US Blaming Iran for 9/11: Unbelievable!


A New York judge has signed a judgment that finds Iran, along with the Taliban and al-Qaeda liable for the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks.


by Joshua Blakeney


Press TV has interviewed Joshua Blakeney of Scholars for 9/11 Truth & Veterans Today from Calgary, Alberta to discuss the situation. What follows is a rough transcription of the interview:

Press TV: Josh Blakeney, let’s focus for a moment on the many doubts and questions as [another speaker on the show] Foad Izadi said that exist about the 9/11 commission.

The U.S. waged two wars using the 9/11 attacks as a pretext. What do you think about the 9/11 Commission Report and didn’t the US allow an international investigation led by the UN over the terrorist attacks?

Blakeney: Yeah, I’m doing my graduate work at the university of Lethbridge here in Canada on the events of 9/11. I’ve been studying 9/11 intensively for four years now.

And indeed I’m the recipient of the Queen Elizabeth student graduate scholarship and having studied 9/11 for 4 years I can concur with [another speaker on the show] Professor Fetzer that the official story of 9/11 is provably false.

The 9/11 commission report was a complete hoax. Philip Zelikow [executive director of the 9/11 Commission] was a Neo-conservative and therefore wasn’t disinterested enough to be conducting such an investigation.

And apparently his academic field of expertise was “the creation and maintenance of public myths” which is nonsensical although I must say one doesn’t know whether to laugh or cry when one hears these things.

When Ahmadinejad, President Ahmadinejad, did his speech at the United Nations, an exemplary speech in September 2011 with his engineering background, he implied that the official story of 9/11 must be false, especially the notion that airplanes brought down towers on 9/11.

And we were then told that al-Qaeda were angry at President Ahmadinejad, that al-Qaeda were miffed that Ahmadinejad was trying to steal their thunder for the crime that they allegedly did.

Philip Zelikow, executive director of the 9/11 Commission, has an academic specialization in “the creation and maintenance of public myths”

Now we are told that President Ahmadinejad is collaborating with al-Qaida and with the Taliban when anyone who has read a history of the War on Terror knows that after 9/11 the Iranian government were actually saying to the US government “look we could be an ally if you want in your war against the Taliban”.

Because the Taliban are no friends of the Iranian government, being Sunni, the Iranian government being Shia and so if it wasn’t for the fact that this was a harbinger of a storm, a harbinger of wars to come, yet more wars, massacres in the Middle East, we’d have to laugh.

YouTube – Veterans Today –

Footage of Palestinians Celebrating the Events of September 11, 2001 Actually from 1993

Of course it’s quite jovial the fact that on 9/11 they blamed the events on Palestinians. They said the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine committed this atrocity and they showed footage from 1993 of Palestinians celebrating apparently the attacks on 9/11, you know, several years in advance.

And then we were told Saddam Hussein was complicit in the events of 9/11. A lady named Laurie Mylroie from the American Enterprise Institute was authoring propaganda against Saddam Hussein, even though he was the enemy of Islamists, you know the likes of al-Qaeda.

Then we were told the Saudis were involved even though there is no evidence that the alleged hijackers even boarded the planes or were Islamists and so that’s irrelevant. So why not add one more to the table and say that Iran was involved.

Hey, why not Syria now or North Korea, this official story of 9/11 is taking on a life of its own, how Judge George Daniels could find this in the court is beyond belief, and it indicates that the rule of law is breaking down even further in the United States.

Judge George Daniels, former professor at Brooklyn Law School.

Judge George Daniels, former professor at Brooklyn Law School.

Judge Daniels was a former professor of Brooklyn law school, I don’t know if that might have something to do with it, but this is ridiculous and as Professor Fetzer suggested Israel and the U.S., their fingerprints are all over the events of 9/11.

And of course Israel’s role in this is so significant because Israel wants to balkanize the Middle East. It wants the Arabs and Muslims fighting each other in a civil war type situation.

The Middle East is highly fissiparous and so that’s why Israel’s happy to have the Saudis, the Iranians, the Palestinians, any Arab regime or Arab government, Muslim government or in your case Persian government [implicated in 9/11] because it wants to have regional hegemony.

It doesn’t want the Saudis or the Iranians to have regional hegemony and it’s very smart. Those who support Israel in the United States, they realize that a key part if they’re going to try to attack Iran is demonizing the Iranian government and dehumanizing the Iranian people in the eyes of the American people.

And so our job, as 9/11 truthers, is to tell the American people that they ought to empathize with the Palestinians because 3000 of their citizens were killed on 9/11 with the complicity of the Israeli government.

YouTube – Veterans Today –

Press TV Interview with Prof. Fetzer, Prof. Izadi and Joshua Blakeney 

Press TV: Joshua Blakeney, I believe there is a popular movement happening in the United States: the Occupy movements which are criticizing the US government for a host of issues including the wars.

So is that where hopes should be, maybe pinned on when it comes to, at least to foreign policy, which obviously does drain money out of the economy, in order to point out to the world the double standards that the United States perhaps has and we could refer to what appeared in this New York court.

Blakeney: Yeah, I mean, I think the ruling class in the United States are digging their own graves. There is an increasing disconnect between the ruling class, the elite — you know judges like Judge Daniels and the professors, academicians in the United States are just repeating the mythology of the global war on terror — and the people of the United States who are more and more educated.

You know there was this stereotype when I was growing up that Americans aren’t intelligent, they’re stupid. But that isn’t actually borne out by the reality. I’ve travelled from coast to shining coast in the United States; the United States’ people are highly educated.

And then there is the degradation of our public institutions, I mean we know that politicians and journalists are kind of bought and paid for and they lie, but when the judiciary and the professoriate fail to distinguish between fact and fiction, when presented with evidence, then we’re in a lot of trouble.

Yoishi Shimatsu, a former editor of Japan Times Weekly, claims that Israel knew Fukushima had weapons-grade uranium and plutonium that were exposed to the atmosphere after a massive tsunami wave hit the reactor. Furthermore, he contends that Israeli intelligence sabotaged the reactor in retaliation for Japan’s support of an independent Palestinian state.

A lot of people said that, you know, with the failure of the Warren Commission to deal with the death of JFK [former US President John F. Kennedy] what will come next? And what came next was 9/11.

And many say now with 9/11 what will come next? You know we look at Fukushima; we look at the Norway incident; the massacre in Norway in which the whole generation of labor activists were taken out, young children who would grow up to be left-wing.

Norway being highly supportive of the Palestinian struggle, a professor in Norway now named Professor Tunander has just publishedan article this week in a peer-reviewed academic journal insinuating that Israel was involved in the massacre in Norway.

You look at Japan, another country which collaborated with the Nazis in World War II incidentally and you see what’s happened inFukushima. Was that just completely coincidental?

Are we allowed to be skeptical of these events? I think we ought to and I think it’s such a shame that academics like Professor Fetzer and Professor Hall, my graduate studies supervisor, are so isolated. Why is it that academics are repeating time and time again these lies.

Of course, [a US Senator from Idaho] Senator Frank Church did uncover in the Cold War, in the 1970s, that up to 5000 university professors and 3000 journalists were conspiring with the CIA to spread disinformation against any country that wanted to express self-determination during the Cold War and called them Communists or part of a Soviet conspiracy.

So invariably, it’s the media and the professors who are the conspiracy theorists and those like Professor Fetzer and I who are debunking state-sponsored conspiracy theories.

So I think we have to be highly vigilant as a people against the degradation of our public institutions by reckless elites.

More : Joshua Blakeney on 9/11 and the “war on terror”


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