Top 10 lies/PSYOPS that you need to recognize!

Editor’s Note: This blog post is intended primarily for family members, friends, and others unfamiliar with the whole “New World Order” conspiracy. It is meant to serve as a guide for those trying to figure out this mess we find ourselves and our world in, and to set the record straight on some important issues. After looking into this “New World Order” conspiracy stuff for 3+ years now, these are the most important lies, in my opinion, that need to be recognized by all people who care about truth, justice, freedom, and dignity – you know, what the United States of America is supposed to represent. Here we go…

I’m certainly not a fan of major Zionist shill Alex Jones, but the slogan of his website is 100% spot on: “There is a war on for your mind.”

There is indeed a war on for your mind, taking place on a daily basis, playing out in schools and universities, popular culture, movies, the media, and all other aspects of society. The American public (really, the world public) is subjected to a constant barrage of propaganda meant to serve a particular agenda. This type of warfare is especially insidious, as an unsuspecting and gullible public often fails to critically think about the seemingly innocuous information they are constantly consuming from their teachers or professors, television, radio station, movies, newspapers and other forms of mass media and “entertainment”. Aptly called psychological warfare, or PSYOPS, this form of warfare’s only defense is critical and logical thinking, historical revisionism, and vigilance. You know, the types of skills that are (by design) sorely lacking in our country (and the West for that matter) today… at least on a wide scale.

So with this in mind, I have created a list of the Top 10 Biggest Lies/PYOPS that we all need to recognize in order to understand what is really going on in our world today, and why. And before you immediately dismiss this stuff as “conspiracy theory” nonsense, please understand that the basic definition of a conspiracy is two or more individuals secretly working together for an illicit end. Conspiracies happen all the time, especially when the government is involved. Don’t be afraid to use that brain of yours to figure out what’s really going on!

Please let me know if you have any questions, suggestions or criticisms of this list in the comments section. And remember: the truth shall set us free!

1.  Osama bin Laden and his network of Islamic extremists carried out the 9/11 terrorist attacks, and are engaged in a Global Jihad against the West with an end goal of destroying Western civilization and implementing a global Islamic Caliphate.

The official government conspiracy theory explaining the events of 9/11 posits that a group of 19 fanatic Islamic terrorists hijacked four separate commercial airliners on the morning of September 11, 2001, crashing two into the World Trade Center Towers in New York City and one into the Pentagon. A fourth hijacked airliner was overtaken by heroic passengers, and crashed into a field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania as a result. This story is simply a fantasy folks.

Countless scholarsacademicsjournalists, independent researchers, scientists, veteransarchitects and engineers, and other concerned Americans have thoroughly established that the official myth put forth by the government and media is completely fraudulent. Anyone with even the slightest bit of intellectual integrity can spend five minutes looking into this subject and immediately discover it’s a major fraud.

All indications point to 9/11 being a staged false flag/PSYOP carried out by an international network of criminals both in and out of government. This criminal network is almost exclusively Jewish, and has deep ties to the rogue terrorist state of Israel. The entire Global War on Terror is a scam meant to further the Zionist agenda in the Middle East, while completely destroying the Constitution and other basic principals of Western jurisprudence in the United States and other Western countries. There is simply no other way around this folks, and it’s time to confront this issue head on.

Since 9/11, we’ve seen our country illegally invade Afghanistan and Iraq, thoroughly destroying those two nations, murdering millions of people in the process.  Countless other offensive military operations have been launched based the Global War on Terror paradigm, in which Islamic terrorists are determined to attack America and it’s allies both at home and around the world.  The United States Constitution has been totally subverted, and an array of illegal, tyrannical policies have been formally institutionalized by the United States government, including torture, drone attacks, extrajudicial assassinations, and other outrageous policies normally considered war crimes.  All of these criminal policies and actions have been based on an absurd, laughable lie: that 9/11 was the work of Islamic extremists.  Nothing could be further from the truth folks, and it is past time we recognized this basic fact openly and unashamedly.

2.  Hijacked airliners crashed into the North and South World Trade Center towers on 9/11, causing WTC 1, 2, and 7 to collapse to dust. 

It turns out there is no evidence – ZERO – that any Muslims hijacked any airliners at any point in time on 9/11. In fact, the entire official conspiracy theory endlessly promoted and reinforced by the government and media has been thoroughly debunked, as indicated above. The phone calls made from the alleged hijacked airliners were all phony. There are countless issues relating to the planes allegedly hijacked on 9/11, and their passengers, not to mention the long list of other falsehoods put forth by the government and media, that I simply cannot go over all the information in this post.  I really encourage you to check out some of the links I’ve provided to truly understand how colossal of a fraud this event was. The entire episode was a staged psychological operation folks, using video fakeryplanted witnesses, and a scripted narrative which was put forth immediately after the event to program a traumatized public into accepting Endless War against a made up enemy and a complete and open subversion of the United States Constitution.

No hijacked commercial airliners crashed into the WTC towers in New York City, at the Pentagon in Washington, DC, or inShanksville, Pennsylvania. All of these alleged “crash sites” appear to be fabrications.  Besides, a plane crash and the resulting fire do not cause buildings to pulverize to dust. Some extremely advanced weaponry was used to destroy the WTC buildings, I think that is clear.

3.  Hilter was an evil maniac hell bent on world domination who ruthlessly murdered six million Jews in Nazi extermination camps during the course of WWII.

After careful review, the entire history of WWI and WWII taught in Western schools and promoted by establishment historians, academics, and journalists seems to be carefully crafted propaganda serving a particular supremacist global agenda. Far from being an evil, bloodthirsty monster, Adolf Hilter was a proud, patriotic German nationalist who sought to free his nation from the grips of international Jewry and their destructive agenda of economic domination, media monopoly, and social control. Or maybe he was a puppet of the Jewish bankers that fomented both WWI and WWII, as many people whoseopinion I respect and value have put forthI used to buy thisHitler was a Zionist Stooge narrative, but have since changed my mind, mainly because of things like thisthisthis, and this to name only a few examples.

But the fact remains that the standard history of WWII is completely fraudulent, especially the Jewish Holocaust myth and the extreme, irrational demonization of Adolf Hitler. During WWII, the Jewish controlled Allies (the United States, United Kingdom, and Soviet Union primarily) were used to destroy the threat National Socialist Germany posed to international Jewry’s parasitic usurious banking scheme that has been imposed on much of the world for centuries now. The Six Million Jews Killed in a Holocaust official narrative is a particularly pernicious PYSOP on the global public, meant to justify the creation of Israel and limit any and all criticism of Jewish power, crime, and subterfuge. There were real Holocausts in WWII, but they were perpetrated by the Jews (through their control of Allied governments) on non-Jews, which I recently wrote about here. In fact, the Six Million myth is more about occult Jewish prophecy rather than the facts of WWII.

Bottom line: the official government approved and Hollywood reinforced narrative about Hitler, WWII, and the alleged Jewish Holocaust is complete bunk, and should be rejected by any clear thinking, rational individual.

4.  Jews are a powerless, persecuted minority who are constantly used as scapegoats by racist anti-Semites that irrationally hate all Jews.

Oh boy, the Jews really, really want you, and need you, to believe this one. The official Holocaust mythology has been used to reinforce this lie to a “T”, rendering any form of criticism leveled against Israel, Jews, and Jewish criminals instantly “anti-Semitic” and “hateful”. The “You’re an anti-Semite!” canard is used by Jews to shield their crimes, and Jews have even admitted this.

The Jews are not a powerless, persecuted minority, especially in the United States. The Jews are the most organized, powerful segment of the U.S. population, and have effective control over the government, media, banking system, educational system, Hollywood and many other aspects of society. They run the show here, folks, and they often brag about it.  Just consider what Joel Stein, a Jewish pundit who wrote for the Los Angeles Times, said in the conclusion of his 2008 Op-Ed,How Jewish is Hollywood?:

But I don’t care if Americans think we’re running the news media, Hollywood, Wall Street or the government. I just care that we get to keep running them.

In fact, I’ve come to learn that the whole “New World Order” conspiracy is actually a Jew World Order conspiracy, in which supremacist Jews actually seek to control all major levers of power throughout the entire world. And they basically do. There is a lot of misdirection, misinformation, gatekeeping, and outright disinformation (Alex Jones!) in the so-called Truth Movement that would have you believe the “New World Order” is all about the Vatican or the Jesuits, the Masons, the Illuminati, the Globalists, the international corporations, or whatever else is popular these days. They will tell you the New World Order is about anything but the Jews.

But just open your eyes, look around, and tell me what you see?

Do you see our president bowing down and worshipping Jesuits or the Vatican? No, you see him bowing down and worshipping the Jews and Israel.

Do you see our country ruthlessly destroying Muslim countries around the world on behalf of the Masons? No, you see our country fighting all these wars for the Jews and Israel.

Is the media owned and controlled merely by “corporations”? No, the media and Hollywood is owned and controlled by Jews folks. Jews with a specific agenda they are promoting and have promoted for years now.

Is our government run by the Illuminati?  Or is it run by Jews?  Which lobby is the most organized, well funded, and ruthless in their zeal to control all of our politicians?  Is it the Vatican lobby or the Jewish lobby?  Just open your eyes and take a look at all the Jews you see in positions of power, whether it is in the media, government, finance, or whatever.  It is all about the Jews folks, it’s as simple as that.

Think about it: why are you so afraid to say the word “Jew” out loud? Why is anyone of any stature immediately ruined, financially or otherwise, when they speak out against or expose Jewish power or crime? Why are Jews the one group of people we cannot openly, honestly, and frankly talk about or criticize?

You can talk all day about Jesuits, Masons, the Illuminati, the Nazis, or any other kosher approved “conspiracy theory”, but don’t you dare talk about the obvious criminals behind this “New World Order” conspiracy: the Jews.

5.  Israel is the only legitimate democracy in the Middle East, and is the greatest ally of the United States.

Nothing could be further from the truth folks. Israel is an illegitimate, rogue nation-state founded on lies, terrorism, murder, genocide and ethnic cleansing. It is a supremacist Jewish state that seeks to completely eliminate and destroy the native Christian and Muslim Palestinian inhabitants whose land they illegally confiscated.

Although we are constantly told how great of an ally Israel is to the United States, the facts simply do not support this contention.  Israel has repeatedly engaged in espionage operations against the United States, stealing nuclear technologies, military secrets and weapons systems, often times selling this stolen information or technology to third parties.  Israel has attacked the United States on multiple occasions, including the USS Liberty in 1967 and on 9/11.  I could go on and on here guys, but I think you get the point.  If you follow my blog, you will see that I point out examples of Israeli (and Jewish) crimes all the time.
I have said on numerous occasions that the only country the United States has a legitimate reason to be at war with is Israel.  If we were living in a just world, the criminal, illegitimate state of Israel would never have even existed in the first place.  Israel’s repeated and ruthless attacks against Palestinians and other Middle Eastern nations, international visitors, and other supporters of the Palestinian people – the true owners of the land now called Israel – are an outrage and must not be tolerated.  The barbaric, genocidal regime now occupying Palestine must be eliminated.  It is time the world declare war on Israel for all the crimes she and her criminal network of supporters and agents have committed over the past 60+ years.

6.  There is no such thing as organized international pedophile networks that cater to the global power elite, who engage in ritualistic child abuse, sexual debauchery, mind control operations, and Satanic practices. 

“Come on now John, this is too far out there,” you’ll say. “Don’t you know about False Memory Syndrome? These ridiculous claims about elite pedophilia and sexual depravity, sex slaves, CIA mind control operations, and Satanic rituals are nothing but ‘A carefully crafted hoax,’ as one newspaper described these allegations. This stuff is simply ludicrous!”

Well, it turns out there are multiple instances of this sort of sickness occurring in many different parts of the world involving some of the top people in government, media, and other high profile positions in society. Notorious cases include the Franklin Scandal that took place in Omaha, Nebraska, the Dutroux Affair in Europe, and theMcMartin Preschool case, to name only a few.

The excellent blogger aangirfan covers this issue quite extensively, as has Dave McGowan and John DeCamp in their must read books on this disgusting subject.

The global power elite are sick bastards people. The Jewish-led and financed criminal network that is behind the “New World Order” is Satanic at its core, and engages in unspeakable crimes against children and other trafficked individuals. Sorry to wreck your day, but this stuff is true, and has been going on for a looooong time now. It needs to be exposed and the perverts need to be executed. Period.

7.  We went to the moon! 

Sorry folks, it just didn’t happen. Another Hollywood-style PSYOPon the American public, meant largely to boost the image of the United States at the height of the fraudulent Cold War. See herehere and here for more on this epic fraud.

8.  President John F. Kennedy was killed by a lone gunman named Lee Harvey Oswald.

Hahaha, no one really believes this anymore, do they? There has been so much extensive research done on this subject, you would have to be a fool to still believe the Lone Gunman theory. In all likelihood, Israel, through her Mossad and Jewish crime network, was the prime conspirator in the JFK assassination, in addition to elements of the CIA, FBI, Secret Service, organized crime, and local Dallas police officials.

9.  There are fundamental differences between the Democratic and Republican political parties in the United States, the greatest nation on earth.  

The only fundamental differences between these two completely bankrupt, laughable political parties are their public relations ploys and who they target their propaganda towards. Ask yourself: who funds these political parties? Whose agenda do these parties serve? What issues are they in lock step agreement on (war, Israel, Wall St.!)?

We have to recognize these phony, traitorous political parties for what they are folks. They are controlled opposition owned by the bankers, war mongers, and Israel-firsters. The sooner we all recognize this fact, the sooner we can move forward in our efforts to arrest the crooks and restore our Constitutional Republic.

As for the United States being the greatest nation on earth, a nation of liberty and justice for all… I hope you understand after reading this far how ridiculous this notion is at this point.

10.  Global warming and man-induced climate change is the greatest threat to our environment and future on this planet.

I don’t think many people buy this lie anymore, what with all those scientists being caught red handed manipulating their data to support their fraudulent Man-Made Global Warming scam.  This is a subject that I honestly haven’t researched in great depth, but needless to say, it is a major lie being pushed by the global power elite, and is in fact a central pillar of their “New World Order”.  I would recommend checking out Dr. Eric Karlstrom’s website, for more information on this subject. He can explain this fraud much better than I ever could.

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