US Zionists target academic freedom: On the liberty to teach, pursue and discuss knowledge without restriction

Protect academic freedom
Gilad Atzmon writes:

It didn’t  take long for the American administration to crudely interfere with open society’s most sacred ethos, that of academic freedom. We learned recently that the US Department of Education has ordered Duke University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill to remake their joint Middle East studies programme after concluding that they were offering students “a biased curriculum that, among other complaints, did not present enough ‘positive’ imagery of Judaism and Christianity in the region”.

Academic freedom is a relatively simple principle. It refers to the ”liberty to teach, pursue and discuss knowledge without restriction or interference, as by school or public officials.”

This principle seems to be under attack in US. The American administration has openly interfered with the liberty to freely teach, pursue and discuss knowledge. 

The New York Times writes:

in a rare instance of federal intervention in college course content, the department asserted that the universities’ Middle East programme violated the standards of a federal programme that awards funding to international studies and foreign language programmes.

According to the New York Times, the focus on “anti-Israeli bias” “appears to reflect the views of an agency leadership that includes a civil rights chief, Kenneth L. Marcus, who has made a career of pro-Israel advocacy and has waged a years-long campaign to delegitimise and defund Middle East studies programmes that he has criticised as rife with anti-Israel bias”.

One may wonder why America is willing to sacrifice its liberal ethos on the pro-Israel altar? Miriam Elman provides a possible answer. Elman is an associate professor at Syracuse University and executive director of the Academic Engagement Network, which opposes BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions). Elman told the New York Times that this “should be a wake-up call… what they’re [the Federal government, presumably] saying is: ‘If you want to be biased and show an unbalanced view of the Middle East, you can do that, but you’re not going to get federal and taxpayer money.”

In Elman’s view, academic freedom has stayed intact; it is just the dollars that will be  withheld, unless a university adheres to pro Israel politics.

Those who follow the history of Zionism, Israeli politics and Jewish nationalism find this latest development unsurprising. Zionism, once dedicated to the concept of a “promised land”, morphed decades ago into an aspiration towards a “promised planet”. Zionism is a global project operating in most, if not all, Western states. Jewish pressure groups, Zionist think-tanks and pro-Israel lobbies work intensively to suppress elementary freedoms and reshape the public, political and cultural discourse, all to achieve Zionism’s ambitious goal. After all, Jewish power, as I define it, is the power to suppress criticism of Jewish power.

This authoritarian symptom is not at all new. It is apparently a wandering phenomenon. It has popped out in different forms at different times. What happened in the USSR  provides a perfect illustration of this symptom. In the early days of Soviet Russia, anti-Semitism was met with the death penalty as stated by Joseph Stalin  in answer to an inquiry made by the Jewish News Agency: “In the USSR anti-Semitism is punishable with the utmost severity of the law as a phenomenon deeply hostile to the Soviet system. Under USSR law active anti-Semites are liable to the death penalty.”

Germany saw the formation of Jewish anti-defamation leagues, which attempted to suppress the rise in anti-Jewish sentiments. There’s no need to elaborate on the dramatic failure of these efforts in Germany. And despite Stalin’s early pro-Jewish stance, the Soviet leader turned against the so-called rootless cosmopolitans“. This campaign led to the 1950s Doctors’ plot, in which a group of doctors (mostly Jewish) were subjected to a show trial for supposedly having plotted to assassinate the Soviet leader.

In Britain and other Western nations we have seen fierce pro-Israel campaigns waged to suppress criticism of Israel and Jewish politics. Different lobbies have been utilising different means, among them the adoption of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s (IHRA) definition of anti-Semitism by governments and institutions. In Britain, France, Germany and other European countries, intellectuals, artists, politicians, party members and ordinary citizens are constantly harassed by a few powerful Jewish pressure groups. In dark Orwellian Britain of 2019, critics of Israel have yet to face the death sentence, but they are subjected to severe reprisals, ranging from personal intimidation to police actions andcriminal prosecution. People have lost their jobs for supporting Palestine, others have been expelled from Corbyn’s compromised Labour Party for making truthful statements. Some have even been jailed for satirical content. And, as you might guess, none of this has made Israel, its supporters or its stooges popular. Quite the opposite.

I learned from the New York Times that the US administration “ordered” the universities’ consortium to submit a revised schedule of events it planned to support, a full list of the courses it offers and the professors working in its Middle East studies programmes. I wonder who in the administration possesses the scholarly credentials to assess the academic level of university courses or professors? Professor Trump himself, or maybe Kushner and Ivanka, or Kushner’s coffee boy Avi Berkovitch, or maybe recently retired “peace maker” Jason Greenblatt?

It takes years to build academic institutions, departments, libraries and research facilities. Apparently, it takes one determined lobby to ruin the future of American scholarship.

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