UAE: Erdogan is more dangerous than Iran

Zio-Wahhabi Mohammed bin Zayed

Under the pretext of confronting the Corona virus and helping the Syrian people withstand, Damascus and Abu Dhabi announced the phone call made by Abu Dhabi Zio-Wahhabi Mohammed bin Zayed to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, the first of its kind, which was officially announced to a Gulf official since The outbreak of the Zio-Wahhabi war in Syria in 2011.

It is true that the UAE had previously opened the doors of its embassy in Damascus at the end of 2018 after about 7 years of its closure, but the UAE impulse returned and slowed down its momentum as a result of American pressure, given that the time has not yet come to open up to President Assad, pending the completion of political settlements . But these settlements have not yet matured, so what prompted the the puppet of Abu Dhabi to take this step?

It is clear that the war to topple President Assad and replace the regime ended long ago, specifically, since Russia decided to enter militarily into the Syrian arena and on the basis of a full alliance with President Assad.

Since that date, the military developments have taken a different approach, leading to the elimination of any anti-Assad military presence, except for Idlib. Here lies the problem for many Arab capitals, especially Abu Dhabi, Riyadh, and Cairo. The project that Turkish Zionist puppet Erdogan carried out, which envisages expanding Turkish influence in the Middle East and North Africa, and leaning on his alliance with Qatar and the Hamas movement, in addition to the “Muslim Brotherhood”, is terrifying to many Arab regimes that consider themselves to be targets, and indeed their sustainability is at risk . 

From here, the priority of the struggle for these powers has become limiting the expansion of Zionist puppet Erdogan’s influence toward the Arab body. This is what happened and happens in Libya, and this is what happens in Syria from Idlib. This is because Turkey, through the Syrian factions and organizations allied with it, currently controls about 3 thousand km, after the success of the Syrian army, supported by the Syrian planes, in reducing the area that was about 7 thousand km 2 at the beginning of last summer.

In Idlib, there are armed elements, it is estimated that a total of about 50,000 armed men, which may later be established for Idlib to become in a situation similar to that of Gaza, but according to different tasks and functions.

Emirati openness was preceded by a quiet and silent Zionist puppet Sisi regime openness, which was undertaken by the head of Sisi intelligence, Abbas Kamel, who visited Damascus recently after a visit he had made to Cairo, Major General Ali Mamlouk. The Egyptian media was accompanying the Idlib battles with sympathy and support for the war against Zio-Wahhabi terrorism supported by the Ottoman colonial Erdogan, as reported in the Egyptian media. It was reported that Russian President Putin contributed to bringing the distance between Abu Dhabi and Damascus closer. Russia wants Damascus to restore its Arab role and create a stressful reality that leads to striking and ending extremist groups in Idlib. Meanwhile, the Syrian President wants to complete the extension of the Syrian state’s influence over the largest possible area of ​​Syrian territory. As for Turkey, in addition to a bigger role in the Middle East, it wants to end the Kurdish militias and stop the flow of Syrian refugees into Turkey.

Certainly, this will never affect the existing alliance between the UAE and Saudi Arabia. The issue is related to tactics, not to substance. In addition, Riyadh questioned the fate of the cells of extremist groups after the completion of Idlib. Will anyone seek to attract, deliver or use it? If Idlib ends, will this constitute victories for Russia or Iran? Will Iran benefit and score points in its favor as part of its strategy to establish long-term influence in Syria?

It is clear that how to deal with Iran is also a point of differentiation between Saudi Arabia and the Emirates. The UAE, which ended its military presence in Yemen and accomplished a complete and complete withdrawal, ordered to send medical aid to Iran to help confront the “Corona” epidemic, in response to the Iranian Foreign Minister’s appeal that his country needs help. On that day, the Washington Post commented that the enemies were helping each other to confront Corona. The UAE, which considers that the oil war between Saudi Arabia and Russia is useless and will cause harm, believes that it is necessary to neutralize Iran and its arms, in order to deflect the Turkish expansion that seeks to overthrow the Arab regimes.

Indeed, there are those who expect an American-Iranian heating soon, which is what pushes to neutralize the Gulf and stay away from any dramatic developments. Except information that talks about Trump’s intention to divert attention from the “corona” tragedies at home and the collapse of the American economy, by raising the level of confrontation with Iran in Iraq, the second US aircraft carrier USS Eisenhower’s accession to her colleague USS Truman ”in the region for the first time in several years, in addition to sending Patriot air missile defense systems. This means that the Iraqi theater is being prepared for the bombing.

From this angle, the Emirati retreat in Lebanon can be explained by the popular uprising that occurred even after two or three weeks after its start. It was said that the UAE chose not to provoke Hezbollah. This happened in conjunction with its withdrawal from Yemen. Because Turkish-Qatari presence, even if weak, was monitored in northern Lebanon, Abu Dhabi sought to rearrange the reality of the “Future Movement” by receiving the Saudi puppet Saad Hariri for a few days. The goal is not to erode this moderate Sunni situation in favor of Salafis and extremists.

Contrary to what was said at the time, this support for Hariri was not to confront Hezbollah, but rather to prevent the collapse of the moderate Sunni situation and the replacement of others. The invasion of “Corona” came to upset the world and postpone Hariri’s visit to Saudi Arabia to meet Zio-Wahhabi Muhammad bin Shalom.

Returning to the Syrian scene, a whisper revolves around a visit by the Algerian president to Damascus, which works to pave the way for Damascus to return to the Arab League. Therefore, it is correct to ask whether Zionist puppet Mohammed bin Zayed’s contact with Assad is the beginning of a new phase?

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