‘US, Zionist plot to topple al-Assad Govt’

Interview with Mark Dankof, political commentator

Well it is obvious what is going on here and that is in the case of countries like Libya and Syria. This fits into the American, Israeli Saudi Arabian game plan which is to facilitate regime change in governments that they do not like for their own reasons, into ignore human rights violations in regimes, within regimes that are friendly to the United States, Israel and Saudi Arabia.”

Russia and China have rejected a UN Security Council (UNSC) draft resolution against Syria backed by a number of Western and Arab countries.

Both countries have for the second time called for dialog to defuse the months-long unrest in the Middle Eastern nation.

Press TV has conducted an interview with Mark Dankoff, political commentator, to share his opinion on this issue.

The following is a transcript of the interview:

Press TV: First of all Mr. Dankof, why do you think the Security Council is putting so much effort into the Syria case but has largely ignored gross human rights abuses in other Arab states such as Bahrain, Yemen, Saudi Arabia and Morocco?

Dankof: Well it is obvious what is going on here and that is in the case of countries like Libya and Syria. This fits into the American, Israeli Saudi Arabian game plan which is to facilitate regime change in governments that they do not like for their own reasons, into ignore human rights violations in regimes, within regimes that are friendly to the United States, Israel and Saudi Arabia.

I thought it was striking today reading Russia Today’s account of the situation in Syria that so much of it corresponds with what Dr. Philip Giraldi has said in Pat Buchanan’s magazine, the American conservative that came out last month and titled “NATO vs. Syria”.

This is fairly a situation where the United States and Israel in particular want the Assad regime replaced because they see this as a prelude to an over attack on Iran and they also want to destabilize Syria because the Syrian support for Hezbollah and Hamas in an independent Palestinian state.

So this is what is happening here and it is all a part of the project for the new American century agenda which goes back to July of 1996 and is people see this whole thing unfolding. I think the discrepancy here between state of objective and truth is quite clear and to me particularly when it comes to the Security Council I think Russia and China are going to have to do whatever they can to effectively counter this or there is going to be a blood bath in Syria as they prelude to an American Israeli preemptive war on Iran which is obviously not in any descent person’s interest around the world including the interest of the average American that has nothing to do with the Zionist behind this entire chessboard strategy.

Press TV: Of course in the case of Libya you mentioned we have Russia, it was totally against the acts of NATO and the US but despite all this the US and NATO unilaterally took their decisions and went to Libya. How much do you think Russia and China can help with the case of Syria? Is there a threat of another unilateral action taking military intervention there?

Dankof: I think there in fact is. Philip Giraldi again, the former CIA station chief who writes for Mr. Buchanan’s magazine and also for anti-war.com has chronicled this in that essay basically you have what appears to be a serious military build up along the Syrian Turkish border principally in a place called Iskenderun and this build up is apparently the central drop of point for what will be in NATO military intervention in Syria if that becomes necessary and that of course has been admitted by promises from the Turkish Foreign Minister that Mr. Giraldi reports in his case that indicates the willingness of the Turkish government to help NATO facilitate this.

This also gets into larger question of this so-called Syrian National Council and the so-called Free Syrian Army. Who are these people? And who is financing them and who is fairly providing them with arms? This is the same sort of thing in progression that we saw in Libya.

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