That’s why there is all this pressure, because when it comes out that Assad probably didn’t do it then the whole issue will probably sink and they will have lost their opportunity for another war.”
The following is an approximate transcript of the interview.
Press TV: I think the Iranian Foreign Minister basically sums it up when he says, “Any attack on Syria is going to be illegal under the UN Charter”. What do you make of that?
Jones: Yes of course it’s illegal. It’s also illegal under the Nuremberg laws that came about from the trials after World War II. Aggressive war is an act of illegality.
So, what we have here is an attempt once again to get around the legality of the situation and force the situation through military option.
I think what happened here is that we saw a convergence. I think there was a move toward a negotiated settlement and in order to thwart that there was this false flag gas attack that immediately was jumped on by Secretary of State Kerry who then began rushing everyone into an attack.
The people here don’t want an attack. The response of the American people to their legislators is running 300:1 against an attack. Even our local legislator here who just spent three weeks in Israel is against the attack. So nobody wants it and that’s why they’re trying to force it as quickly as possible.
Press TV: With the US government so intent about going in and attacking Syria, do you think there is another path this can take?
Jones: Of course there is. There can be a negotiated settlement here. But what you are seeing here is that certain elements within the United States government are responding to pressure from the Israel lobby.
The Israel lobby wants a war; they don’t want a negotiated settlement and John Kerry now has showed his hand. He is a tool of the Israel lobby. He is the one who is pushing for war before the United Nations inspectors give their report.
No one knows who staged this attack. That’s why there is all this pressure, because when it comes out that Assad probably didn’t do it then the whole issue will probably sink and they will have lost their opportunity for another war.