Please forward this email to others who you think may be interested in contributing to the event

Invitation to Unity FM Radio’s “Question Time”

Thursday the 24th February 2011 7 pm

308 Bolton Road, Small Heath Birmingham B10 OAU.

UnityFM Radio has organised a radio show with members of the Liberal Democrat leadership and some of the councillors facing elections this May. The discussion will be of the similar format as BBC Question Time.

The Radio is inviting you all to participate and put questions to the panel on what are likely to be the key issues this May. We anticipate questions on three issues.

1.      Cuts in services resulting in loss of jobs and reduction in public services

2.      British Foreign Policy, including wars of occupation and support for Israel

3.      Civil Liberties and Human Rights

Please forward questions you want to put to the panel on these issues. If your question is selected as representative of the questions on the issue you will be given the opportunity to put the question to the panel. Participants would be allowed to ask secondary questions or raise points following responses on particular issues. It is expected the discussion will be lively and frank.

I hope you can join in the discussion program. This is the first of the series of programs UnityFM is planning before the May elections. Similar programs are planned in the next couple of months with Labour, Conservatives, the Green and Respect Parties.

The panel for the first program in the series will include John Hemming MP, Ayub Khan Cabinet Member Birmingham Council, Tanveeer Chowdry Councillor defending his council seat this May and Emily Cox Councillor (Moseley) defending her council seat this May.

Please let me know if you will be attending.

Naeem Malik

Email : nmalik50@yahoo.com

Mob: 07721427690

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