UK Labour Party leader Keir Starmer’s Zionist Hall of Shame

Keir Starmer's Zionist team
Jon de Rennes writes

The following is a list of Labour friends of the apartheid state of Israel (Labour Friends of Israel – LFI) in Keir Starmer’s team 

Shadow Cabinet

1. Emily Thornberry
2. David Lammy
3. Rachel Reeves
4. Bridget Phillipson
5. Nia Griffith
6. Nick Brown

Shadow Ministers

1. Jess Phillips
2. Yvette Cooper
3. Wes Streeting
4. Peter Kyle
5. Wayne David
6. Fabian) Hamilton
7. Conor McGinn
8. Kal Turner
9. Stephen Morgan
10. Liz Kendall
11. Lucy Powell
12. Toby Perkins
13. Chris Matheson
14. Mike Amesbury
15. Mike Kane
16. Karin Smyth
17. Chris Elmore

Other known Zionists

1. Richard Spencer)
2. Angela “Helga” Rayner
3. Lisa Nandy
4. Rebecca Long-Bailey
5. Rosena Allin-Khan


  • Total LFS Shadow Cabinet Members – 6
  • Number of LFS Shadow Junior Ministers – 17
  • Total LFS in Starmer’s team – 23
  • Other known Zionist racists – 5 
  • Total number of known Zionist, apartheid-loving racists in Starmer’s team – 28.

According to a March 2019 article by Jonathan Cook, there were, at the time, 80 Labour MPs in LFS. A few have probably left the party or failed to get re-elected. However, even if we were to work with the 80 number, Starmer has managed to get more than 25 per cent of these Zionist racists into his team. Having said that, given that he is an honorary member himself it’s hardly surprising. On the contrary, it’s sadly predictable.

I don’t have the time, energy or resources to do the same analysis of Corbyn’s team. However, I do know that of those who were there until the end, or very close, there were five LFS in his Shadow Cabinet (Thornberry, Lammy, Andrew Gwynne, Nia Griffith, and Tom Watson).

Jon de Rennes is Communications Manager for Labour Against Zionist Islamophobic Racism (LAZIR)

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