U.S. sees Libya as ‘model’ for Syrian option

ed note–the intended end result of the whole ‘Arab Spring’ is the general stabilization of the region in preparation for a new war whereby Israel will push the Palestinians out of the West Bank and Gaza and expand her borders to include yet more of ‘Eretz Israel’ as she views it.
It is/was for this reason that this website viewed with a certain amount of frustration the amount of acceptance and enthusiasm on the part of many anti-war/anti-Zionist activists for this ‘arab spring’. We cautioned at the beginning of this entire debacle that it was a trap and that if we were not careful we would be assisting in the very thing that we are fighting against right now and WILL be fighting against in the future.
Well, not one to gloat, but nevertheless we can now see the fruits of the anti-war/anti-Zionist movement’s support for this ‘revolution’. Libya has been destroyed. Syria is well on its way to being destroyed, soon to be followed by other countries in the region.
Let us hope a valuable lesson was learned and that the next time the Zionists throw another trap in our path that we do not fall for it quite so easily.

WASHINGTON, April 19 (UPI) — The recent  experience in Libya is helping the United States formulate a response to the  crisis in Syria, the U.S. defense secretary said.

NATO enforced a no-fly zone over Libya last year after Moammar Gadhafi’s  forces attacked civilian demonstrators opposing his government. U.S. Defense  Secretary Leon  Panetta testified before the House Armed Services Committee that the  experience in Libya was shaping the U.S. approach to Syrian.

While acknowledging there were limitations  to the use of military force, the defense secretary said “all options” are on  the table in Syria.

“In Libya, there was widespread international support in the Arab world and  elsewhere, and clear Security Council authorization, for military intervention,”  he said in prepared remarks. “No such consensus currently exists regarding  Syria.”

He added that the Syrian opposition  wasn’t as organized as Libya’s. Outside military intervention, meanwhile, could  make the volatile situation worse, he said.

The United Nations and Damascus announced Thursday they reached an agreement  for a U.N. monitoring mission that would observe a shaky cease-fire brokered by  former U.S. Secretary-General Kofi Annan.

“An effective observer team on the ground is vital if the lives of ordinary  Syrian families is to slowly return to normal,” a statement issued through  Annan’s spokesman read. “The hard part lies ahead, a truly Syrian-led and -owned  political dialogue to address the legitimate concerns and aspirations of the  Syrian people.”

Panetta added that Washington was committed to supporting the opposition  through non-military means.

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