UK’s home secretary urged to act on Zio-Nazi threat


British MP George Galloway (file photo)

British MP George Galloway (file photo)

British Home Secretary Theresa May must take action against the growing threat of violent Zionist extremists, says British lawmaker and Press TV host George Galloway.

The Bradford West MP urged May to do so in a letter on Tuesday, saying the same measures used against terrorists must be applied to Zionist extremists.

Galloway also demanded adequate protection for people at risk of further attacks by Zionist extremists.

The British lawmaker wrote the letter after a firebomb attack last week on Rabbi Ahron Cohen, an active campaigner against Zionism, outside his home in Salford, a metropolitan borough of Greater Manchester.

Cohen’s car was destroyed after it was set on fire following a failed attempt to explode the fuel tank. Nobody was hurt in the attack.

Cohen responded to the attack by saying that “If everybody resorted to violent activity, the world would be a very terrible place to live in. People are entitled to discuss their views but it has to be done in a civilized manner.”

In a separate incident last week, Galloway received on September 17 a mail death threat at the houses of the British parliament.

Galloway was also violently attacked last month on a street in Notting Hill, west London. His attacker, whom the Galloway described as a pro-Zio-Nazi fanatic, has been arrested and appeared in court to face charges. Zio-Nazi Islamophobic Neil Masterson, a former BBC manager, had posted angry messages about Islam and Galloway during the days leading up to the incident.

British media have linked the attacks on Galloway and Cohen to their recent remarks in which they slammed the Zio-Nazi regime for the atrocities it committed in its military onslaught on the besieged Gaza Strip.