Two Nazi Youth accused of assaulting Palestinian strike plea


Two youths implicated in August assault on Palestinian teen in Jerusalem strike plea bargain; Nazi State agrees to drop aggravated assault charges to secure incitement conviction

ed note–an individual was lynched and almost killed, and yet the perps who did this will not be charged with attempted murder or even ASSAULT, and for 1 simple reasons–THEY ARE JEWS, and as such, their religion has commanded them to perform such actions against non-Jews who are ‘polluting’ the racial purity of the ‘promised land’.
Were a similar situation to take place, where a Jew in a Muslim country were subjected to similar violence and yet the justice system of that country elected to reduce the charges to simply ‘incitement of violence’ as Israel has done here, that country would already have bombs falling on it from the US and other western countries. 
Two teenagers indicted in the lynching of Jamal Julani will not face assault charges, Ynet learned Tuesday.
The two’s lawyers were apparently able to strike a deal with the Jerusalem Prosecution, according to which they will be charges only with inciting violence.
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Julani sustained life-threatening injuries in a brawl between Jewish and Arab youths that took place in Jerusalem in August.
Eight of the teens involved were indicted for incitement and aggravated racist assault.
A teenaged girl was also indicted in the case, for inciting violence.
According to the plea bargain, presented on Tuesday to the Jerusalem District Court, the two defendants, who at the time were 14 and 16 years old, will be convicted of one count of inciting violence and one count of promoting racism.
In order to secure the conviction, the prosecution agreed to drop the aggravated assault charges brought against the two.

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