Vandals desecrate north Palestine church abandoned in 1948 29Dec12 December 29, 2012


Vandals spray-painted graffiti on gravestones in a cemetery and poured a flammable liquid on a church in northern Israel earlier this week, it was discovered on Thursday.
The church is the only remaining structure in the town of Baram in northern Israel, whose Arab-Christian population was forced to flee in 1948. 
The committee of the abandoned town said that this was not the first time unknown suspects have broken into the cemetery and vandalized the graves. The word “revenge” and a Star of David were spray-painted at the entrance of the church.
The committee explained that in the last few days families came to the site to celebrate Christmas and that no signs of vandalism were discovered. Only on Thursday was the vandalism discovered so that the attack must of taken place during the night of Wednesday and Thursday.
Camal Yaakub, a member of committee, said an official complaint was lodged with the Safed Police, but that similar complaints were lodged in the past, and no one has been arrested.
“This is a heinous act that epitomizes criminal extremism and it cannot be ignored…We plan to contact the Vatican and complain about the repeated attack on this holy site without any proper action on the part of the police,” Yaakub said.
The site is gated and kept under lock and key in order to protect it from exactly these kinds of attacks after similar incidents that took place in the past.
The committee said that they hoped that this time the Israel would do its duty and protect the holy site by finding and arresting those responsible.

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