UK general election: Not a pretty sight, no cheery prospect

UK elections 2015 - Cameron

Stuart Littlewood writes:
I said it would be bad, and it is. Worse than bad. The British people have given the Zionist tool, David Cameron, another five years, and he’s off to see the Queen.
So what price Churchill’s (Randolph, that is) advice to “trust the people”? The great man said: “You, who are ambitious, and rightly ambitious, of being the guardians of the British constitution, trust the people, and they will trust you – and they will follow you and join you in the defence of that constitution against any and every foe.” The constitution, of course, mostly needs protecting from its ambitious guardians while they can certainly trust the public to keep re-electing the dross that stalks the corridors of power.
We can expect Cameron’s new administration to include a Zionist foreign secretary as usual and a liberal sprinkling of Friends of Israel in other Cabinet posts, as usual. No doubt Israel’s Binyamin Netanyahu will be among the first to congratulate him and the UK will continue to pursue its criminally insane pro-Israel policies here and abroad.
As for Labour’s Ed Miliband, he screwed up so badly that his only choice was to resign. The party will have to go back to the drawing board and redesign itself with a sensible leader – hopefully one with real-world experience rather than another from the endless procession of academic politicos who’ve never had a real job.
The Liberal Democrats, no longer trusted, have been crucified for trading their principles and going into coalition with the Conservatives last time. Now reduced to single figures, they’ll be able to hold future meetings in a telephone box. Leader Nick Clegg, the deputy prime minister, resigned this morning. That’s a great pity because he’s a decent man who found himself in charge of a difficult party on a slow-motion suicide mission. The LibDem brand is hardly worth rescuing.
The threat from the UK Independence Party (UKIP ) didn’t materialise. Leader Nigel Farage was unable to win a seat for himself and the party ended with only one MP.
Here in Scotland the Scottish nationalists have achieved their aim to drive the hated Westminster parties into the sea in spectacular fashion. Out of the 59 Westminster parliamentary seats in Scotland the Conservatives, Labour and LibDems are left with just one each. The Scottish National Party (SNP) under feisty Nicola Sturgeon has taken 56 seats, including one captured by former leader and all-round political tough nut Alex Salmond, so the SNP sends a powerful contingent to the House of Commons with their sails filled by the wind of change that’s blowing a gale north of the border. Their task: to make Scotland’s voice heard down there loud and clear.
Unfortunately, Sturgeon’s promise to “lock Cameron out of Number 10″ came unstuck because Labour, whom the SNP expected to force into coalition, performed just as badly in England and failed to win anywhere near the number of seats forecast by the pollsters. Some pundits are saying that the Conservatives’ win was down to fearmongering over the prospect of such a coalition, compounded by the SNP’s ultimate agenda to break away from the union. The SNP is itself largely to blame for this perception because its candidates, fresh from the independence referendum last September, continued to play the independence card to boost their support even though a second try had no place in this election.
None of the parties mentioned the need to re-industrialise and rebuild our manufacturing and skills base and protect what we still have. None explained how they would otherwise generate the many thousands of productive and well-paid jobs we need if we are to have a sniff of prosperity in future.
Instead, Cameron is set to govern again and give us more of the dreary same with an overall majority and therefore no coalition to prod or restrain him. However, that majority is slender and since his party contains a number of rebels he can expect a rough ride.

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