Above all, however, the problem was rooted in the left’s impossible adherence to Zionism in its historical sense. In precisely the way there cannot be a democratic and Jewish state in one breath, one has to first define what comes before what – there cannot be a left wing committed to the old-fashioned Zionism that built the state but has run its course. This illusory left wing never managed to ultimately understand the Palestinian problem – which was created in 1948, not 1967 – never understanding that it can’t be solved while ignoring the injustice caused from the beginning. A left wing unwilling to dare to deal with 1948 is not a genuine left wing. (Ha’aretz)
Levy’s fantasy is still that the residents of the affluent suburbs of the Zionist coast, those whose vote vacillate between Meretz and Kadima, hope to see their children go to the business schools of Columbia and Harvard, and expect them to find managerial jobs in Bank Discount and Intel when they–if they–return, will, by virtue of their better education, European culture and worldliness, rebel against the cruelty and sadism of the occupation.