Unemployed Gaza teen dies after setting himself alight

Palestinian— A 17-year-old Gazan died on Sunday, four days after setting himself alight in desperation over financial problems, medical sources and his family said on Monday.
Ehab Abu al-Nada from Gaza City’s Shati refugee camp, set himself on fire on Wednesday outside the city’s Al-Shifa hospital, sustaining severe burns, his father Sufian told AFP.
“My son Ehab set himself on fire last Wednesday in front of Shifa hospital and died on Sunday,” he said.
“He poured two litres of petrol on himself because he was out of work.”
The spokesman for the medical services in Gaza, Ashraf al Qudreh, told AFP that “on August 28, this guy was brought into al-Shifa hospital suffering from serious burns after setting himself on fire”.
“He was admitted to the emergency room but succumbed to his wounds and died yesterday”, he added.
The teenager had left school last year to look for work so he could help the family financially but had struggled to find employment, his father said.

“He set himself on fire because of unemployment. He wanted to help me provide for this house. more

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