Conservatives in America are leading a campaign to convince US President Donald Trump to fire his National Security Adviser, ‘Israel’ Today reported on Tuesday. They accuse H R McMaster of being hostile to ‘Israel’ and pro-Hamas, Hezbollah and the Iranian nuclear deal.
One of the leading figures of the campaign is Morton Klein, the head of the Zionist Organisation of America (ZOA), as well as the billionaire Zionist Sheldon Adelson. The ZOA and supporters of ‘Israel’ in the White House are afraid that McMaster will use his position to disrupt Trump’s pro-Zio-Nazi policies.
Adelson, the Zionist newspaper pointed out, was a major donor for Trump’s presidential campaign. While it said that he has denied that he was involved in a campaign criticising McMaster, it added that he had acknowledged in an email to Klein that he did not know much about the National Security Adviser but now supports efforts to remove him from the White House.