Universal Jurisdiction

Universal jurisdiction: The PSC gives evidence to the government committee against arrest warrant changes


War criminals not welcome

The Police Reform Bill includes proposals which, if passed, will make it much more difficult to obtain an arrest warrant for anyone accused of war crimes and crimes against humanity.


PSC and other NGO’s are calling for MPs to vote against these proposed changes. The current law fully complies with the Geneva Conventions and the proposed changed will allow politicians to interfere with requests to issue arrest warrants for war criminals.


PSC’s evidence to the committee against arrest warrants changes has been published on the Police Reform Bill updates click here to read.


The situation is critical and it is important we keep the pressure up and continue to email your MPs to insist that they vote against these proposals. Even if you have already emailed your MP previously please take 2 minutes to send them a new message, asking them to vote against the proposed changes. PSC have set up an easy to use e-tool to allow you to send a model letter to your MP.

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