How many times is the Daily Mail going to
try to titillate us with so-and-so’s “bikini figure?”
How many times is Jay Leno going to mention sex
in his monologue?
by Henry Makow Ph.D.
So long as the love, even the smallest, of man toward woman is not destroyed, so long is his mind in bondage as the calf that drinks milk is to his mother.” –Buddha
There is no “matrix” more onerous than the one that enslaves us to our reproductive instincts and make sexual intercourse the purpose of life.
The Illuminati (Satanic) mass media has addicted us to sex by portraying sexual dissipation as “sexual liberation.” This mental deviance is a form of satanic possession.
How many times is the Daily Mail going to try to titillate us with so-and-so’s “bikini figure?” How many times is Jay Leno going to mention sex in his monologue?
Is it humanity’s destiny to be a broken record droning on for eternity?? Is this what we were created for?
I am a champion of healthy heterosexuality: sex within the context of love, courtship, marriage and family.
But heterosexuality has been degraded to the level of pornography.
A woman on Salon Personals advertises: “Q: Why should you get to know me? A: My mind is as dirty as subway platform.”
That’s Satanism, where ugly becomes beautiful and viceversa.
A 22-year-old Swedish man writes: “Most of my friends see women as the holy grail. Pretty much their whole existence is based around “getting laid”. Its like we are devolving into animals. Maybe that is their goal. And if you’re not getting women, you are a loser…”
The media gives young men a hugely exaggerated view of the benefits a woman offers.This becomes an obstacle as he puts them on a pedestal and immediately loses their respect. These days women are too confused to know anything. The young man has to make the decisions but the women won’t let him. Heterosexuality has been subverted and natural development arrested.
When are men (and women) going to admit that we have been hypnotized?
Anonymous sex is degrading. not pleasurable. Promiscuous women are not attractive. Feminine beauty is a function of purity and innocence
How often are women going to undress until men no longer care? They have seen it so many times. How often can women unwrap the same old gift?
Sex divorced from love is an empty, dehumanizing experience. Breasts become weapons of war, not love.They don’t carry the milk of life. They are filled with silicon. Death.
Society’s idealization of the fertile female is not normal. It is sycophantic, primitive and pagan — Cabalist Magick, i.e. brainwashing.
Ladies, show us something we haven’t seen in some time, qualities that make a woman a good wife and mother, ones that differentiate you from other women.
These include an ability to love a man, and children. Qualities of personality, charm, modesty, humor, taste, style, character, intelligence, homemaking skills.
In many cultures, breasts aren’t sexual at all. For example, women in Mali go around with bare breasts. They’re always feeding their babies.
When they were told that Western men are fascinated with breasts, they burst out laughing. They laughed so hard, they fell on the floor. They said, “You mean, men act like babies?” (Carolyn Latteier, Breasts, The Women’s Perspective on an American Obsession”)
There is something decadent and senile about a society obsessed with titties.
(Titties come in all sizes. Note the shark’s fin in the background.)
Why is this happening? Why are we stunted at the level of adolescents?
The Protocols of the Elders of Zion (15-20) holds the answer:
20.” Our government will have the appearance of a paternal patriarchal guardianship on the part of our ruled.
They will then be so thoroughly imbued with the thought that it is impossible for them to dispense with this wardship and guidance…They will be rejoiced that we have regulated everything in their lives as is done by wise parents who desire to train children in the cause of duty and submission. For the peoples of the world … are … only children under age, precisely as are also their governments.”
Individually and collectively, human development is being arrested at the adolescent stage.
Our Illuminati masters have a vision for humanity that excludes our higher development. We are their cattle.