One of the ways for a U.S. politician to kill their political career is to upset Israel and the very powerful Israel lobby.
by Bob Johnson
This deep fear of the Israel lobby coupled with many U.S. poiticians believing the Bible is actually the word of God and should be followed and treated accordingly have motivated politicians to trip over themselves in their mad scramble to demonstrate their unquestioning blind support for the Jewish state of Israel. However, while acting in haste to curry favor with Israel and its lobby they have actually caused a potential problem for their bosses in Israel and Israel’s lobby.
In February both houses of the Florida legislature unanimously passed a resolution which the sycophants believed was a show of their undying support for Israel and for anything and everything Israel does. The resolution was based on a similar resolution passed unanimously by the South Carolina House of Representatives in June. The Florida resolution was even approved by the Zionist Organization of America. The ZOA modified the South Carolina resolution by removing some embarrassing Biblical references such as Leviticus 20:24 which puts these words in God’s mouth regarding the Hebrews/Israel, “But I have said unto you, Ye shall inherit their land, and I will give it unto you to possess it, a land that floweth with milk and honey: I am the LORD your God, which have separated you from other people.” In verse 23 the ancient Hebrews wrote that God told the Hebrews/Israelites that he “cast” the people out of the land he was giving to the Hebrews and that God “abhorred them.” The Republican National Committee officially adopted the South Carolina resolution with the Bible quotes intact! (I wouldn’t be surprised if the Democratic Party does the same or similar in the near future.)
What the politicians did which may cause problems for Israel is include language which calls for one state, not two. The problematic language reads, “BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the members of this body support Israel in their natural and God-given right of self-governance and self-defense upon their own lands, recognizing that Israel is neither an attacking force nor an occupier of the lands of others; and that peace can be afforded the region only through a united Israel governed under one law for all people.”
Israel does not want “one law for all people.” They believe they are “above all people that are upon the face of the earth” according to Deuteronomy 7:6 and many other places in their Bible.
The resolution which started all of this was originally written and promoted by Alan Clemmons. Clemmons is a Mormon who believes God really did make a land deal with the ancient Hebrews which became the Jewish state of Israel because the Bible tells him so. The Jewish Daily Forward reports that Clemmons said the resolution’s purpose is to “send a signal to Jews worldwide and to Israel that…we consider Judea and Samaria and East Jerusalem to be part of Israel, and what Israel decides to do with it is Israel’s business.” A huge problem with this is that Judea and Samaria are just other names for the Palestinian West Bank, and East Jerusalem is intended to be the Palestinian capital under the two state solution. So in effect, this resolution calls for all of the Palestinian lands to be taken from them by Israel. Can you see how this will cause much more violence and warfare?
Clemmons revealed inadvertently how belief in Biblical nonsense like God favoring the Hebrews over all other people on Earth and that due to this favoritism God gave real estate to the ancient Hebrews causes real violence, suffering and war in the 21st century when he said, “the Abrahamic covenant [is] the oldest recorded deed known to man.” If he would embrace and use his God-given reason he, nor anyone else, would ever believe this false claim.
The Zionist Organization of America intends to have other state legislatures pass this Israel first resolution after they correct the one state mistake.
It’s interesting that most Jews don’t want one state for both Jews and Palestinians because that would give the Palestinians a huge majority over the Jews. Judaism teaches the idea that the Jews have been chosen by God above all other people and nations. The father of the warmongering neoconservative movement, Leo Strauss, believed the nations fall into two categories: “a chosen nation and the nations that are not chosen.” In Judaism there is only one nation chosen by God, Israel, and all the other nations are simply not chosen and are to serve the chosen nation of Israel. If a nation refuses to support and serve Israel, that nation is to be destroyed (Isaiah 60:12).
The American founder and Deist, Thomas Paine, would have none of this Jewish superiority nonsense. In his important book on God and religion, The Age of Reason, The Complete Edition (for Kindle version click here), he wrote about the Bible story of a king of Israel by the name of Menahem who, according to II Kings 15:16, butchered everyone in the city of Tiphsah, even ripping the unborn babies from their mothers’ wombs. After mentioning this grotesque account of the Jewish war criminals, Paine wrote, “Could we permit ourselves to suppose that the Almighty would distinguish any nation of people by the name of His chosen people, we must suppose that people to have been an example to all the rest of the world of the purest piety and humanity, and not such a nation of ruffians and cut-throats as the ancient Jews were; a people who, corrupted by and copying after such monsters and imposters as Moses and Aaron, Joshua, Samuel and David, had distinguished themselves above all others on the face of the known earth for barbarity and wickedness.
“If we will not stubbornly shut our eyes and steel our hearts, it is impossible not to see, in spite of all that long-established superstition imposes upon the mind, that the flattering appellation of His chosen people is no other than a lie which the priests and leaders of the Jews had invented to cover the baseness of their own characters, and which Christian priests, sometimes as corrupt and often as cruel, have professed to believe.”