UK Labour peer Charles (“Lord”) Zionist Falconer caught out reading Israeli propaganda script on BBC TV

Charles Falconer

Gilad Atzmon writes:

In the video below, Labour member of the House of Lords, the upper chamber of the British parliament, Charles (“Lord”) Falconer, is caught on camera reading a slanderous hasbara script on the BBC TV programme “Politics Live”.
The Labour politician reads a slanderous text from a notebook in front of him. He clearly doesn’t know who I am nor does he understand any of my ideas. 
The only question that is left open is who is behind Falconer’s hasbara notes. Is it the Israeli embassy, Likud UK, the Labour Friends of Israel or the so-called “Campaign Against Anti-Semitism” – or maybe his old friend Tony Blair. 
I would like to thank Falconer for spreading the genre of hasbara-manufactured drivel that is both erroneous and slanderous. He provides me with a golden opportunity to expose the true rotten nature of the Labour party in its current occupied state.


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