Twin Edinburgh with Gaza City through Gig for Gaza

Gig for Gaza

Press release by Labour Against Zionist Islamophobic Racism

On behalf of Labour Against Zionist Islamophobic Racism (LAZIR), the chair is petitioning Edinburgh Council to twin with Gaza City. This is a formal process and as soon as 200 Edinburgh residents have signed, the council must discuss the proposal. Dundee is twinned with Nablus, and Glasgow with Bethlehem. It is only appropriate that Edinburgh twins with a city of Palestine. Since Arthur Balfour was key to creating modern Israel, and he hailed from nearby East Lothian, Edinburgh is an appropriate choice for beginning to address historical wrongs to the Palestinians. Details of the petition can be found here. At the time of writing, 150 people had signed it.
To help spread awareness of the petition we are holding a charity event in Princes St Gardens – a Gig for Gaza. Citizens who seek to support the twinning idea can either sign online or on paper, so we hope to collect many signatures at the Princes St Gardens event, which takes place on 12 July. More details are available here.
The Gig for Gaza is brought to you through four volunteers from Edinburgh and Glasgow and is backed by LAZIR (Labour Against Zionist Islamophobic Racism).
To find out more about LAZIR, click here. To join LAZIR, click here – we are now allowing people who are not in Labour to become associate members.
If you want to come show support, please come to Edinburgh that weekend and join us. It is a free event, but we’ll be collecting for Medical Aid for Palestiniansand Hear for Gaza, charity for deaf children. A large crowd is expected – 10,000 flyers are being distributed, one for every citizen who cares for Gaza, and there are many such in Scotland, which has long supported the Palestinian people.
The line-up will include:

  • Ayman Jarjour, a Syrian guitarist
  • Violet Leighton, performing  Woody Guthrie songs
  • Edinburgh five-piece combo Stoned Holy Rollers
  • Leith three-piece the Tango Rhums
  • The Celtic King does Elvis

The award-winning film “Three Minute Warning” from Iqbal Mohammed of Dynamiq Films in Huddersfield – about “roof-knocking”, what Israeli bombs mean to a Gaza family.
Compered by Fran Whitton (aka Frankie Gallacher of Stand comedy club fame).
Featuring new work for auction by established Scottish painters.
Residents of Gaza are signing their own petition calling upon Edinburgh to twin with them.

Please come to Edinburgh for Gig for Gaza on 12 July, or let others know by sending them the link at

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