ed note–readers of TUT will note that it has been the position of this website that all the ‘revolutions’ in the Middle East–while certainly genuine in the sense that the average person in the street IS oppressed and wants change, nevertheless–have been nothing more than Israeli/American intelligence operations aimed at regime change. It is a cheaper way of waging war than putting boots and equipment on the ground.
As far as this piece is concerned, we encourage the readers to see through all the posturing taking place from Israel and her supporters as they pretend to ‘worry’ about what is taking place. Not only is Israel as happy as a pig in s*** about it all, she is the one managing the chaos from behind the scenes.
Until the world begins to understand what it is that makes the Zionist mind tic, there will NEVER be a solution to the problem of GLOBAL war and destitution.
To arm or not arm? That is the question. The Syrian opposition is being crushed by forces loyal to President Bashar al Assad, any attempts at diplomatic pressure are being thwarted by Russia and China vetoing resolutions at the UN, and economic sanctions aren’t much use when a dictator seems to have decided it’s a case of kill or be killed.
So what to do about Syria and the dictatorial Assad? Republican Sen. John McCain, an influential voice in foreign affairs as the ranking member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, believes we should think seriously about “arming the opposition.” The White House says that’s not an option being “considered” right now. Perhaps not actively considered, but it’s hard to believe it hasn’t been discussed at some pretty high levels.
- And a lot of experts believe, like McCain, that in the wake of the complete failure of diplomacy, it’s a question that has to be reconsidered. Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer of the Center for Advanced Defense Studies believes we should use the model the Clinton White House used for getting weapons to the Bosnians, running so-called “black ops” to get weapons to the Syrians. It’s something the U.S. also did to fight the Soviets in
- after the 1979 invasion.