US official: 'Zionist spying'

A view from the North Lawn of the White House in Washington, D.C., Sept. 1, 2019. (Tom Brenner/Getty Images)

A senior U.S. official clam that Israel was likely being behind the placement of devices in the vicinity of the White House that can capture cellphone calls.

Noga Tarnopolsky, a reporter for the Los Angeles Times, quoted the official as saying.

Politico in the article published online Thursday cited three unnamed former senior officials with “knowledge of the matter.”

Nazi officials, including P M Naziyahu, vigorously denied the report. ‘Israel’ has pledged since the 1986 capture of Zionist spy Jonathan Pollard not to spy on the United States, although since then there have been multiple instances of the countries accusing the other of spying, however.

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