Van and Car Owners

Car and Van Rental - John Darke Ltd
Dear Sammi
There has been a rise in vehicle crime across the whole of the West Midlands. Here are the key trends:
– We’ve noticed that Ford vehicles are in the main being targeted
– Most thefts happen after 8pm
– Tools are being stolen from vans
– Cars are being stolen for parts because of the national shortage of car parts
– Most crimes are keyless thefts. Which means the key’s frequency is scanned, copied and used to unlock the vehicle
What you can do to protect your vehicle?

We’re working hard to catch the people responsible for these thefts. However we’re asking all vehicle owners to take extra care.
– Keep cars parked in well-lit areas or secure car parks – especially in the evening
– Keep your keyless fob in a faraday bag so the frequency cannot be hacked
– Remove all valuables from the vehicle when parked. This includes tools
– There’s lots of vehicle security solutions that are available including steering wheel locks or immobilisers
– Our website has more advice on what you can do to prevent this

We know we cannot respond to all individual thefts. However we desperately need information that could help us to stop this rising trend. If you see or know anything please visit our website and speak to us on Live Chat, call 101 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

kind regards
Message Sent By
Stefanie Sadler (Police, Engagement & Consultation officer, Birmingham Partnerships)

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