UK MPs to be recalled from recess to discuss ISIL


The British parliament is expected to be recalled from recess to discuss London’s joining the US-led airstrikes against the ISIL Takfiri group in Iraq.

British media reported on Wednesday that Prime Minister David Cameron is set to recall lawmakers for discussions as early as September 26.

According to reports, Cameron is to ask lawmakers to support British airstrikes against ISIL Takfiri militants in Iraq and not in Syria.

Cameron would need the parliament’s approval before joining the US-led strikes against the ISIL terrorist group.

This comes as Cameron is due to meet his Iraqi counterpart, Haider al-Abadi, in New York, on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly session, to discuss a possible British involvement in the ISIL airstrikes.

Cameron said on Tuesday that Britain “cannot opt out of” a fight against the ISIL militants.

Meanwhile, the United States along with France and its Arab allies is carrying out airstrikes against the Takfiri group. Britain has provided arms to Iraq’s Kurdish fighters who are battling along with Iraqi forces in the northern parts of Iraq.

According to reports, the United States and five Arab countries – Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Qatar, Bahrain and Jordan – have carried out at least 200 airstrikes against the ISIL militants operating inside Syria.

The ISIL terrorists control large areas of Syria’s east and north. The ISIL sent its Takfiri militants into Iraq in June, seizing large parts of land straddling the border between Syria and Iraq.

According to a CIA source, more than 15,000 foreign fighters from more than 80 countries have gone to Syria to join militant groups. Two thousand of the fighters are believed to be Westerners, including at least 500 British nationals.

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