American neocons, pursuing their goal of global domination are leading the US to economic ruin and tyranny, stressed a US expert, stating that non-interventionism should become the guiding principle of US foreign policy.
Non-interventionism should become a guiding principle of US foreign policy, deemed a US expert, adding that Washington’s involvement in domestic affairs of other countries brings neither democracy nor prosperity to the nations.”I came to understand that the only logical solution to the problem of the post-Cold War era was to embrace non-interventionism as the guiding principle of US foreign policy. Nothing else made sense,” underscored Daniel McAdams, the Executive Director of the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity in an interview to The Daily Bell.
The expert noted that the US has been meddling in Ukraine’s domestic affairs since early 2000s, most notably the so-called Orange Revolution, “which was covertly and overtly funded and supported” by Washington and its influential neocon policy-makers.
The Kiev regime of Viktor Yushchenko, however, quickly became a problem despite unprecedented support from the West. In 2014, US interventionists instigated another regime change, ousting Ukraine’s democratically elected Viktor Yanukovich and bringing to power a pro-Western government.
Alas, “the promised stability, democracy, and prosperity has, as in other US interventionist projects, come up somewhat short,” noted Daniel McAdams referring to Western-backed coup in Libya, that “bombed the country back to the stone age,” as well as to social unrests in Syria, Yemen and Tunisia.
Ukraine’s destabilization was not the ultimate goal of US policy-makers, however, the ongoing turmoil is being used by the US oligarchs as a smoke screen “to get their hands on Ukraine’s potential natural resources riches.” At the same time, the US military-industrial complex views the country as a potential NATO foothold.
The American neocons, who dominate both political parties, are pursuing the Wolfowitz doctrine, aimed at undermining Russia, Washington’s geopolitical rival in Eurasia. Their plan is to encircle Russia and ultimately overthrow Moscow’s “non-cooperative regime,” Daniel McAdams emphasized.
According to the expert there is great danger of a direct military confrontation between the US and Russia. The United States, led by neocons like Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, Anthony Blinken, Susan Rice and etc., are determined to push Russia beyond a “red-line.” On the other hand, NATO military exercises right on the Russian borders combined with blatant anti-Russia propaganda in Western mass-media are only adding fuel to the fire.
The expert denounced the narrative of US neocons and corporate media about the “massive Russian invasion” of Ukraine and a “reign of terror” in Crimea. US media sources have not provided any credible evidence supporting their statements, he stressed.