Posted by: Sammi Ibrahem,Sr
Only in Gaza can the world look the other way while a neighbor systematically murders unarmed persons almost daily. Jewish power over the press hides acts like this one from all but a few of us, while US presidents, one after another, look the other way. Worse yet, our current one, and those who support him blame the killings on the unarmed victims.
But lately, those of us who stand with the victims have a new ally we could not count on 17 years ago, when this writer visited Gaza, saw and filmed Nazi murder raid from my rooftop in Gaza city. The United Nations is no longer remaining silent, nor is the London based Guardian who brings us this tragic story.
Peace must start where war is being ignored, in our American churches. We will continue to expose the silent complicity of our church leaders, as we have done since I watch Gazans being murdered by Nazi flying US Apaches, firing Hellfire Missiles on unarmed people. [Ed.-CEC]