Top Ten Reasons “Anti-Semite” Is a Compliment

 bY: Kevin Barrett, Senior Editor


$ 280 BILLION US TAXPAYER DOLLARS INVESTED since 1948 in US/Israeli Ethnic Cleansing and Occupation Operation; $ 150B direct “aid” and $ 130B in “Offense” contracts
Source: Embassy of Israel, Washington, D.C. and US Department of State.

From Kevin Barrett’s Substack

10) Though it originally meant “racism against (Jewish) Semites,” the term anti-Semitism has evolved over time. Today it refers to critics of certain Jewish ideologies and behaviors, many of which richly deserve criticism.

9) Anyone who deplores the genocidal massacre of more than 30,000 Gaza civilians, most of them women and children, will be called an anti-Semite. Ergo, the term anti-Semite refers to people who don’t like genocidal massacres of women and children.

8) Anyone who discusses Israel’s power in the United States, as Walt and Mearsheimer and James Petras and Alison Weir have, will be called an anti-Semite. Ergo, the term anti-Semiterefers to people with the courage to discuss important but taboo issues.

7) People who investigate the ADL’s power in American society will be called anti-Semites. Ergo, the term anti-Semite refers to people curious about the history of America’s most powerful pro-censorship organization.

6) People who mention massive Jewish overrepresentation in Hollywoodthe mediafinancepoliticspornographyorganized crimefalse flag eventswars of aggression based on lies, and other dubious areas of human endeavor are called anti-Semites. Ergo, the term anti-Semite refers to people sentient enough to notice the all-too-obvious, and brave enough to say what they see.

5) People who figure out that elite Jews have rigged Ivy League admissions to make themselves a permanent hereditary ruling caste in America will definitely be called anti-Semites. Ergo, the term anti-Semite refers to “competent sociologists interested in American power structures.” There seems to be only one such competent sociologist in America, Ron Unz.

4) People who notice certain problematic aspects of Talmudic religion, and/or prefer a universal God to the ethnocentric tribal deity “Yahweh,” will be called anti-Semites. Ergo, the term anti-Semite refers to people whose views of religious matters are relatively sane.

3) People who dare to mention that Jews, not Germans, were by far the biggest mass murderers of the 20th century will undoubtedly be called anti-Semitic. Ergo, being called anti-Semitic means that you know your history.

2) Anyone who thinks it’s crazy to lock up historians for disagreeing with other historians will be called an anti-Semite. So if you’re sane, you’re anti-Semitic.

1) If you point out that the whole notion of anti-Semitism is, or has become, a gigantic hoax, you will be reviled as the worst sort of anti-Semite. Ergo, anti-Semitic means “capable of noticing and calling out the rankest, most obvious bullshit.”

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