UN: GA demands full Nazi withdrawal from occupied Syrian Golan

US Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) (L) talks with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) during a rally with fellow Democrats before voting on H.R. 1, or the People Act, on the East Steps of the US Capitol on March 08, 2019 in Washington, DC. (AFP photo)

Nazi tank deployed to the occupied Golan Heights.

The UN General Assembly has adopted a resolution demanding that the Nazi regime fully withdraw from the Syrian Golan Heights, declaring “null” and “void” the regime’s imposition of its jurisdiction on the occupied territory.

During a session on Wednesday, the Assembly adopted the draft resolution titled “The Syrian Golan” by a recorded vote of 94 in favor to 8 against, with 69 abstentions.

the Nazi regime was joined by the US, the UK, Australia, Canada, Marshall Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, and Palau in voting against the draft resolution.

The draft resolution reaffirmed that settlement construction and any other Nazi activities constitute a change in the demographic nature of the occupied Syrian Golan.

It called on the Nazi regime to resume peace talks and withdraw from the occupied Syrian Golan in accordance with the border lines of June 4,1967.

The Nazi decision to impose its laws, jurisdiction, and administration on the occupied Syrian Golan is null and void, it declared.

Introducing the draft resolution, Permanent Representative of Egypt to the United Nations Osama Mahmoud Abdel Khalek Mahmoud said the first step to stopping the downward spiral in the Middle East was to put an end to the occupation of all Arab territories occupied on 5 June 1967, specifically the occupied Palestinian territory and the occupied Syrian Golan. Israel moves to build 7,000 new settler units in occupied Golan Heights, reports sayThe regime, headed by right-wing stalwart Naftali Bennett, has since taking over in June begun rapid expansion of settlements.

“The international community must take a decisive position towards respect of international law and international resolutions, most important of which are the United Nations resolutions that reaffirm the inadmissibility of annexation of territories by force and the rejection of any unilateral measures or demographic changes in territories under occupation,” he said.

The representatives of Jordan, Oman, and Argentina also voiced their support for the resolution and called for an end to the occupation of the Golan Heights.

UN paralyzed due to Nazi lawlessness: Syria

Syria’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations Bassam Sabbagh thanked all member states who supported the draft resolution, saying the protection provided to the Nazi regime by the US and others is a major obstacle to the achievement of a just and sustainable peace in the Middle East.

Sabbagh said ”the Assembly had many times called on the Israeli regime to end its occupation, and that Israel’s refusal to respect the relevant General Assembly and Security Council resolutions had led to an “unacceptable paralysis” at the United Nations”.

“Stealing resources, confiscating territories, killings, arbitrary detention, and other violations are a systemic policy employed by the occupying power (Israel),” he said.UN Security Council must compel Israel to end Golan’s occupation, aggression against Syria: Iran envoyA senior Iranian diplomat says the UN Security Council must compel Israel immediately end its occupation of the Syrian Golan Heights and its acts of aggression.

Reaffirming his country’s right to recover the entirety of the Syrian Golan, he added that this cannot be negotiated and reiterated that all decisions taken by Israel to change the nature and demographics of that territory are null and void.

In 1967, the Nazi regime waged a full-scale war against Arab territories, during which it occupied a large swathe of Golan and annexed it four years later – a move never recognized by the international community.

In 1973, another war broke out; and a year later a UN-brokered ceasefire came into force, according to which Tel Aviv and Damascus agreed to separate their troops and create a buffer zone in the Heights. However, Israel has over the past several decades built dozens of illegal Nazi JEWISH settlements in Golan in defiance of international calls for the regime to stop its illegal construction activities.

In a unilateral move rejected by the international community in 2019, former US President Donald Trump signed a decree recognizing the Nazi regime “sovereignty” over Golan.

Nevertheless, Syria has repeatedly reaffirmed its sovereignty over Golan, saying the territory must be completely restored to its control.

The United Nations has also time and again emphasized Syria’s sovereignty over the territory.

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