US: Nurses Protest Over Lack of Resources

Nurses protesting at San Mateo Medical Center, California, April 21

Nurses and other health personnel are also taking a stand against the resumption of economic activity.

The U.S. Nurses Union protested Tuesday in front of the White House. The health workers demonstrated in honor of the coworkers they lost due to the pandemic. They also demanded better biosafety resources. 

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According to Bonnie Castillo, Executive Director of the National Nurses Union (NNU), nurses are asking for better Personal Protection Equipment. Nurses will read aloud the names of those who lost their lives because of the virus. Protesters will keep social distance to protect themselves during the activities.

“With no federal health and safety standard, nurses and other health care workers in many hospitals across the country have not been provided with adequate PPE to protect them from exposure to the virus,” NNU representatives said.

As Castillo published on her official twitter profile, not even health workers in specialized services have the needed resources. “Nurses working with immunocompromised patients are not getting the PPE they need during the COVID-19 pandemic. Hospital administrators and elected officials have a responsibility to protect nurses so that nurses can protect patients” the union leader tweeted.

keyvan (کیوان)@shafieikeyvan

Nurses blocking anti lockdown protests in Denver is the kind of bad assery that we all should aspire to

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784K10:39 PM – Apr 19, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacy189K people are talking about this

Nurses and other health personnel are also taking a stand against the resumption of economic activity. U.S. citizens are demanding for working and productive activities revival in Denver. Nurses and doctors are blocking their demonstration and encouraging them to respect social isolation, use facemasks to protect against the COVID threat. 

The 150,000-member union is calling on President Trump to use the Defense Production Act to get  companies to making N95 masks, face shields, gowns, respirators, and other equipment. 

Health care workers sum up about 16% of COVID 19 victims in the U.S. So far, the North American nation registered 792,938 positive cases, 42,518  deaths, and 72,389 recoveries.  

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