This time Ezra Nawi needs our help!
A few weeks ago, human rights activist, Ezra Nawi, was released from jail after serving a month’s sentence following his attempt to prevent a bulldozer from destroying Palestinian homes in the South Hebron Hills. His imprisonment constitutes a relatively small milestone in his dedicated activism, which has continued non-stop for the past decade.
For the past ten years, Ezra has travelled to the South Hebron Hills a few times each week and has worked tirelessly against settler violence and the oppression of the Civil Administration in an attempt to preserve the basic rights of the local Palestinian residents.
People who have had the chance to met Ezra know that he is a righteous man.
A few years ago, Ezra’s car was stolen and we managed to raise enough money for him to replace it. Today, his Mitsubishi pickup truck is falling apart, and he desperately needs to replace this car. Ezra cannot afford to buy a car, so a group of friends has decided to
collect donations so that Ezra can buy a newer model, which will, in
turn, enable him to continue his important work in the West Bank. We want to raise 50,000 shekels. This is the moment to give.
Please send checks to Ta’ayush, c/o Yehuda Agus,