Sign this Statehood Petitionand urge President Obama to support United Nations recognition of a Palestinian State.
It is urgent and time sensitive because the Palestinians plan to submit their U.N. application for a Palestinian State next month, July, to the U.N. General Assembly for a vote on such recognition this September.
Hence, it is our opportunity as human beings, Americans and international citizens, to overcome the political power of one nation, Israel, upon the United States government forcing it to oppose such a U.N. recognition against a supportive world.
All of us as organizations, activists, solidarity movements, human rights organizations, student movements, religious leaders and organizations, and all who are committed to world peace, equality, human rights, and the freedom and dignity for all of humanity must support this petition.
Western powers supported the creation of Israel by force in Palestine dispossessing millions of its native inhabitants, the Palestinians, who for decade’s became the world’s largest and longest suffering refugees.
Thus, today, those same western powers, especially the United States, must rectify this human tragedy by recognizing the humanity of the Palestinians and their right to a recognized State.
Palestinians have no powerful lobbies, media outlets, or wealth to oppose Israel’s decade’s long rejection of their very existence and right to freedom from occupation.