Posted by Charles E Carlson
Part 1. US regime change in Syria funded through surrogate (Update to original post 11/25/2015)
It is frequently stated that ISIS, the Islamic State In Iraq and Syria (also ISIL or Daesh) was spawned from US wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, a splinter group from Al-Qaeda. But the only sure way to understand ISIS would be to be privy to who finances it. “Follow the money trail and you will find the owner,” is time-tested rule that never fails for long is. Endless US SuperGov disinformation has all but convinced us that ISIS is self financing, so so most have not thought about nor look for its godfather of finance. Recent events point to US allies.
Map: Financial Times
US SuperGov has not yet been clearly pinned with directly financing ISIS, rather it appears it is done through surrogates, and this writer is in good company observing this. All signs point to ISIS being an instrument of another US regime change in the Middle East. The method and the parties through whom the dollars are funneled to ISIS are scanty hidden, like rocks under a new snow.
Others have recently discovered that the US SuperGov first sheltered ISIS’s crude oil sales by ignoring its crude oil sales, then when the truth leaks out our leaders have switched to ‘we can’t do anything about it’. Unfortunately, the US money-flow monitoring system that is so efficient in tracing every bank transaction across international border, is not going to help us by telling us who is banking the money for ISIS. But others have started to expose for the money trail back to the US SuperGov.
After the tragic killings of 120-odd fun seekers in Paris on Nov 11, the news has been about ISIS and little else but how it must be stopped, destroyed, “decapitated,” as President Obama grotesquely quipped. But not once have I read or heard anyone suggesting the US SuperGov needs to de-fund ISIS. This leads me to believe funding is ISIS’s Achilles heel. It seems, a very suspicious gentleman’s rule exists in our media that its sources of dollars are never to be mentioned. We are supposed to believe that it ISIS is self-supporting, but who are its bankers?
The first sign that US SuperGov has been sheltering dollar flows to ISIS, while only pretending to destroy it, is that it has done nothing to uncover ISIS’s dollar Godfather (we suspect is Saudi Arabia) nor to end the flow of dollars to ISIS. Others evidence point to Israel.
The US SuperGov could strangle ISIS if it really wanted to. Consider how US sanctions have proved capable of financially strangling Iran, Sudan, Cuba for 50 years, and are now applied to Russia and others. So why can’t it find and control the flow of money into ISIS, a non-country without even a bank of its own? Do we really believe that the US SuperGov surveillance machine, which stashes and reads our e-mail at will, is not capable of tracing billions of dollars into some world accounts used to pay for war equipment? How does ISIS pay Delta or TWA for hundreds of air fares back and forth from the Middle East without a banker? ISIS mercenaries drive hundreds, maybe thousands of brand new Toyota pick-up trucks we see on BBC, but our SuperGov can’t trace and block this flow of cash? Common sense tells us it could top it, if it wanted to.
Once we find out who finances ISIS, we can guess all we need to know about its objectives and who its fighters are. Those who open this issue have been stonewalled by the establishment media. Rather, for two years we have been fed a popular, but preposterous story that ISIS pays for its own war by selling slaves, robbing banks, and running captured oil wells and refineries.
Bizarre as it sounds, recent events have shown that oil revenues may actually have been part of ISIS funding for many months, but only because US SuperGov watched and allowed it to happen. I once wrote, it was no less logical to believe ISIS warriors milk goats and sell cheese to pay for tanks and artillery than that they sell oil! I for one never believed the “selling petrol” story and said so, but it seems I was wrong. It is now clear and all but admitted that US SuperGov watched and let them do it, that is until Russia and France arrived in Syria.
According to the prestigious Financial Times of London, November 14, Isis Inc: how oil fuels the jihadi terrorists,* ISIS has been pumping an old field near Deir Ezzor, and transports crude oil over the road by hundreds of independent truckers, who FT tells us, haul it south and east to a refinery in Iraq, and north to Turkey. Thus our ally, Turkey is also part of the scheme to patronize ISIS while trying to pull down the Assad government.
The US excuse for starting bombing raids inside Syrian without invitation from the Assad government was, we were told, to protect the world from ISIS. But it seems those hundreds of US air strikes did not stop its crude oil flow, at least not until the Russians joined the war party a few months ago, and after France bombed ISIS’s oil transportation system the week before Thanksgiving, responding to the Paris attack. Immediately, US SuperGov developed an excuse why it had not long before shut down the oil production before, blaming its lack of action on a decision by President Obama. Yes, the US ignored the ISIS refinery for months after commencing the bombing of other targets in Syria and making hundreds of raids elsewhere. Clearly, the US only pretends to hurt ISIS while supporting what they call “moderated” enemies of the Assad government. Both France and Russia have now claimed to have destroyed ISIS’s ability to sell oil from Syria’s oil fields by simply destroying its means of transporting crude oil over the road. France says it used intelligence borrowed from the US forces to find and destroyed 116 oil transport trucks parked at the production site. A few day before Russia claims it found and destroyed 500 transports on a highway to Iraq. It is not important if these numbers even close to accurate. Russia and France have both shown they know how to shut down ISIS’s oil sale without destroying the Syria’s valuable oil industry that the country needs to recover from its 5 years of civil war.
US SuperGov has now issued an inane excuse story for not shutting down ISIS’s crude oil sales. It was published in the always-willing Bloomberg News. It tells us that (before the arrival of Russia and France) the US was unable to inflict sufficient damage on the ISIS production so it quit trying. Thus, the US forces allowed ISIS to raise money selling oil to continue its siege on the Assad government. And probably, some of that money aided the murders in the Paris streets.
Logically, US weapons of mass destruction can shut down any factory (refinery or oil well) that manufactures an explosive product, anytime it has a will to do so. How come the US could not think of destroying the transports and pipelines two years ago? And, how could oil be allowed to flow north to Turkey? Perhaps, this is why Turkey is so cooperative with the US in fighting against Assad. This would explain why Turkey is hostile to Russia, the latter being quite serious about destroying ISIS. On November 24, 2015 Turkey shot down a Russian war plane over Syria, a strange thing to do if the two are supposed to be allies against ISIS. But this is not so strange if Turkey is an ally of US SuperGov and the two want to keep ISIS going until the Assad regime can be replaced.
Logic dictates that regime change is the name of the game…as was done in Iraq Afghanistan, Sudan, Libya, Egypt, and is openly aimed at Iran, and, perhaps, even Russia. Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and the US are sheltering ISIS, against Russian and Syria who want to destroy it and allow Assad to continue. Is it possible that acts like those of Turkey against Russia could lead all of us to world war? President Obama has just stated that Russia is not “on board” with the US plan in Syria. Unsaid is that the US SuperGov is the mastermind of war in Syria that has already put million of refugees on the road to Europe.
The end result? The Assad family is turned out, maybe murdered, and Syria is divided into parts ruled by regional warlords. Then, ISIS can slide forth toward Iran, the next regime change on the list. Does this logic resonate? Read on.
Perhaps, US SuperGov does not want a world war but they clearly want ISIS to complete regime change in Syria, no matter how may innocent lives its costs, so ISIS’s black-market oil continues to flow. This writer doubts that ISIS depends entirely on the sale of oil, nor on the sale of slaves nor any of the other fanciful stories we are told. If and when oil sales are cut off, It will be funded as all armies always are: from “back home,” wherever home is, so let us find out.
So who is the surrogate big daddy behind ISIS? It has quality weapons, better than the US-equipped Iraqi army, and far beyond Syria. Some of ISIS’s weapons are made in the US, said to have been captured from vast US military stockpiles in Iraq. Some believe the financier and organizer is Saudi Arabia, America’s supposedly second-best ally in the Middle East. It has the third biggest war budget in the world, about $80 billion per year, ahead of Russia. Saudi Arabia is, without a doubt, the largest buyer of US war equipment. Suppose Saudis loaned some of this war power to ISIS? Would the USA’s best friend loan weapons to the supposed US SuperGov enemy? Yes, if ISIS is destabilizing the Saudi’s competition. And how about Israel, which has lately been exposed as a secret ally of the Saudis? These two countries are supposed to be mortal enemies, but now they have a mutual defense alliance. Perpetual war in the Middle East helps to cover up Israel’s brutal occupation of the unarmed and hopeless Philistines in Palestine. In the eyes of many Americans, especially Christians Zionists who want to believe it, the Palestinians are part of ISIS. So war on ISIS serves as a cover for Israel’s ongoing genocide in Gaza and the West Bank of Palestine.
Others are also applying logic when the news fails us. According to a makes-sense publication, Critical Thinking, “There can be little doubt that ISIS is a US/Israel creation, aided, abetted and funded by the UK, NATO, Turkey and the Gulf States.” Critical Thinking continues, “Now Obama is committing to putting US special forces on the ground in Syria (placed among the moderate opposition to Assad) ostensibly as ‘advisers’ but more accurately as human shields to protect ISIS from Russian bombs – it would be more than embarrassing for Russia to kill US troops; it could easily escalate and broaden the conflict into WWIII. Think about how WWI started – from a localized event which unleashed pent-up geopolitical tensions.”
Critical Thinking‘s logic is consistent with events. The US and media stories do not make sense. ISIS’s cash may well flow in from Saudi Arabia, an US surrogate, and from the CIA, which funded the Iraqi underground war in 2003 with plane-loads of US $100 bills printed at the Federal Reserve. Yes that really did happen! ISIS’s lead warriors are known to be recruited from all over the globe, probably paid more than US soldiers earn! It is not cheap to bring fighters from Denver, London, or Paris. Mercenaries fight, but they would not be there without cash up front.
There is another reason to suspect Saudi Arabia of being ISIS’s banker, their common religion! We are falsely led to believe ISIS is mainline, radicalized Islam, but is it? Only in Saudi Arabia is the Wahhabi fringe of Islam practiced, with beheadings and the chopping off of limbs, including those of political prisoners. The Independent did a count, and found Saudis behead someone on the average of every other day. According to Wikipedia, 151 beheadings have occurred so far in 2015. Only Saudi Arabia and ISIS practice punishment by decapitation. If they act alike, maybe they are “the same!” Charlie Rose interviewed Bashar al-Assad, President of Syria, on PBS and acted stunned over what Assad told him, that ISIS is “the same” as Saudi Arabia. Host Rose was so surprised he asked President al-Assad to repeat the statement.“There is no difference,” said Assad. Rose did not question the statement but changed the subject.
Why not an ISIS war, paid for by US SuperGov through proxies, the Saudis and others, and fought by mercenaries who think they are fighting against “US imperialism?” US SuperGov may think they need more wars to keep the economy from stalling and crashing! The UK and NATO are fanning flames, and help created countless Arab enemies for us. Many think they hate us enough to die for one chance to get even, or to kill a Frenchman.
Common sense dictates that the long-standing reports are true, that ISIS’s military leaders were recruited out of Hussein’s Socialist Ba’ath party in Iraq is true. They were left out of new US installed government of Iraq. It is logical that its money comes from the New York FED’s printing press, cycled and washed through Saudi Arabia’s enormous, US SuperGov, protected oil wealth. Hatred feeds ISIS, the hatred generated from the millions of homeless and impoverished, the hopeless sons and daughters of those slaughtered in several past US SuperGov, regime-change wars. Volunteers are bitter men who have been victimized and are desperate for a job. Some are willing to wear suicide vests to have a chance to get even. They are not motivated by religion, but by the desperate, homeless poverty that we see in the immigration march to Europe. This is not inside information, it is simple logic.
Only an arms-locked movement of the American people demands peace and challenging US SuperGov, will bring the regime change and resulting serial wars stop. That movement must, and this is my opinion, start in our churches, which are responsible for protecting life, caring for the orphans, widows, and homeless refugees. Churches need to break their timidness and, in too many cases, complicit silence and oppose the killing, as Jesus would. When churches begin to act like Jesus, US SuperGov will not longer be able to control us.
Map: Financial Times
US SuperGov has not yet been clearly pinned with directly financing ISIS, rather it appears it is done through surrogates, and this writer is in good company observing this. All signs point to ISIS being an instrument of another US regime change in the Middle East. The method and the parties through whom the dollars are funneled to ISIS are scanty hidden, like rocks under a new snow.
Others have recently discovered that the US SuperGov first sheltered ISIS’s crude oil sales by ignoring its crude oil sales, then when the truth leaks out our leaders have switched to ‘we can’t do anything about it’. Unfortunately, the US money-flow monitoring system that is so efficient in tracing every bank transaction across international border, is not going to help us by telling us who is banking the money for ISIS. But others have started to expose for the money trail back to the US SuperGov.
After the tragic killings of 120-odd fun seekers in Paris on Nov 11, the news has been about ISIS and little else but how it must be stopped, destroyed, “decapitated,” as President Obama grotesquely quipped. But not once have I read or heard anyone suggesting the US SuperGov needs to de-fund ISIS. This leads me to believe funding is ISIS’s Achilles heel. It seems, a very suspicious gentleman’s rule exists in our media that its sources of dollars are never to be mentioned. We are supposed to believe that it ISIS is self-supporting, but who are its bankers?
The first sign that US SuperGov has been sheltering dollar flows to ISIS, while only pretending to destroy it, is that it has done nothing to uncover ISIS’s dollar Godfather (we suspect is Saudi Arabia) nor to end the flow of dollars to ISIS. Others evidence point to Israel.
The US SuperGov could strangle ISIS if it really wanted to. Consider how US sanctions have proved capable of financially strangling Iran, Sudan, Cuba for 50 years, and are now applied to Russia and others. So why can’t it find and control the flow of money into ISIS, a non-country without even a bank of its own? Do we really believe that the US SuperGov surveillance machine, which stashes and reads our e-mail at will, is not capable of tracing billions of dollars into some world accounts used to pay for war equipment? How does ISIS pay Delta or TWA for hundreds of air fares back and forth from the Middle East without a banker? ISIS mercenaries drive hundreds, maybe thousands of brand new Toyota pick-up trucks we see on BBC, but our SuperGov can’t trace and block this flow of cash? Common sense tells us it could top it, if it wanted to.
Once we find out who finances ISIS, we can guess all we need to know about its objectives and who its fighters are. Those who open this issue have been stonewalled by the establishment media. Rather, for two years we have been fed a popular, but preposterous story that ISIS pays for its own war by selling slaves, robbing banks, and running captured oil wells and refineries.
Bizarre as it sounds, recent events have shown that oil revenues may actually have been part of ISIS funding for many months, but only because US SuperGov watched and allowed it to happen. I once wrote, it was no less logical to believe ISIS warriors milk goats and sell cheese to pay for tanks and artillery than that they sell oil! I for one never believed the “selling petrol” story and said so, but it seems I was wrong. It is now clear and all but admitted that US SuperGov watched and let them do it, that is until Russia and France arrived in Syria.
According to the prestigious Financial Times of London, November 14, Isis Inc: how oil fuels the jihadi terrorists,* ISIS has been pumping an old field near Deir Ezzor, and transports crude oil over the road by hundreds of independent truckers, who FT tells us, haul it south and east to a refinery in Iraq, and north to Turkey. Thus our ally, Turkey is also part of the scheme to patronize ISIS while trying to pull down the Assad government.
The US excuse for starting bombing raids inside Syrian without invitation from the Assad government was, we were told, to protect the world from ISIS. But it seems those hundreds of US air strikes did not stop its crude oil flow, at least not until the Russians joined the war party a few months ago, and after France bombed ISIS’s oil transportation system the week before Thanksgiving, responding to the Paris attack. Immediately, US SuperGov developed an excuse why it had not long before shut down the oil production before, blaming its lack of action on a decision by President Obama. Yes, the US ignored the ISIS refinery for months after commencing the bombing of other targets in Syria and making hundreds of raids elsewhere. Clearly, the US only pretends to hurt ISIS while supporting what they call “moderated” enemies of the Assad government. Both France and Russia have now claimed to have destroyed ISIS’s ability to sell oil from Syria’s oil fields by simply destroying its means of transporting crude oil over the road. France says it used intelligence borrowed from the US forces to find and destroyed 116 oil transport trucks parked at the production site. A few day before Russia claims it found and destroyed 500 transports on a highway to Iraq. It is not important if these numbers even close to accurate. Russia and France have both shown they know how to shut down ISIS’s oil sale without destroying the Syria’s valuable oil industry that the country needs to recover from its 5 years of civil war.
US SuperGov has now issued an inane excuse story for not shutting down ISIS’s crude oil sales. It was published in the always-willing Bloomberg News. It tells us that (before the arrival of Russia and France) the US was unable to inflict sufficient damage on the ISIS production so it quit trying. Thus, the US forces allowed ISIS to raise money selling oil to continue its siege on the Assad government. And probably, some of that money aided the murders in the Paris streets.
Logically, US weapons of mass destruction can shut down any factory (refinery or oil well) that manufactures an explosive product, anytime it has a will to do so. How come the US could not think of destroying the transports and pipelines two years ago? And, how could oil be allowed to flow north to Turkey? Perhaps, this is why Turkey is so cooperative with the US in fighting against Assad. This would explain why Turkey is hostile to Russia, the latter being quite serious about destroying ISIS. On November 24, 2015 Turkey shot down a Russian war plane over Syria, a strange thing to do if the two are supposed to be allies against ISIS. But this is not so strange if Turkey is an ally of US SuperGov and the two want to keep ISIS going until the Assad regime can be replaced.
Logic dictates that regime change is the name of the game…as was done in Iraq Afghanistan, Sudan, Libya, Egypt, and is openly aimed at Iran, and, perhaps, even Russia. Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and the US are sheltering ISIS, against Russian and Syria who want to destroy it and allow Assad to continue. Is it possible that acts like those of Turkey against Russia could lead all of us to world war? President Obama has just stated that Russia is not “on board” with the US plan in Syria. Unsaid is that the US SuperGov is the mastermind of war in Syria that has already put million of refugees on the road to Europe.
The end result? The Assad family is turned out, maybe murdered, and Syria is divided into parts ruled by regional warlords. Then, ISIS can slide forth toward Iran, the next regime change on the list. Does this logic resonate? Read on.
Perhaps, US SuperGov does not want a world war but they clearly want ISIS to complete regime change in Syria, no matter how may innocent lives its costs, so ISIS’s black-market oil continues to flow. This writer doubts that ISIS depends entirely on the sale of oil, nor on the sale of slaves nor any of the other fanciful stories we are told. If and when oil sales are cut off, It will be funded as all armies always are: from “back home,” wherever home is, so let us find out.
So who is the surrogate big daddy behind ISIS? It has quality weapons, better than the US-equipped Iraqi army, and far beyond Syria. Some of ISIS’s weapons are made in the US, said to have been captured from vast US military stockpiles in Iraq. Some believe the financier and organizer is Saudi Arabia, America’s supposedly second-best ally in the Middle East. It has the third biggest war budget in the world, about $80 billion per year, ahead of Russia. Saudi Arabia is, without a doubt, the largest buyer of US war equipment. Suppose Saudis loaned some of this war power to ISIS? Would the USA’s best friend loan weapons to the supposed US SuperGov enemy? Yes, if ISIS is destabilizing the Saudi’s competition. And how about Israel, which has lately been exposed as a secret ally of the Saudis? These two countries are supposed to be mortal enemies, but now they have a mutual defense alliance. Perpetual war in the Middle East helps to cover up Israel’s brutal occupation of the unarmed and hopeless Philistines in Palestine. In the eyes of many Americans, especially Christians Zionists who want to believe it, the Palestinians are part of ISIS. So war on ISIS serves as a cover for Israel’s ongoing genocide in Gaza and the West Bank of Palestine.
Others are also applying logic when the news fails us. According to a makes-sense publication, Critical Thinking, “There can be little doubt that ISIS is a US/Israel creation, aided, abetted and funded by the UK, NATO, Turkey and the Gulf States.” Critical Thinking continues, “Now Obama is committing to putting US special forces on the ground in Syria (placed among the moderate opposition to Assad) ostensibly as ‘advisers’ but more accurately as human shields to protect ISIS from Russian bombs – it would be more than embarrassing for Russia to kill US troops; it could easily escalate and broaden the conflict into WWIII. Think about how WWI started – from a localized event which unleashed pent-up geopolitical tensions.”
Critical Thinking‘s logic is consistent with events. The US and media stories do not make sense. ISIS’s cash may well flow in from Saudi Arabia, an US surrogate, and from the CIA, which funded the Iraqi underground war in 2003 with plane-loads of US $100 bills printed at the Federal Reserve. Yes that really did happen! ISIS’s lead warriors are known to be recruited from all over the globe, probably paid more than US soldiers earn! It is not cheap to bring fighters from Denver, London, or Paris. Mercenaries fight, but they would not be there without cash up front.
There is another reason to suspect Saudi Arabia of being ISIS’s banker, their common religion! We are falsely led to believe ISIS is mainline, radicalized Islam, but is it? Only in Saudi Arabia is the Wahhabi fringe of Islam practiced, with beheadings and the chopping off of limbs, including those of political prisoners. The Independent did a count, and found Saudis behead someone on the average of every other day. According to Wikipedia, 151 beheadings have occurred so far in 2015. Only Saudi Arabia and ISIS practice punishment by decapitation. If they act alike, maybe they are “the same!” Charlie Rose interviewed Bashar al-Assad, President of Syria, on PBS and acted stunned over what Assad told him, that ISIS is “the same” as Saudi Arabia. Host Rose was so surprised he asked President al-Assad to repeat the statement.“There is no difference,” said Assad. Rose did not question the statement but changed the subject.
Why not an ISIS war, paid for by US SuperGov through proxies, the Saudis and others, and fought by mercenaries who think they are fighting against “US imperialism?” US SuperGov may think they need more wars to keep the economy from stalling and crashing! The UK and NATO are fanning flames, and help created countless Arab enemies for us. Many think they hate us enough to die for one chance to get even, or to kill a Frenchman.
Common sense dictates that the long-standing reports are true, that ISIS’s military leaders were recruited out of Hussein’s Socialist Ba’ath party in Iraq is true. They were left out of new US installed government of Iraq. It is logical that its money comes from the New York FED’s printing press, cycled and washed through Saudi Arabia’s enormous, US SuperGov, protected oil wealth. Hatred feeds ISIS, the hatred generated from the millions of homeless and impoverished, the hopeless sons and daughters of those slaughtered in several past US SuperGov, regime-change wars. Volunteers are bitter men who have been victimized and are desperate for a job. Some are willing to wear suicide vests to have a chance to get even. They are not motivated by religion, but by the desperate, homeless poverty that we see in the immigration march to Europe. This is not inside information, it is simple logic.
Only an arms-locked movement of the American people demands peace and challenging US SuperGov, will bring the regime change and resulting serial wars stop. That movement must, and this is my opinion, start in our churches, which are responsible for protecting life, caring for the orphans, widows, and homeless refugees. Churches need to break their timidness and, in too many cases, complicit silence and oppose the killing, as Jesus would. When churches begin to act like Jesus, US SuperGov will not longer be able to control us.