denounces that? “, he reflected.”]]]]He emphasized that the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, agrees with Syria, to deliver all of the chemical weapons that have, but wondered when would Israel deliver its own ammunitions. He said that the South American nation is in accordance with efforts to eliminate all chemical, biological and nuclear weapons and the world disarmament to create a community of peace and coexistence.
Venezuela appreciates efforts of Syria peace
The National President congratulated his counterpart of the Federation of Russia, Vladimir Putin, for having played a stellar role to ensure peace the Arab people of Syria and thus prevent a third world war. It also expressed that since the Bolivarian Alliance for the peoples of our America (Alba), be supported all the initiatives to be undertaken since the European nation for global harmony.
Source: Press MPPRE
Posted by Nysoulcontrolla aka Ali