US Election Scams in Haiti


Clinton Emails Reveal Foreign Meddling in Last Haitian Presidential Election (1/2). 

Real News interview to discuss the past and present influence of the international community in Haiti election results part 1,
click video here
Real News interview part 2, click video here
See, more HLLN 2015, US Election Scams in Haiti coverage, click here:

The October 25th US election masquerade in Haiti

US Drone “cameras” at the Haiti voting centers, Oct. 24, 2015. See, Des caméras et des drones devant les centres de voteUS Drone “cameras” at the Haiti voting centers, Oct. 24, 2015. See, Des caméras et des drones devant les centres de vote

Go to: The ABCs of Election Violence in Haiti
The Diaspora’s Fly-in Militia to manipulate the selections in the poor but populous West Dept – The Trench Town Model in Haiti
“In downtown Port-au-Prince, the skinned heads are ready to party until wee hours.
Win or lose, they will claim victory. The bogeymen are a frantic rendezvous with Baron Samedi. Sadistic and cannibalistic as they are, thousands of living-beings will be slaughtered as “holy” sacrifices to save their “Nèg Bannan Nan.” But the election is largely muted by the vast majority of Haitians who see no interests in political charades. Most importantly, millions of Haitians are not foolish enough to let themselves be the cannon fodders for opportunist politicians.”–Sweet Micky in a spiritual pitch for his dude, CSMS Magazine, Oct. 24, 2015

Haiti Electoral Director Pierre Louis Opont With his Foreign Bosses deciding on the Haiti voteHaiti Electoral Director Pierre Louis Opont With his Foreign Bosses deciding on the fraudulent Aug 9, 2015 “Haiti” vote


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