Traitors in US Congress setting the pace again

Ileana Ros LehtinenBy Alan Hart
Those who want to see and hear how the traitors in the US Congress read from the Zionist lobby’s script should click here.
The performer in action, addressing the House of Representatives’ Foreign Affairs subcommittee of which she is chairwoman, is Cuban-born, Republican congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen. She has represented Florida’s 27th congressional district since 1989 and is the most senior Republican woman in the House.
Before I go further I’ll ask myself a question. Is it really fair to label those members of Congress who do the Zionist lobby’s bidding as traitors?


The answer depends on whether it is or is not in America’s own best interests to go on supporting unconditionally an Israel that defies international law and UN Security Council resolutions, steals more and more Arab land and water as it continues its colonization and ethnic cleansing by stealth of the occupied West Bank, and has no interest in peace on terms the Palestinians could accept. (It is also an Israel that has attacked and killed Americans. As I note in “The Liberty Affair – ‘Pure Murder’ on a ‘Great Day’”, Chapter 2 of Volume Three of my book Zionism: The Real Enemy of the Jews, the lesson of Israel’s cold-blooded attack on the USS Liberty on 8 June 1967 was that there is nothing the Zionist state might not do, to its friends as well as it enemies, in order to get its own way.)

Even if you do truly believe that America’s own interests are best served by supporting Israel right or wrong, your ignorance makes you a traitor in effect, by default one might say.

Those who have some real understanding of (1) how the conflict in and over Palestine that became Israel was created and what is sustaining it; and (2) how US foreign policy – not only its refusal to call and hold Zionism to account for its crimes – is fuelling anti-Americanism throughout the Muslim world and beyond, are in no doubt that support for Israel right or wrong is not in America’s own best interests. (Among those who know this to be the case are, behind closed doors, more than a few in the top levels of the Obama administration, including the military and intelligence establishments. What about the president himself? He also knows but seems unwilling to challenge the Zionist lobby’s controlling grip on policy for Israel-Palestine in Congress.)
So yes, I think it is fair to label those in Congress who do Zionism’s bidding as traitors. It might be that some of them truly believe it is in America’s own best interests to support Israel right or wrong, That would enable them to say, “Don’t be absurd. We are not traitors.”
My response to them would be something like: “Even if you do truly believe that America’s own interests are best served by supporting Israel right or wrong, your ignorance makes you a traitor in effect, by default one might say. If you were charged with treachery, your ignorance would be a good point in mitigation but perhaps not enough to save you from a guilty verdict.”
Representative Ros-Lehtinen describes herself as “a strong supporter of Israel” and believes that the US relationship with Israel (she obviously means the relationship based on American support for Israel right or wrong) is “critical to the national security interests of both nations”.
I’d like her to tell me how actually Israel’s policies and actions are serving America’s national security interests. If she was to say to me that Israel is firmly with America in “the war against global terrorism”, I’d respond with the following.
The single most effective contribution America could make to the winning of that war would be using its leverage to cause Israel to end its occupation of the West Bank and its siege (occupation by remote control) of the Gaza Strip.

American support for Israel’s arrogance of power is one of the prime causes of Arab and other Muslim hurt, humiliation, anger and despair that gives violent Islamic fundamentalism in all of its various manifestations the freedom it needs to operate.

If she was then to ask me how I could possibly justify such a statement, I’d say this.
American support for Israel’s arrogance of power is one of the prime causes of Arab and other Muslim hurt, humiliation, anger and despair that gives violent Islamic fundamentalism in all of its various manifestations the freedom it needs to operate. Taking away this prime cause would encourage Arab and other Muslim communities everywhere to play their necessary part in containing and then defeating violent Islamic fundamentalism. The fact is that the vast majority of Arabs and other Muslims everywhere do not want to be enemies of America; but in growing numbers they do see America as their enemy because of its foreign policies.

Prime stooge 

Ros-Lehtinen’s record of doing the Zionist lobby’s bidding (no doubt to guarantee her hold on Florida’s 27th congressional district) is very impressive. It includes:

  • Opposing US support for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian refugees in the Near East.
  • Demanding the Obama administration halt its “condemnations” of Israel, “an indispensable ally and friend of the United States”.
  • Introducing a bill to cut off US funding to any UN organization that recognized Palestinian statehood.

But her latest presentation to the House of Representatives’ Foreign Affairs subcommittee took Zionist lobby “bs” – a Carterism for bullshit – to new heights.
Her main purpose was to urge Congress to assume its “oversight responsibility” and press the Obama administration to do whatever is necessary to prevent a Fatah-Hamas reconciliation and Palestinian unity.
Her lead assertion was this: “The destructive action by the Palestine Authority at the UN and negotiating with Hamas is undermining the peace process with Israel.”
Her willingness to read from Zionism’s script and do that lobby’s bidding prevents her from understanding that because of Israel’s policies and actions there is no peace process to be undermined.
Given that a peace process would need Palestinian unity if it was to have a real chance of leading to a solution that served and best protected the interests of all, including those of the US, Ros-Lehtinen’s assertion seemed to me to be much more than Zionist “bs”.
It amounts to treason.
In his first State of the Union Speech of his second term, President Barack Obama said: “Tonight, thanks to the grit and determination of the American people, there is much progress to report.”
What he did not say and could not have said, even if he wanted to say it, is thanks to the ignorance of so many of his fellow Americans, he had been unable to challenge and loosen the Zionist lobby’s controlling grip on policy for Israel-Palestine in Congress, and that’s why his effort to get a real peace process going had made no progress.
It will be interesting to see what happens when Obama visits Israel-Palestine in March. Will he kiss Zionism’s backside or, if he feels Binyamin Netanyahu is not as strong as he was on his home front, will he gently kick it?


As I was writing this piece I got an alert message from my crystal ball. It reminded me about the growing significance of the Latino vote in American elections and then said I should not be surprised if the next race for the White House is between Hillary Clinton for the Democrats and Ileana Ros-Lehtinen for the Republicans. (That would enable Jewish- American multi-millionaire and even billionaire campaign funders to make maximum use of a corrupt system to do some very hard bargaining.)

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