The U.S. Relationship to Jihadists and al-Qaeda Across the World


By Global Research News
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What Has Become of the “400 000 Moderate Rebels in the Ghouta”?
By Voltaire Network, March 27, 2018
The jihadists had been trained and received instructions from regular soldiers from Britain and France. These were not arrested; they were evacuated separately in a “humanitarian” convoy organized for them by the UN.

Is Trump Trying to Fire Mueller or Preemptively Discredit His Findings?
By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, March 27, 2018
Over the past week, nearly a year after he tried to have Robert Muellerfired, Donald Trump went on a tweeting rampage against the special counsel. Trump’s escalating Twitter attacks may be a harbinger of Mueller’s impending dismissal — or the president could be trying to preemptively discredit and delegitimize Mueller’s eventual findings against him.

Neocons Are Back with a Big War Budget and Big War Plans
By Rep. Ron Paul, March 27, 2018
On Friday, President Trump signed the omnibus spending bill for 2018. The $1.3 trillion bill was so monstrous that it would have made the biggest spender in the Obama Administration blush.

Is Albania a Partner of the US In Supporting International Terrorism?
By Olsi Jazexhi, March 27, 2018
On March 22, 2018 the former Mayor of New York and adviser to President Trump, Rudy Giuliani was in Tirana. He was invited to Albania’s capital by Maryam Rajavi, the head of the Mojahedin-e Khalq (MEK) organization, to celebrate the Iranian festival of Nowruz with the Iranian jihadist organization which Albania has hosted since 2013.

The U.S. Relationship to Jihadists and al-Qaeda Across the World
By Brandon Turbeville, March 27, 2018
Even when many Americans can clearly see that the United States is funding extremists in order to destroy Assad, it is difficult for them to grasp that the most frightening enemy of all, ISIS itself, is also being directed by Western intelligence, the GCC, and Israel.

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